Chapter 373

Chapter 374 Sudden Retreat

After Lin Shu absorbed a large amount of dark law power, he just supported the floor with his hands and was about to get up, but at the moment when he exerted his strength, an accident happened.

The energy that runs stably in Lin Shu’s body suddenly becomes disordered. Lin Shu feels a sweetness in his mouth and vomits blood out.

“What’s going on?” Lin Shu said weakly, feeling that he was very strange, and no one had conspired against him or something, but only absorbed a part of the power of the law of darkness. Generally, it is no longer under his control.

Lin Shu hurriedly looked into his body. After some observations, he finally understood the reason why this happened suddenly.

Just like what the dead old man said, strong power is often not so easy to handle. Although Lin eliminated the influence brought by the power of the law of darkness and the negative effects of the human spiritual world, after a large amount of power of the law of darkness entered his body, it still produced unpredictable changes.

The power of the law of darkness in the body has surpassed the power of light that he has, and the huge gap in quantity makes it impossible for even Lin Shu who has a system to balance the chaos of these two opposing energies.

Once the two total energies are no longer in balance, then they will fight each other, and the main battlefield of the fight is in Lin Shu’s body. Lin Shu’s physical injuries are getting worse all the time.

Lin Shu, helpless, had to call his father Gu Yi and his wife Gu Nazha immediately, and explained to them in a hurry, because there was something wrong with the practice, and now he must be in seclusion for a period of time, and then rushed to him non-stop. ‘S retreat,

“Bang!” The door to the closed room was closed fiercely, and Lin then entered the closed door that had to be carried out in order to regulate his physical problems.

Time passed, and a year passed in a hurry outside the closed room.


The door of the closed room was hammered out by a huge mechanical fist, and the sunlight from the outside spilled into the room, reflecting the figure of Lin Shu who was slowly walking out.

Lin Shu used his right hand to close the field he was expanding, and the huge mechanical palm floating beside him also slowly disappeared.

During this one-year retreat, Lin Shu not only solved the problem of the balance between the dark power and the light power in his body, but also integrated all his own abilities to make his actual implementation and deployment strength to a higher level.

Of course, the most important thing is that Lin Shu’s plan to open a Gundam fight and his future prospects have made substantial progress. Now he has been able to use the field to condense a Gundam arm.

The important thing is said three times.

“This is not just a small step forward in my 167 plan for the formation of the field, but also a big step forward in the diversification of the world’s field in the future.”

Lin Shu is complacent and complacent. Without him, he is so happy. My own vision has been substantively successful. Although Lin Shu’s ability can only form an arm at present, this is enough to show that Lin Shu is moving in the right direction and is completely feasible.

As long as you continue to advance along this road and continue to make yourself stronger, one day, people in this world will be able to see themselves driving Gundam!

The Gundam dream that I have always wanted to dream since my last life can finally be realized in this world!

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