I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 1012 The results are out, the winner is decided

Yukihira Seiichiro's words were very soft, almost only he could hear, but he still attracted the attention of several people not far away.

They may not know enough about the quality of food, but they are strong enough to hear other people's judgments.

Especially Yukihira Seiichiro, this super chef who in the eyes of many people will surely reach the realm of the king within a few years, his judgment is naturally justified.

But they are still hesitant and hesitant now, because although they are strong enough, they still don't understand what is there in Zhao Fuyu's dish that looks just good-looking, that can make Seiichiro judge that the victory or defeat is decided? !

Everyone didn't know that even the two heavenly kings among the Shouting Halberds didn't have the answer in their minds. However, Zhao Fuyu's confidence in his own cooking was not unique to Zhao Fuyu.

This is even more true for Shiva. The essence of more than a dozen dreamy ingredients and the extreme limits of Curse Gu cooking have sublimated the taste of this 'Hundred Saints Returned. All-Transformed Rama' to an incredible level.

The complex flavors are all clear, and each dreamy ingredient will only appear at the most appropriate time.

It can be said that the spells and voodoos have been perfectly combined with the dream ingredients, allowing them to be controlled like tamed beasts.

This is the secret of food mastery in the food club’s cooking philosophy!

Cursed Gu cooking is actually a spirit-eating method that combines the characteristics of a food lord, but it is softer and resonates with the ingredients at a deeper level.

It can be said that the dreamy ingredients are also used to the fullest extent.

In different fields, they all have reached the pinnacle of cuisine. In front of the three judges, the true face of Lushan was finally revealed.

Judging from the color aspect, with the lid of the pot removed, the appearance inside the bowl is not that alluring, or it is full of artistic and freehand atmosphere.

But its attractive power has not weakened at all.

The light yellow sauce wraps up the essence of all the ingredients, and the golden light flows continuously in the bowl, as if golden nectar has fallen into the dish.

The rich aroma seemed to have a captivating magic power. Just after opening the lid, a huge whirlwind was formed, whetting the appetites of everyone around.

The three judges had surprised expressions on their faces. It was obvious that they were different from ordinary diners. They all noticed the mystery of this dish and its aroma.

Smelling the smell in the air, Zhao Fuyu finally solved some of the doubts in his heart.

The Curse Gu Cuisine said that the Curse Technique is used to adjust and integrate conflicting ingredients. If a plug-in device is attached that can rivet various ingredients with similar properties, then where is the Gu Technique used?

After all, no matter how you think about it, once Gu insects enter the food, it still makes people a little dissatisfied and uneasy.

But Shiva found another way and came up with a new type of Gu insect, or Cordyceps sinensis!

In fact, the animal nature of plants has always existed, especially in many special plants, which is more vividly displayed.

Based on this characteristic, Shiva has biologically transformed various medicinal materials and used the miraculous power of gourmet cells to create a special type of Cordyceps sinensis.

After biologically activating many medicinal materials, and then refining them using voodoo techniques similar to voodoo insects, the final product is a special medicinal spice that assists all ingredients.

It has special effects and is only beneficial to the human body without any harm, and it can add flavor to almost any ingredient, adding fragrance and flavor. This is the key to the success of Curse Gu cooking.

Using spells as the surface, various ingredients are riveted together, with Cordyceps sinensis as the core, and the effects of medicinal materials are used to harmonize the compatibility of various ingredients to make them taste perfect.

This is the truth about the Curse Gu Cuisine Path. Just like Indy's position, he must take advantage of various situations to maintain his independence. Shiva's Cuisine Path also found a meandering and feasible path between the food spirit and the food tyrant. path of.

Difficult but independent on his own cooking journey.


Unlike Amaterasu and Athena, Yujiro Noma is obviously more interested in Shivara's cuisine.

After a large spoonful, at least half of the food in the bowl has been reduced, and some clues of various dream ingredients can be seen in his bowl.

Most of the ingredients are not even dyed by the color of the special spices, and still retain about seventy-eight percent of their appearance, but the sauce is still tightly wrapped around those ingredients.

This special situation also made many people's eyes sparkle.

It seems that I have figured out the beauty of this dish.

Yujiro Fanma didn't care at all, he opened his big mouth and poured the food inside directly.

There are more than a dozen rare and dreamy ingredients from completely different places. Yujiro Fanmay ignored the conflicting flavors and conflicting properties, and just started rejecting them all.

Soon colorful flavors were released in his mouth, in a very special spiral rolling form. These flavors seemed to be perfectly blended, but when you taste it carefully, what you can taste is that the respective ingredients stand out. the taste of.

It's like a weird balance is established between ingredients.

Let countless extremely wonderful and conflicting flavors bloom on the taste buds, just like a military exercise, tense but without any real fighting.

Each ingredient is trying its best to express its own skills, but it seems that the burst of energy is controlled by an inexplicable influence.

It's like a series of small explosions that eventually accumulate in the mouth into a powerful shock like a volcanic eruption.

Dishes that are like a kaleidoscope also have the power of a kaleidoscope.

However, just as Yujiro Noma was reminiscing, a cool feeling surged into his throat, as if a sharp sword had penetrated into the center of the volcano that represented the taste.

Immediately, the strongest creature on earth couldn't help but put the empty plate in front of him with disappointment.

Although his sharp teeth were still chewing the ingredients, his interest in Shivara cuisine was gone.

The taste has reached its peak, but the taste bud experience of the aftertaste of the previous dish still remains, just like being defeated by a single blow while showing off the strongest posture in a martial arts fight.

In the eyes of this strongest beast, it was already a situation where he could no longer lose.

But he still didn't expect that the impact of Zhao Fuyu's cooking would be so great and lasting.

‘Don’t underestimate that boy! ’

The thoughts of this most powerful creature on earth are unknown to outsiders, but after both Amaterasu and Athena tasted it, the expressions of the three judges were obviously dull, and they seemed to have announced the final result of this eating halberd.

The outcome is decided! !

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