I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 1249 one happy, one sad

Banquet dishes, banquet dishes, there is a key point, many dragon chefs and even heavenly kings don't pay attention to it, or even ignore it.

Because banquet dishes are actually a unique point of Zhongzhou culture, they have evolved into banquet dishes in foreign countries and become part of the celebration, so the cuisine defaults to the emotions and context that should be present during festive occasions.

But only Zhongzhou cuisine talents understand the most critical point.

That is, different banquet dishes also have different emotional expressions, and even dishes can be used to discuss morality.

The theme of any kind of banquet dishes is actually subtly different, and the dishes will be subtly different from the cold dish starter.

For example, take fish as an example. In addition to the different methods caused by different regions, generally speaking, fish for Baishi is mainly fried, and it is served with a sweet and sour taste, which can relieve the sadness of the taster.

The aroma of the mixture of fried batter and protein can also improve everyone's happiness.

For general weddings, especially for weddings, fish are mainly steamed, because the taste represented by steaming is peaceful and simple, and I also hope that the future of new couples can be so simple and delicious.

And for the two families of the newlyweds, the departure of their children still feels mixed with joy and sadness. Steamed fish can calm this emotion very well, so that the elders of both families can better accept it.

There are such obvious differences and changes in just one fish dish, and there are more details in it, such as what to use for poultry, whether it is chicken, duck, or other pigeons.

Or what part of the pig is used for the main meat dish, why is the main meat dish of banquet dishes basically pork.

It can be said that just the details of the banquet dishes are enough to make many people dizzy. It also contains quite a lot of rituals handed down from ancient times in Zhongzhou, and they are taken for granted, even as natural as breathing.

And if these things are not explained in detail to people in other cultural circles, it is almost impossible to understand them at all.

Naturally, the essence of banquet dishes is also impossible to grasp, which has led to a lot of incomprehensions when facing Zhao Fuyu and the four heavenly kings of Zhongsheng Pavilion in the cooking circle of Dongying, which is so close to Zhongzhou.

If Master Fuyu's cooking is for the pursuit of a more direct collision of cooking methods, without using dreamy ingredients, I can still understand.

Why don't the heavenly kings in Zhongsheng Pavilion use dreamy ingredients?

Can they also make dishes with fantastic ingredients of toppings and seasonings?!

This kind of thing seems very simple, but how to apply it to all dishes and add unusual flavors to ordinary ingredients must go through long-term experiments.

Ordinary cooks may not even be able to easily master this skill.

But it seems that the four heavenly kings of the Zhongsheng Pavilion did not use fantasy ingredients, but were going to learn Zhao Fuyu's way of using seasoning, which is simply unbelievable.

This is for the real collision of cooking methods.

Don't underestimate the saints of these holy pavilions, their accumulation in the realm of heavenly kings has exceeded your imagination.

Perhaps even the other heavenly kings in the world combined are not as sacred as these holy pavilions.

Otherwise, with Lord Fuyu's realm, why bother to discuss cooking with them?

Some people understood the key point, but he also couldn't understand it. Being able to discuss with Zhao Fuyu in the realm of cooking doesn't mean that the level of cooking can really be compared.

It is unwise even in the culinary world to give up the fantasy ingredients that have their own advantages and meet the enemy with ordinary ingredients.

However, the two parties in the kitchen discussion did not seem to feel that there was anything wrong with the other party.

this is food for thought

The existence of Dongying's Heavenly King Realm is still too small, and there are several existences whose extraordinary power has broken through to the level of a true god, but there are still not many who can successfully break through and enter the Heavenly King Realm.

On the contrary, it is not as good as the younger generation.

But it is not without accurate eyesight, and soon noticed the key context.

In fact, only after understanding this context, both parties chose common ingredients for cooking, which really showed that they both recognized each other's qualifications for cooking.

Otherwise, do you really think that Zhao Fuyu's state of taste and spirit is for dry food?

An opponent who can't even see through his obvious posture, or dare not fight in the ring, is not worth his time to discuss cooking.

So that's the case.

It seems that the two sides are really competing.

Being aware of the context does not mean that you have enough experience to explain it clearly, on the contrary, Seiichiro Xinghei, the newly promoted king who has traveled to most countries and regions in the world, has seen the clues.

You must know that when he is traveling, he has different habits from ordinary people, and he especially likes to go to those corners, especially to participate in some local folk customs that ordinary people or traveling cooks cannot enter, such as weddings and funerals. In the midst of marriage.

It quickly became apparent which direction the main courses and veins on both sides were going.

One is great joy, the other is great sorrow.

The two basic lines of banquet cooking are about to reappear in front of us at this time.

Although the earliest banquets came from the court and were inherited from ancient sacrificial dishes, after many years of evolution, they have already been closely related to the folk customs of Zhongzhou.

Knowing that he would be asked what he would be asked if he opened his mouth, Seiichiro also opened up the chatter box directly, and said all the details in it.

So he quickly analyzed where the key to cooking is, and it also caught the eyes of everyone present.

Even many heavenly king-level saints in the Zhongsheng Pavilion who are very familiar with the cuisine of both sides have been furrowing their brows. After hearing this person's opening, they finally see clearly the context of the two sides' discussions about cooking.

Happiness and sorrow, this is the direction that the banquet cooking on both sides should pursue.

But the details to be hidden in it, and how to achieve the effect of the inner ideological realm, depends on the skill of each cook.

Unity, integrity, this is very important!

It was as if the layer of fog in front of him had been cleared away. At this moment, when he looked at the dishes on both sides, he finally felt a sense of enlightenment.

But this alone is not enough, under the context that Xingping Seiichiro said, there are still two contexts hidden.

This is the key to two-party cooking!

One is whether they dare to confront each other head-on after seeing this first layer of context.

And the second thing is that Zhao Fuyu has given up Xi's side, can you seize this opportunity? Can you hold on psychologically?

In fact, don't look at it as a culinary duel, the psychological competition and the imposing duel have already begun.

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