Sugar addiction should be regarded as the most familiar and unfamiliar vocabulary for many people. It is also rooted in the blood of human genes, and the yearning for sweetness.

The pursuit of sweetness, that kind of enjoyment on the taste buds, should have been possessed since the emergence of human beings.

But until humans can really enjoy this delicacy all the time, it was not long before modern times when all kinds of sugar appeared.

You must know that in ancient times, sugar could even be given to each other as a national gift, and sweet enough desserts were a symbol of aristocratic status. This is also the root cause of the high sugar requirements for desserts in many European countries.

Perhaps it is because Zhongzhou has a rich sugar production method for a long time, and the pursuit of desserts is sweet but not greasy. The emphasis is on the complementarity of ingredients and sweetness.

At least in terms of sugar addiction, most Zhongzhou people are far behind.

So few people know what sugar addiction is. In fact, it is a very dangerous thing. Addiction to sugar may cause the body to gain weight rapidly, and even bring various cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes wait.

When sugar addiction comes up, it is extremely easy to cause people to be irritable, sleepy, and even mildly low blood pressure.

But this must be a special psychological and physical dual disease that will only appear when a large amount of sugar is consumed for a long time.

Generally speaking, there are not too many people who will get sick, because the intake of sugar is too easy in modern society, and there are countless ingredients and dishes that can fill people's appetite. It is really not easy to make people addicted to sugar.

Are you addicted to the things you have at your fingertips?

Not to deny that some will, but most never will.

It can be said that if Zhao Fuyu hadn't had a flash of inspiration, combined with the soaring crime rate, he would not have been able to contact here.

And because the cells of everyone in the main world contain the ingredients of gourmet cells, sugar is a very high-energy food, long-term intake of large amounts will cause the activation of gourmet cells, coupled with the stimulation of sugar addiction, it is not impossible to cause gourmet disease. .

Zhao Fuyu was able to find this out because from the data point of view, since the first quarter of this year, the sugar production in West America has been continuously increasing. We must know that the demand for sugar in the world is actually fixed.

Although there are many industrial aspects that need sugar to assist, sugar production is also something that each country is doing on its own, and one of the keys to industrial development cannot be done by others.

West American exports have also been limited.

Nowadays, there is no innovation in industrial development, productivity has not improved, there is no sugar gap in all parties, and there are no similar signs in West America. So what is the purpose of so much sugar production?

Since last month, the sales of candy, which has been stuck in a bottleneck in Western American states, have begun to increase again.

It's not a holiday, there are no celebrations, and it's not the peak season for candy sales. What makes the sales increase? And it has directly increased to a level as high as one-tenth or even one-seventh this month?

Although this ratio is not high, the base is already very large. One-tenth of this batch is also in units of tens or even billions.

Where does all this sugar consumption end up? It's impossible to conjure up so many people wanting candy within a year, right?

After consulting the data, there is only one result left, that is, some people's demand for sugar has increased, and this part of people is still increasing.

It can be seen that the sales of sugar, which only increased a little last month, have increased a lot this month.

Perhaps this part will become higher and higher, but there is a limit to the amount of sugar that each person can consume and use. Once this limit is exceeded, then either it is necessary to vent to consume these high-energy foods, or each person's body will Accelerated fat accumulation.

It's definitely not just sugar addiction that's driving them crazy.

Sugar addiction is part of this condition, or a pre-symptom.

Once they suddenly like eating sweets, is there a possibility that their demand for energy increases, and the human body's instinctive favorite high-energy food is sugar?

After finding the direction, it is naturally impossible for Zhao Fuyu to be the one to advise on Ximei's affairs. In fact, he not only brought his grandmother over to come up with ideas, but also brought Nakiri Senzaemon over, and Feng Lin Si Hayato these Martial Saint-level existences.

One person counts the short, and two people count the long can be regarded as being used to the fullest by Zhao Fuyu.

He is very aware of his shortcomings, and his understanding of many things is not as clear as these experienced seniors, so he only gives opinions and directions, and the specific possibilities need to be answered by these veterans.

High-energy food, didn't the famous 'human scum' in Western America just start a company to supply these things?

How is their company's sales recently? Has it increased?

Hearing Zhao Fuyu's words, his grandma Nan Dou spoke with a hint of contemplation and contempt in her eyes, as if she had some thoughts.

The few people on the line flipped through the documents in their hands, and Qi Qi showed a look of surprise.

This is really strange. In the past three months, the sales of Harlan Sandov's company have been continuously decreasing.

This is really interesting.

They're selling less food, more sugar, more crime and more food sickness across Western America.

Nakiri Senzaemon's eyes became more solemn, and he seemed to have guessed something.

If it is really what he thought, then the food fair really took a long time to lay the groundwork, and created a masterpiece that affects the world!

It has to be said that the concepts promoted by Western Americans are very bluffing, especially the various concepts of freedom and human rights have been welcomed by many young people in the world, and they have made many films with strong soft power.

It also allowed Western American food culture to blossom and bear fruit everywhere. This was a long-term plan that took more than 30 years, and eventually led to all kinds of fast food restaurants appearing all over the world because of the uniform taste. And enough of a kick, full of meat.

The taste of these fast foods is also popular among young people from all over the country. Even Zhongzhou people with picky taste buds are not low on fast food.

Especially when they were abroad, they couldn’t cook for themselves, and they couldn’t find a place like Zhongzhou Street. They used to go to chain fast food restaurants to solve their food and clothing. The whole world didn’t know how many fans of fast food.

Although most people still eat food from their own country, fast food will never make them particularly resistant.

Especially Ximei is the stronghold of fast food chains. In order to allow everyone to achieve freedom, equality and human rights, the Ximei government under the control of the food association also distributes fast food coupons in large numbers. big.

It can be said that this is a large global project, and everyone is not quite sure what it is for, and many people are also guessing.

Now it seems that there is indeed a frightening threat behind this. The long-term subtle changes in taste buds control the food tendencies of these people. When they cannot get the high energy of fast food or some special substances contained in it. back.

These people will turn to sugar supplements, and then have a situation similar to the onset of sugar addiction, which will eventually lead to a major change in personality, and even the appearance of food disease!

A huge amount of resources and countless efforts were spent just to harm the world. The actions of the food party really made everyone present gasp.

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