I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 1253 Irregular Changes

The completion of a dish is equivalent to announcing that this discussion on cooking has sounded the clarion call to enter the final battle.

Not to mention the few people in the middle of the cooking, even the many existences in the onlookers in the Saint Pavilion, as well as the characters who were caught in the fire at night, were all full of tension in their hearts.

The dignified atmosphere also affected many Dongying chefs who were watching the battle outside and gathered in the lower commercial street.

Although the culinary duel between the two seems to have almost no skills that they use every day, it is precisely because of this that they can learn more.

It can be said that many changes in recipes and origins in the future of Dongying cuisine started from such a discussion on cooking.

Without paying attention to Zhao Fuyu's situation, Zhu Twelve has already stepped up the preparation of the main meat dish, that is, the main dish. Just like his opponent, the time for his pre-preparation of dishes is nearing completion.

This is the time when he will fully devote himself to cooking.

It was as if an invisible force gradually formed between the cooking tables on both sides, and two completely different music sounds faintly sounded.

A great joy, a great sorrow.

It also made the expressions of the people present a little more shocked!

Even the well-informed Nakiri Senzaemon did not expect that the four heavenly kings could resonate so tacitly together, almost completely twisted into one rope, so that it would be possible to confront Zhao Fuyu in terms of courage.

This kind of competition, I'm afraid it has surpassed the ordinary guidance bureau. This is a real match!

The Demon Eater's speech also changed everyone's expressions.

They didn't expect that Zhao Fuyu would meet an even-matched opponent in such a situation, but it was also like this, a rare emotion finally appeared in Zhao Fuyu's eyes when he was cooking.

It was an extremely exciting pleasure!

After one dish is completed, the two soups are also quickly entering the stage of completion.

After cleaning up the residue in the clear soup, after passing through several different minced meat, different flavors were released into the soup.

The remaining clear soup with a slight hint of amber is the clear soup needed by chickpeas. Take a part of the clear soup and heat it until it is warm.

Pour the soup slowly and continuously at low temperature, and after it is cooked slowly, put it into a bowl and add new clear soup into it.

Then sprinkle a little dragon scale rock salt, any other seasoning is superfluous.

The next step is to warm it in a steamer and wait for the dishes to be served. At this time, the chickpeas can also have a simple taste penetration with the newly added clear soup, making the two more integrated.

As for the chicken soup and winter melon cup, the old hen soup with a lot of golden chicken oil has been boiled for a long time, and it is served with minced ham, white shellfish, and dried scallops. Put them into the dug winter melon cup, and then add a little Qingyuan chicken .

The rest is to put a basin under it, and then put it on the fire to heat it.

Wait until the taste of chicken soup, winter melon, and seafood permeate each other, and such a soup dish will be completed.

Three dishes were completed in the blink of an eye, and the usefulness of pre-processing can be seen, and the remaining elbow is about to be completed.

According to Zhao Fuyu's cooking direction, such a dish should focus on the senses of the person's taste, that is to say, this dish should be more intense, after all there are sour plum duck and sea bass in the back.

No matter how you think about it, this elbow should have a strong taste.

For those who are familiar with his cooking techniques, this dish must be a spicy dish, even if it is combined with the direction of banquet dishes today.

However, what Zhao Fuyu did was far beyond everyone's expectations.

He only used the form of Dongpo elbow, but did not use the fish-flavored, sweet, sour and spicy gravy seasoning that Dongpo elbow is used to.

On the contrary, he took out ingredients that few people would take out at the end of a dish.

That is, dried plums!

Seriously speaking, under normal circumstances, if it is a dish that needs the taste of dried plums, then when cooking, it must be combined with dried plums and ingredients from the beginning.

It is almost difficult for the dried plums to be taken out at the final stage, and it is almost difficult to completely integrate with the ingredients.

But Zhao Fuyu just went against this logic. After the elbows had tasted, he added dried plums to cook together.

This is where this dish is so interesting.

Because of the rich taste of dried plum vegetables, Zhao Fuyu naturally did not use them without preparation. In fact, he had scooped out a part of the soup that had been stewed with pork knuckles for more than an hour in advance. After frying dried plum vegetables, These soups were added to the prunes and steamed in the pot.

Not only the dried plum vegetables are filled with the taste of pork knuckle, but also the taste of these dried plum vegetables is released through the oil and fully matured.

It's just that at this point, it's not the ultimate form that Zhao Fuyu wants.

After turning off the pork knuckle stew and let it continue to simmer in the earthen pot to taste, Zhao Fuyu took out the steamed dried plums and drained the soup inside, which can be poured on the pork knuckle later above.

But for the processing of dried plums, this is just the beginning.

The dried prunes that had been removed from the excess soup had absorbed the smell of meat and were already full of aroma, but in Zhao Fuyu's hands he also took out something full of aroma.

It also made many people present widen their eyes.

That is the real high-quality Longjing tea, the tea that has been brewed, although it is only brewed with the first tea, but the taste of the strong tea leaves after stretching is still unstoppable.

Soon Zhao Fuyu mixed more than half of the tea leaves into the dried plums. He quickly heated up a pot of hot oil, and added these tea leaves and dried plums together in a fine colander, and the temperature had risen to 199. In an oil pan over ten degrees Celsius.

All I could hear was the sound of the 'cracking' hot oil frying the pan.

A taste of pickled plums and dried vegetables mixed with a faint smell of meat and a misty tea aroma keeps surging.

No one expected that Zhao Fuyu would handle these ingredients in such a way in the end, and when the sound of the frying pan was rapidly reduced under high temperature, the 'swish' was like the sound of a small crisp shell hitting gold iron , it has already been passed on.

This is how those dried plums and tea leaves will eventually become the elbow.

The roasted pork knuckle is topped with the sauce that has the aroma of dried plums and vegetables, and finally the fried small crispy shells covered with dried plums and tea leaves are used as a match.

The taste, taste, and even form and meaning have been perfectly integrated.

This is the completed form of Zhao Fuyu's dish, and it is also a dazzling 'Plum Rain Dragon Well Hoof'!

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