I have a piece of land in my hand

Chapter 244: Spreading Rumors

"Fuck! What happened?"

Inside a Black Hawk helicopter a few kilometers away from the US military base, Chen Fan looked at the red light ahead in doubt, and was puzzled by the violent explosion in his ear.

He saw two missiles flying into the air just now. He thought he would be attacked, but he never thought that the two missiles went straight into the sky and hit a small black spot.

Then...the area where the missile was launched suddenly exploded...

Soon, the US military base in front sounded the alarm, and armed helicopters continued to lift off. The Black Hawk helicopter that Chen Fan was riding was not spared and was shot down by the vehicle-mounted anti-aircraft missile at the entrance of the base.

The real purpose of this thing is to fight fighters, and a helicopter with lower speed and less maneuverability, unless equipped with a hot flame bomb, there is no possibility of evasion.


Chen Fan aimed in a direction, and with the help of his speed advantage, he rushed to the edge of the base flexibly, crossed the wall with the Golden Crow God, and entered the barracks.

No matter what happens in the base, this is a good opportunity for him to fish in troubled waters.

As soon as he entered the US military base, Chen Fan was shocked by the small vision.

A large number of chariots parked on a large concrete square, all in desert camouflage.Next to the infantry fighting vehicle, there are hundreds of military vehicles of various types, such as tanks, integrated supply vehicles, logistics support vehicles, and medical rescue vehicles.

Farther away, there are densely packed planes. Common models such as F15, F16, and F18 are everywhere. AWACS, transport planes, and bombers are neatly organized, and the apron is full.

There are even dozens of stealth fighters such as F35 and F22!

Before the cataclysm, the U.S. military's military equipment alone was enough to slap a country of medium power!

"What a big dog." Looking at the equipment parking lot in front of him, Chen Fan is not surprised at all, why the US military still has spare time to intercept his king-class smart fighter.

"No wonder Ohio has so few bugs and exotic animals..."

On the way back earlier, he was still wondering how the closer he was to Ohio, the harder it was to find traces of bugs and alien animals. It was estimated that they had been cleared away.

Chen Fan did not wipe out this equipment parking lot, but took the Golden Crow God to search around, grabbed some tongues, and asked about the whereabouts of Xuanyuanjian.

The effort paid off. After arresting more than a dozen non-commissioned officers in a row and asking no results, he surreptitiously found the command headquarters, knocked out a colonel, and finally forced out the information he wanted.

The ancient sword with the word'Xuanyuan' inscribed on the sword is stored in an underground research institute here.

But at this time the entire military base is under martial law, and the underground research institute is certainly no exception. Rushing into it is not a good way.

Even if Chen Fan had the ability to forcibly break in, he was not sure that the Yankees would have any response plan to transport Xuanyuan Sword through a hidden secret passage.

"It's really troublesome."

Chen Fan touched his chin, squinted his eyes and thought for a while, then raised his brows and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Since the research institute is tightly guarded and should not be attacked by force, why not let it open the door obediently and take out Xuanyuan Sword?


More than an hour later, in the base, many soldiers in the barracks were talking about the same topic-Xuanyuanjian was dropped by someone!

It is impossible to know where the news came from, but the soldiers felt reasonable.

The missile position of the base was attacked, it is very likely that a certain force used a means to attack the west, maybe the other party's true purpose is for that amazing ancient sword, and it has already succeeded!

The rumors spread rapidly in the base, and even some high-ranking military officials can hardly avoid doubting that Xuanyuanjian was really compromised?

Xuanyuanjian has a very important position in the hearts of the American people, especially under the deliberate promotion of the US military, it has been shaped into an artifact that can overcome the enemy and lead the United States through difficulties and greatness again!

Don't underestimate the power of faith. As the saying goes, the people have faith and the country has hope.

Ever since Captain Scott in the green beret held the Xuanyuan sword and smashed the ground with one sword, and killed a fierce golden lion, the Americans had clearly become united and believed that the army was capable of protecting them.

Coupled with the news that the U.S. military bombed the worm’s nest, wiped out the insects and beasts, and subdued XX’s land on cable TV every day, the Americans saw the dawn of victory and believed that the army could wipe out those nasty bugs.And Captain Scott is the hero who led the army to charge into battle!

But once Xuanyuanjian was dropped, Scott could no longer become that inspiring hero. This was undoubtedly a very bad news for the military.

In the end, under pressure, the headquarters temporarily formed an expert team to go to the underground research institute to help the researchers there to verify the authenticity of Xuanyuan Sword.

"it's time."

Chen Fan left the Golden Crow God outside to meet him, and he borrowed from the base a fully-sealed overall that was exactly the same as those worn by the experts, quietly mingled in the crowd, and followed the team into the elevator.

To say that these American soldiers are also very minded, and they did not verify the number of experts and identity information, so Chen Fan was given the opportunity to come in.

Perhaps in their hearts, they didn't think that someone would be so bold and dare to do things in the expert team.

The elevator descended quickly, and Chen Fan only saw a button on the metal wall of the elevator lit on the negative layer, but the position at this time was at least one or two hundred meters underground.


The heavy metal door of the lift slowly opened, and what you saw was a long corridor.

On both sides of the ceiling of the corridor, there are dozens of machine guns with large muzzles, all of which are intelligent killing machines, which are automatically locked and attacked by the fire control system.

The security level of this underground research institute is very high. Chen Fan mixed in the team, walked straight through the promenade in front of him, turned around at several forked roads, and finally came to a two-story building. Alloy gate doorway.

In front of the team, a man with a hook nose carrying the rank of major general on his shoulders took out his personal magnetic card, rubbed it against the card punch on the wall, and then looked up and stared at a circular camera on the door.

"Dip! Successful identification! Welcome, General Smith!"

The alloy door slowly opened to the sides, revealing the scene inside.

"Damn it? So big?" Chen Fan glanced inward along the crack of the door, suddenly startled.

The space of this underground base was much larger than he had imagined, and the visible part was at least tens of thousands of square meters.

Hundreds of researchers wearing white dust-proof overalls shuttled between the various project teams in an orderly manner, taking care of the things at hand.The whole institute is full of busy atmosphere.

What surprised Chen Fan was that around this huge research room, he saw many glass containers with a height of two meters and filled with orange formalin.

Inside that container was actually immersed in a mysterious creature that looked very similar to humans!

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