I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 1144 Hit the target directly

So I need enough strong men to sit in and cooperate with the Hundred Demons to fight a group of Daitengu and them, which can stabilize the situation very well.

With the cooperation of both parties, we can stabilize the areas that were opened up first.

Zhao Fuyu's words also mean that the matter has been settled, and sufficient manpower will soon come to Ximei to take over his arrangements.

However, during this period of time, he was not really just waiting for the situation to change.

His goal of coming to West America has not changed from the beginning!

Now that it has been confirmed that the executor and planner of the plan, as well as the man who created the thing called 'Compound No. 3', is none other than the 'white-haired devil' Harlan Sandev.

Then it’s time to deal with his affairs!

Wait for my signal.

Things can begin.

After giving the two of them a reassurance, Zhao Fuyu ended the contact between the three parties.

The next moment, he continued to study intelligence and various information from various parts of Western America.

He had to find out among these chaotic things where the man who made him want to kill was located!

A vaguely sharp aura seemed to penetrate directly into the center of his eyebrows, making Harlan Sandev have to rub his brows.

In fact, he has become accustomed to this feeling in recent times.

Ever since he became famous internationally, such murderous intentions have become commonplace.

However, it has not been so intense recently. He just looked through the information and found that the people worthy of his attention have either not left his sphere of influence or are living in a simple way. Basically, there are not many abnormalities. Come.

It also made him really unclear as to who the object of such strong dissatisfaction with him was.

Lord Harlan, this is a recent report.

Lord Kuronod is asking whether we should start the second phase directly.

The subordinates of the gourmet club came over and handed over a stack of materials and data for Harlan Sandev to make a judgment.

He has been pushing for this matter, and only he knows the specific things best, so it depends on him when to push for the next step.

Sandef seems to have known this for a long time. He seems to have a planned schedule and is turning the numbers on it into reality one by one.

Okay, the second phase will start in ten days.

Let all parties pay attention. Parades and riots also need to be controlled within a certain range. Those guys in the wealthy areas have not yet reached the stage of destruction, and everything must be controlled in the lower neighborhoods!

Only in this way will the third stage be even more magnificent!

There was a trace of intoxication in his eyes, as if he had seen such a piece of blood floating in front of him. The indulgence in Sandef's gentle smile made the subordinates of the food club also show a little fear.

But he soon calmed down, and according to Sandef's instructions, he continued to reduce the dosage of the special 'No. 3 compound'.

It can be said that the items sold in many fast food restaurants and candy shops controlled by food have once again reduced the weight of special substances. Visible to the naked eye, the eyes of various people on the street may have red threads.

Even the elites dressed in exquisite costumes were not in such a wonderful mood at this time.

It's just that at this time, most of them still think that their sleep quality is just a little poor, and they are completely unaware that the weight of something in the coffee that represents their elite culture has been reduced again today.

A few people may get some modest comfort from drinking coffee and increase their consumption of it.

For a time, coffee sales across Western America also experienced a rare improvement and boom.

Everyone was involved, and everyone felt something was wrong. However, driven by the huge power of the food club, no one raised an opinion.

In other words, not long after they proposed it, they had completely disappeared from society!

Since leaving Zhongzhou Street, those special dishes have begun to spread in New York, but for today's New York, it is just a drop in the bucket.

Being able to make the people around Zhongzhou Street calm and peaceful is the only thing left that can be done.

And Zhao Fuyu has also disappeared since the last time, and no one knows his trace, which makes the old people in Zhongzhou Street feel strange.

However, when Zhao Fuyu stopped contacting him, they had no other means to find the food king, so Zhongzhou Street fell into a strange calm.

However, in recent times, the originally chaotic New York nights seemed to have become much quieter. The police were replaced by monsters walking everywhere, and those who had fallen into madness were killed directly on the streets.

Even the most arrogant gangster maniacs did not dare to make enemies of such a large number of monsters and monsters, so order was established again, but this time it was not relying on civilized laws, but naked killing!

Zhao Fuyu seemed to have thought of this a long time ago, and further advanced his request for the Great Tengu.

Soon, the originally confidential information fell into his hands piece by piece like snowflakes. The information was pieced together one by one, and finally the location that should have been confirmed long ago was revealed.

This made Zhao Fuyu's eyes shine brightly.

finally found you!

Finding Harlan Sandef is not an easy task. In fact, in order for him to continue his plan smoothly, Food will protect him very well.

But data can deceive, but facts can’t.

A paranoid person always has his own paranoid habits, which cannot be changed, because these habits are often linked to his character, and if he changes, he will no longer be who he is.

Many things now have been blurred, but the past will not change.

When Zhao Fuyu came to West America and immediately collected information about this white-haired devil, he focused his main energy on his past.

Although certain changes or even deletions had been made to the food club, Zhao Fuyu still found some clues, especially some details of Sandef's preferences from the mouths of those monsters and monsters.

After gathering several points and looking at the factual data on demand and sales in New York, I found the damn guy!

One point is the same as personal preference, two points are the same as coincidence, but three points or five points are the same, then there are only two possibilities left!

Either it was a target deliberately cultivated by someone, or it was Harlan Sandev himself!


It's time for me to go hunting!

There was a hint of coldness in Zhao Fuyu's expression. You must know that once you violate many things, you cannot be forgiven.

Only blood can cleanse!

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