I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 1183 The taste of porridge, the taste of love

Returning to the original, the vision reverberates in the white smoke, and a bowl of bland porridge has a golden radiance that makes people doubt its authenticity.

What's more important is that amidst the radiance, there unexpectedly appeared the figure of an old woman with a blurred face, as if she was everyone's elder, just smiling and holding a bowl of porridge, which made people feel extremely at ease.

No seasoning, no seasoning needed, simply pull the casserole off the firewood.

A bowl of casserole porridge showing Zhao Fuyu's current state of cooking has been completed.

Through the video, Shivara showed surprise. He didn't communicate much with Zhao Fuyu, but he also clearly learned the route of his breakthrough.

Now it seems that this super genius has come to fruition.

But what kind of taste will such a road and such a fruit bear?

This is also the answer that the King of Cooking and the King of Cooking who watched this time remotely wanted to get the answer in their hearts!

Come and have a try.

I'm cooking for the first time after breaking through, so I can't waste it

Zhao Fuyu didn't prepare too many other things, salt, sugar, light soy sauce, white pepper, and the rest were left out. Whoever wants to eat something with a stronger taste can add more flavor by himself.

In fact, Zhao Fuyu didn't even prepare to put anything when he tasted it himself, he first tasted the bottom flavor of his casserole porridge!

The dense white porridge, after being boiled in a casserole, part of the rice grains have completely melted, and the rest have bloomed and melted into the bottom of the porridge. Because of the presence of lard, the porridge water has a burst of fragrance.

When it is put into the mouth, it is like a smooth pudding, and the occasional rice grains also melt between the lips and teeth.

What you feel at the first moment is not the mellow taste of rice, but a taste that you have never experienced before, which is sweet, salty, and sour, but when the taste blooms, it gives people an unprecedented taste. warmth.

And behind this taste is the intoxicating rice fragrance.

It's as if the previous taste opened up all the taste buds, as if entering the state of the tongue of God, the taste of the porridge base, the taste of rice grains, and even the taste of firewood are infinitely magnified in the mouth.

There is no seasoning, but the taste is stronger than any seasoning.

With satisfaction and happiness in his eyes, Zhao Fuyu put down the porridge in his hand and nodded.

This is the taste he bred, a taste that belongs to 'humanity'!

It's not love, it's not family affection, maybe there are some connections, but in the end Zhao Fuyu chose the kind of flavor that blooms like thick fireworks, sweet, salty, sour and astringent, making people feel warm in the bottom of their hearts.

The taste of humanity!

There is only this kind of taste, suitable for any ingredients and dishes, and it will not be half-obtrusive.

The effect of its taste is to allow all diners to enter into a kind of God's tongue that seems to be controlled, and to continuously amplify all the good flavors, making people infinitely satisfied with the cooking.

This is the magic power above the king of heaven, and it is also the terrifying part of the realm above the king of heaven.

The master of food can control the existing taste and change it into infinite possibilities.

And Zhao Fuyu's way of cooking is to add a taste that blends with any ingredients and dishes, making all ingredients and dishes infinite!

Even mediocre ingredients can collide with people's extreme taste.

The taste of the extreme way is comparable to the road of Shiba!

Don’t look at just adding a flavor, adding a flavor when seasoning, and adding a flavor when adding a type of ingredient, then more ingredients are combined to increase the layered taste, which is already unimaginable .

These flavors are harmonious and unified, and the purpose is to allow diners to enjoy more unusual tastes in their mouths, and to bloom more wonderful flavors of ingredients and dishes.

Looking at other people who haven't tasted it yet, Zhao Fuyu showed confidence.

This is his way of cooking, the real king who can compete with any way of cooking!

How many sparks can a bowl of porridge collide with?

Not to mention that the few heavenly kings who watched knew it well, even the other people present knew it well. After all, Zhao Fuyu only used so many things.

The white porridge in a casserole looked wonderful, but they knew how it actually tasted.

But after Zhao Fuyu tasted it, the confidence reflected in his radiant eyes seemed to break their common sense of the cooking world.

Before they had time to think carefully, the group quickly put the white porridge into their mouths.

Especially the few people with a particularly sensitive sense of taste, they were directly attracted by the small flavors contained in this bowl of white porridge, those wonderful parts, those parts that were infinitely magnified, enhanced by the taste of human feelings, and then became unfamiliar parts.

Completely conquer!

What is this smell?!

He is no longer a first-timer in the culinary world who is surprised by everything, but Xing Ping Chuangzhen feels unbelievable for the cooking that shows the taste of porridge to the extreme and even gives it an extra layer of taste.

This is simply unreasonable, I didn't see Zhao Fuyu adding anything more, but with such a simple action, why does the white porridge have such a deep and complex taste at the beginning, and then makes the latter taste cast a layer of more extreme fragrance mellow!

Chuangzhen even felt that this smell was extremely familiar, as if it was his daily life, and the faint smoke and smoke permeated the porridge, but he was completely clueless.

As for Nakiri Erina, who is now the charming girl of God, and Princess Yuanyue who has completely controlled her god cells, after feeling the impact of the white porridge, it was as if her whole body had been steamed in a sauna once.

Sweat spewed out of excitement, and she was wearing simple clothes at this time, showing a bumpy figure that surpassed ordinary peers by more than a notch.

His face was crimson, and his eyes seemed to reflect spring water.

No one can feel that impact better than her, especially with the blessing of that special flavor, her god cells can completely feel the ultimate release of the most original and delicious food.

Even the taste of these ingredients is beyond Erina's imagination, as if there is a layer of other flavors attached to it, which changes the taste of the ingredients themselves. The kind of deep and amazing delicious things, even Erina God's Tongue can't fully distinguish.

A warm feeling filled her whole body at once, making her sweat profusely, as if the burden and evil spirit had been removed from her body.

There is no extra miscellaneous taste on the tip of the tongue, but the richness of the rice fragrance seems to be awakened by the dotting of the eyes, and it also incorporates various special flavors, turning into a strong smell of fireworks.

It's unbelievable what a whole new casserole tastes like.

Similar things, I have only tasted it in restaurants that have been open for more than 30 years, have boiled a lot of pots, cook a lot of porridge every day, and the pots already have a substance like patina.

But even if it's that kind of restaurant, it's not as intense and immersive.

This taste is simply the greatest stimulation and enjoyment for diners!

Whether it is the tongue of God is different from Xingping Chuangzhen, even if he is completely immersed in it, he can still distinguish the details of the taste.

The ingredients are ordinary, the method is ordinary, and even the taste should be pure and simple, but because of the addition of one flavor, it seems to be the finishing touch, and the whole dish is sublimated!

This is my taste, the 'smell of human kindness'!

Hearing Nakiri Erina's evaluation, Zhao Fuyu finally opened his mouth slowly, revealing the true face of his new ability after breaking through!

It also opened the eyes of the gourmet kings who were present and those who were not present

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