The delicacy and heart are right there. Whether you taste it or not is up to the diners. What the chef has to do is to fully release the taste of the ingredients.

The next thing is to see if the diners can cherish each other with the chef.

Meatloaf is quite troublesome to make, but the taste is in this kind of Ma Fang, and it gradually becomes the endorsement of this dish.

Not irritating, but full of the taste of meat stuffing. The tender and smooth meatloaf can also taste the aroma of eggs, which is completely different from meatballs. The aroma makes this ingredient different from other similar meat dishes. taste.

The mixing of wet starch can also allow the meatloaf to have more space to absorb the taste of the soup, and the shape of the minced meat can also release the flavor of the meatloaf into the soup as much as possible.

This is coming and going, the interaction and fusion between ingredients.

As for the final egg dumpling, it is naturally unusual.

But different from the routine, what Zhao Fuyu used was six parts of fish, two parts of chicken, and two parts of pork. The meat was fresh bream, a fish with a lot of spines. It can also remove the fine spines and add the special delicious taste of this bream to the meat filling.

Chop a few times to chop the fish into minced meat, and then add chicken and pork in the same state.

Chicken is to add another kind of fresh and fresh meat, while pork is to add a strong aroma to the light meat filling.

It can be said that such a combination will be very beautiful, but it is not enough alone, and chopped water chestnuts and chopped shallots need to be added to it.

This time, it is not necessary to add scallion and ginger juice, because the water content of the fish meat is different, and there are horseshoes in it. If the scallion and ginger juice is added, it will be difficult for the meat filling to form a ball.

So we directly add minced green onion and ginger, but it is different from very little minced ginger just to get rid of the peculiar smell. The addition of chopped green onion is also the key to the meat filling of this egg dumpling, which removes fishy smell and enhances freshness and flavor.

Of course, when to add these green onions is also a particular point.

Naturally, a large amount of chopped green onion is not added in at the beginning. The minced green onion and ginger at the beginning are just to enhance the fragrance and remove the fishy smell.

Salt, sugar, pepper, light soy sauce, and a little starch to increase the consistency. While stirring constantly, you have to grab the meat stuffing and throw it a few times from time to time to get rid of the air inside and increase the lumpiness of the meat stuffing. Feel, and strength.

In this way, the meat filling of the egg dumplings is 90% complete. As for the last step, of course, before making the egg dumplings, add green onion powder and some sesame sesame oil to mix well, and the taste of the filling will be improved again.

In addition to the meat filling, the most important part of egg dumplings is the egg skin. In fact, the preparation of this egg skin is a little mysterious.

Water starch, oil, a little pepper and salt, and then the egg liquid, after whipping evenly, you can make a complete and beautiful egg dumpling skin.

Of course, when making egg dumplings, you need to pay more attention to the temperature. After the pan is heated to a relatively high temperature, turn to medium heat to maintain the temperature. After brushing a layer of oil with a brush, draw a spoonful of egg liquid in a circle. It is a round egg dumpling skin.

While the egg liquid on the surface has not yet solidified, put the meat filling on the upper or lower side of the center of the egg dumpling skin, so that the part without meat filling on the other side can just turn over and cover the meat filling.

A complete egg dumpling can also be completed.

As long as you follow the same method and repeat the process of appealing, egg dumplings will be completed soon.

At this time, the egg dumplings are still immature, especially the fillings are basically raw, but it doesn’t matter, they will be steamed or boiled in the soup later, and they will be fully cooked naturally.

Of course, it’s easy to taste it directly. Put it on a plate, wrap it in plastic wrap, and steam it in water for ten minutes, and the inside of the egg dumpling will be fully cooked.

You can taste it naturally.

As for the production of meatballs, I chose a method that would make the meatballs more fragrant.


After the oil pan is up, press the tiger's mouth against the meat filling to form a meatball, scrape it with a spoon, and then it can be directly put into the oil pan.

Different production methods have different final effects. It can be said that the completion of the meat ingredients also represents a further step in the completion of the family portrait.

The next step is much simpler. The processing of vegetables and delicacies does not take as much effort as meatballs, it just takes time.

The mushrooms in the mountain delicacies are still soaking now, because they need more dry goods, and the vegetables are mostly rhizomes. There are also fresh mushrooms, but not many, just some seafood mushrooms.

These fresh mushrooms are wiped clean of impurities with a damp paper towel, and the unnecessary parts are cut off with a bamboo knife, and the rest is the ingredients.

Vegetable baby dishes are also very simple to cut with a knife, and just blanch them with oil and salt water.

At that time, you can join the family portrait at the bottom.

As for winter melon and white radish, it takes a little time. After removing the green skin and inner flesh of winter melon, cut it into thumb-sized pieces, which is not too troublesome.

The key lies in the white radish.

White radish has a smell called stinky green smell by people who don't like it. To solve this problem, the first thing to choose is fresh white radish, which has thin skin and no tendons.

Such white radishes are sweeter and less smelly.

The next thing is to peel the white radish. It takes more peeling than expected. After removing the outer skin of the radish, you can basically peel it one or two more times.

This leaves a more tender core with more moisture.

In the end, it is natural to enter the water for treatment.

The first step is to blanch water, pass a little hot water, boil for three minutes and five minutes, cut the white radish into pieces and blanch until cooked, then change a pot of water, throw a few large pieces of rock sugar in it, and then blanch the radish Throw in the finished white radish and stew together for 20 minutes.

After the stew is finished, soak it for another half an hour. At this time, you can take it out and smell it. Basically, the stinky green smell of white radish is not left at all, only the light radish fragrance.

The middle of the radish is tender and sweet, tender and juicy, and it melts in the mouth.

This kind of white radish is added to the family portrait as the bottom, something that absorbs the soup and the taste of the ingredients. If you think about it, you will know how wonderful the delicious taste will be.

At least the diners in the multi-world restaurant, even after feeling the Tao rhyme during Zhao Fuyu's cooking process, there was a lot of anticipation in the eyes of the radish.

Having tasted Zhao Fuyu's cooking, they certainly understand how wonderful it will be once such ingredients are added to absorb the soup.

Just thinking about it makes my mouth water.

And at this point, this dish is almost only missing the delicacy and assembly.

Shanzhen's cooking is slightly different at this time, and of course it is not complicated.

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