I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 1346 Twin Stars Twinkle

As the question arises, the answer is naturally impossible to follow.

Nakamura Ji set up a large net, but compared with Zhao Fuyu today, this net still seems a lot of omissions.

Coupled with the instinctive fear of Zhao Fuyu, he dared not do anything about the position of Jingdu Yu, and the lack of intelligence allowed him to perceive that Yuanyue's actions were considered pretty good.

As for forcing him to find out exactly what kind of action he was doing, that would be somewhat embarrassing for Ji Nakamura.

At this time, the Food Club is also tightening its strength, and before the second impact comes, he needs to stay dormant for a while.

Only by recovering the strength first, can we fight out better.

‘But whatever the hell they’re doing, they’re definitely targeting IGOs. '

'So I just have to wait and see what happens.'

Nakamura Ji's expression showed a trace of vigor, he was not in a hurry.

Already having a long lifespan, almost endless life, he has enough time and patience to slowly compete with various opponents.

Zhao Fuyu, the father-in-law, is indeed extremely capable of analysis.

It soon became apparent that the key point was that no matter what Yuanyue was up to, there would only be one target, and that was IGO.

Because the food association is not weak at this time, but it is no longer in the main world.

Even if the gourmet club that has become popular in the gourmet world has more power, it will not be able to exert it until the second impact.

Vigilance is needed, but there is no need for such covert targeting.

So the answer is actually very simple. Who is the Yuanyue Group that deserves to have Zhao Fuyu behind it so carefully concealing information to fight against?

You can't prepare to dominate the world on Dongying's territory, right?

Not to mention that the trend of the times has changed, even if it is possible to do so, wouldn't it be self-defeating to do this kind of thing before the second impact and with the trust of the Eastern camp established with great difficulty?

And how many forces in Dongying are worthy of his trouble? One Shilin Temple is a family of kitchen gods from Shimura's lineage.

But these two families have never had conflicts with Yuanyue and Zhao Fuyu.

The only remaining targets are foreign countries, and there is only one family that needs to be dealt with in this way.


Don't forget, the power of IGO in Dongying's cooking world should not be underestimated. Don't look at Dongying as a reserve of the Weishen genre now, and that is something that only started in this generation.

The last generation, the last generation, and even the last three generations, the imprint left by IGO in Dongying's culinary world is not so easy to get rid of.

Most of them have naturally changed their sects, and soon joined the trend of embracing the Tao of Weishen, but a considerable number of them tried to go against the current and retain their own vested interests.

In order to solve these troubles, Zhao Fuyu also tried his best to be gentle, but it is impossible to completely clean them up.

This is also a matter of course, so many rumors need to be covered up.

Otherwise, in their own territory, why do they do things so covertly? In fact, it is not because there are still many IGO eyeliners inside.

Once it is too obvious, it will be discovered by the other party.

Of course, it's just a little low-key, Zhao Fuyu's plan will not be noticed by outsiders at all.

It wasn't until the two acupoints in West America and Africa were lit up that this matter officially started. However, when it started, everything had entered an irreversible trend!

One in Western America and one in Africa.

It seems to be irrelevant, but in fact, things like water veins and earth qi, as long as they are sorted out to a certain extent, can have mutual influence even if they are separated by tens of thousands of miles.

Just like the earth and the moon, there will be an effect similar to tides.

And the effect of this feng shui tidal magnetic field is the key to my plan!

Zhao Fuyu looked at the crypts that hadn't been lit up on the map, but his expression was very relaxed.

Because he knows that once two sides light up, the subsequent things are actually unstoppable.

God's will surrounds me, and this is the biggest difference from ordinary people.

Once Zhao Fuyu wants to do something, especially if it is of great benefit to the world, the ability to push it with invisible power is beyond the comprehension of the world.

It is no longer something that can be described as the same force in the world.

It's a true smooth flow and smooth flow. Even when ordinary people are the luckiest, they can't compare to this situation.

There are no twists and turns in anything, and even many parts have been inexplicably cleared by an inexplicable force. On the Kilimanjaro side, some people who were supposed to connect to the ground veins were surprised to find that there are some rat paths here. The other part was opened by the rabbit.

The distance between the two sides is actually only a thin meter or two, but it is not completely connected.

It is simply unbelievable.

And after communicating with the will of the Rocky Mountains in Ximei, Nandou started to drink tea directly there, and when the time came, he could start the sacrifice.

You must know that such an action, if there is no sacrifice to do the connection, it will take a lot of time to completely communicate with these crypts just by relying on time and the natural connection between the heaven and the earth.

The so-called sacrificial offering is such a process of linking resonance frequencies in a short period of time.

It can be said that once this is completed, unless all the crypts are destroyed, even if there is only one or even half of them left, they will be slowly repaired because of the power of resonance.

This is why Zhao Fuyu said that once the two crypts are established, everything will be unstoppable.

The two troublesome ones over there have been completed, and the remaining four will naturally be determined very quickly at the same time, and then there will be only one left, even if the IGO wants to stop it, it will not be able to do this at all.

Because no matter what they do, the formation of that crypt is already an established fact.

What Zhao Fuyu wants to do is to complete this time point ahead of time and speed up the promotion of the world.

Under such a premise, it is impossible to form a truly unified direction within the IGO.

This is not Zhao Fuyu's call, this is a basic pursuit he wants on behalf of the world and many living beings.

The promotion of heaven and earth, the ability to accept the original power of the gourmet cells coming from the second impact will be better, and even for many creatures, it will reduce a lot of danger.

Under such a general trend, how can even an IGO resist it?

Looking at Zhao Fuyu's easy arrangement, which is enough to shake the general situation of the world, Saeko Busushima and the others are also amazed.

I have a better understanding of the abilities of my sweetheart.

It can be said that Zhao Fuyu can now say without exaggeration, 'Where I am, is the general trend'.

And almost at the moment when the hour hand jumped to twelve o'clock, the whole world seemed to tremble for a moment, the pulsation in the air reverberated, and two inexplicable stars appeared in the sky like fireworks in the daytime, and then...

The world is shocked!

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