I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 1101 Invitation from Shimura’s lineage

It's actually him?!

After Nakiri Senzaemon restored his clothes, his expression remained unchanged. He was surprised to see that Ye Zhonghuo could see the monitor outside.

Because the identity of the visitor is not simple, he is from the Shimura lineage, the most outstanding figure of this generation.

Ujiro Shimura!

The man known as the magician in the cooking world left only a few legends in the cooking world and then disappeared into the wave of cooking.

Only by truly coming into contact with the cooking skills of this heir of the Shimura family can we understand how far his cooking skills have reached.

You must know that this Shimura Yujiro is a whole round older than the younger generation who came out at that time, which is twelve years old.

It happened to be the golden period for a cook to enter, and now he was already halfway to the realm of a heavenly king, even very close to the realm of a heavenly king.

Maybe it's not as good as Seiichiro Yukihira who can break through just waiting for the time to come. It won't take much time for this cooking magician to step into the realm of the King of Heaven.

After all, there was a family that was above the heavenly king, and there was a god of cooking. No one could tell how many hidden methods the Shimura lineage had.

It seems that Fuyu has been recognized by two legendary kitchen utensils, and these reclusive culinary giants can finally hold back.

Since the God of Cooking established the power of gourmet cells more than a thousand years ago, the world began to develop towards another dimension, until the last God of Cooking left the main world five hundred years ago, there have been many romantic figures in the world.

Of course, it's not just the people on the table today who can stir up trouble.

There are many predators from all sides hiding in the deep and invisible water.

Among them, these hidden cooking families are a powerful force, second only to the power of the God of Cooking Family. In other words, many of the powers of the God of Cooking Family are contributed by these hidden cooking families.

After all, Nakiri Senzaemon's true understanding of the world is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Naturally, it is clear why Shimura Ujiro came here.

This can also show that Zhao Fuyu's growth has truly exceeded the expectations of these hidden cooking families, and he is getting closer to the road of becoming a chef.

No matter what you're here for.

Since it's a door-to-door visit and I have enough status, I need to meet him.

After finishing the cooking in hand, the process of frying the poultry offal only takes three minutes. The remaining two dishes are not in a hurry.

Let the friends who come here eat their fill with these dishes first.

Zhao Fuyu changed his clothes slightly, and accompanied by Nakiri Senzaemon, the two gourmet kings came in person to receive Shimura Ujiro.

Such specifications can be regarded as respect no matter what force is behind them.

Sure enough, when he saw Zhao Fuyu and Senzaemon coming hand in hand, even Shimura Ujiro felt it was a bit exaggerated and quickly stood up to express his fear.

Status is what the ancestors have worked hard for, and only strength and ability belong to oneself.

Shimura Yujiro can become the leader of this generation of Shimura clan, so he naturally has a clear mind.

In fact, a reclusive family like theirs is more strict and systematic in educating their next generation, and there will be almost no playboys.

Even if you are not qualified, you can be assigned to participate in other industries and experience to become a qualified helmsman of a large company.

This is the background of these big families. Even if a useless person has been trained with a set of proficient training methods, he will at least be a leader with a decent appearance.

That's why many people who struggle all their lives cannot match the tip of the iceberg of these big families, because from the beginning they have already stood at the pinnacle that a genius can reach.

Unless your family has three consecutive generations of outstanding talents, it is possible to rival such a big family.

With today's popular education methods alone, you will never be able to beat these guys. They have summarized thousands of years of methods for cultivating future generations. It's not that they did it wrong, but that your resources are far from enough.

There's no comparison to the money, energy, and even the education staff those families put into it.

To use a self-deprecating phrase, why can your decades of struggle compare to someone else's hundreds of years of business?

Of course, this is a way to make the family outstanding and productive for generations, but as time goes by, it will also cause the entire family to become rigid and inflexible.

This is the case for the Qingqiuin clan. If Qingqiuin Eina hadn't joined Zhao Fuyu's side and became a sharp sword to protect the monarch, I'm afraid their lineage would not have made any progress in the future.

This is also the benefit of these big families operating for a long time. As long as they seize an opportunity, they can regroup and innovate themselves.

The only way to truly break through the limitations of these forces is to be more outstanding. It is not enough to exceed the excellence of ten thousand people. It must exceed the excellence of one hundred thousand people or one million people.

In this way, we can hope to break through the power ceiling of these families and reach a point where even they have to look up to them.

Looking around the world through the ages, such characters have appeared frequently. This is the reason why the entire world is still new and not corrupt.

At first, Zhao Fuyu's provocation was only favored by big forces like Nakiri Senzaemon. Later, he showed his differences. After entering the realm of Dragon Chef, the Totsuki clan also began to invest heavily, including in Tosakura. Some official factions also placed heavy bets on him.

When he reaches the realm of a heavenly king, the hidden culinary aristocrats will only look at him with admiration, but at this time, these aristocratic families can no longer invest in him.

Because Zhao Fuyu's achievements are already their almost visible limit.

But when Zhao Fuyu activated the legendary kitchen utensils, and activated two of them, those wealthy cooking families who had always had their eyes on the sky, the God of Cooking Family, could no longer hold back and immediately invited them to their door.

This is why Zhao Fuyu has broken the ceiling in the eyes of the world step by step and reached a level that even these chefs from a family cannot reach.

Being able to come to see Zhao Fuyu, Shimura Yujiro was naturally prepared for everything.

This half-step king, who looks middle-aged but is actually in his early thirties, is extremely direct in his words.

He must have known Zhao Fuyu's habits, and simplified the steps of greetings. After two sips of tea, he expressed his feelings directly.

I was also sent out to run errands this time.

The key is that it's not easy for many of the older generation in the clan to make the trip, so we can only bother King Buyeo to make the trip himself.

The ancestors left behind a lot of things back then.

But the younger generation can only use a very small part of it. The idea within the clan is that King Buyeo's talent may be able to reveal some things that we have not yet understood.

Hearing Shimura Ujiro's words, Nakiri Senzaemon was first surprised.

Because it has been circulated in the world that the God of Cooking family has some traces of the heritage left by the God of Cooking, but even those talented people did not see those things when they went to communicate with these families.

So the legend has always been a legend, but now the Shimura lineage actually invited Zhao Fuyu to such a key and core place?

‘This is not necessarily a good thing’

Senzaemon narrowed his eyes slightly, but he was still hesitant in his mind.

But Zhao Fuyu has a completely different calm look.

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