I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 137 Hunyuan in movement and stillness

As for martial arts, one can fully grasp the innate energy of the human body after entering the master level.

Although it is not as good as Zhongzhou's innate qi, it can be regarded as a different way.

In particular, the threshold for entry is much lower, which is why the gate of the extraordinary, martial arts is the easiest one in the world.

What's more, in today's world, with the emergence of gourmet cells, everyone's physique is several times stronger than before, which has laid the foundation for the prevalence of martial arts.

Countless martial artists have appeared in this world, but not many can be recognized as being at the top of the martial arts world.

The female emperor in Zhongzhou counts as one, and Dong Ying's invincible superman and the strongest creatures on the ground are also included. The sum of the east and the west is less than ten fingers.

For these existences, their attainments in martial arts have reached their peak, and the only difference is who can create a further method that is truly effective.

After all, after the Martial Arts Master level, all that is left is an extraordinary person who becomes a saint.

But the name of "Holy" is too illusory compared to other kinds of extraordinary paths that have paths to follow.

That's why the empress killed the natural disasters raging outside Zhongzhou in order to prove her 'holy'. Later, Yujiro Fanma went to Italy to fight those natural disasters in order to prove how far he had come.

But none of these methods are based on great perseverance, and they cannot be used by the talented generation.

For the majority of martial arts masters, their path is simply impossible.

There is no reference value.

In today's world, the only object in the eastern camp that can be referred to by expert-level martial artists is the 'invincible superman' Fenglinsi Hayato.

Hayato Fenglinsi did not disappoint, and indeed found a path that was completely different from the previous two, and tapped his own potential in another more feasible way.

It is also after Liang Shanbo was scrutinized that it is now thoroughly displayed in him. The movement and stillness are mixed, and the fist is soaring!

Qi and blood like a dragon, even faintly distorted in the space.

The energy of movement and stillness seems to be mixed together, forming a situation where the dragon and the tiger meet, which directly breaks the natural barrier that martial artists cannot control the energy of movement and stillness at the same time.

No, it should be said that it is not that the energy of movement and stillness cannot be mastered at the same time, but that the price to be paid is too high if you want to use the energy of movement and stillness to make a move.

In Murder Fist, someone created the "Static and Dynamic Bomb One", but that was just a method similar to explosive potential, but the terrifying aura emanating from Fenglinsi Hayato represented that he had completely mastered the aura of movement and stillness .

And you can use this power at the same time!

Mixed elements as one.

And one is the Tao!

It can be said that as Hayato of Fenglin Temple showed his aura of movement and tranquility, the state of Hunyuan was equivalent to opening half a door, telling countless masters in the martial arts world what to do next, instead of groping in the dark .

As for the remaining half of the door, it depends on whether Hayato Fenglinsi can come out next!

The blood is like a flying dragon, and the blond old man caresses his beard and smiles. He obviously has a warm and rock-like demeanor, but it gives the gods a sense of violence like landslides and landslides.

The spirit is condensed to the extreme, and it also stimulates the gourmet cells in the body to the extreme, but it is different from the cooker. Feng Linsi Hayato takes another path, turning the characteristics of gourmet cells that can stand between the void and the existent into The will that every martial artist has.

That invisible thing is now being transformed into a real substance in his hands.

And he called it. Fist!

'Half-step Martial Saint.'

‘No, I’m already half a martial sage, yet another human being has come this far, and they’ve completely opened up a feasible path. '

During the communication between the gods, the thoughts of Lord Jianyu Thunder God reverberated. He is the god of martial arts, so he naturally knows martial arts very well.

In fact, before he became a god, he was a martial saint, but he got a chance from heaven and earth, and ascended to the god position in one step.

It's just that he hasn't forgotten his identity as a martial artist. In the past years, many of Dongying's martial arts masters have been accomplished through his guidance. get out.

You must know that in the history of mankind, Wu Sheng is equivalent to an artifact of the country.

One person is enough to fight against the country, and even against the power of the gods.

This is the true meaning of 'holy'.

Such an existence was accomplished without the permission of the gods. Do you really think that the relationship between humans and gods was as close as a family at that time?

‘Is Lord Jianyu Thunder God going to end? '

A figure sitting on the god's throne chuckled and spoke.

'The deity is still in Leiming Peak, here is just a phantom formed by a ray of will, even if the fighting platform can be condensed into an entity, it is almost meaningless. '

'Not happy. '

Jianyu Thunder God doesn't mind his end, but now that he is not here in real body, it's not so refreshing after all.

With his personality, he will naturally not end up.

‘Then among the gods present today, who can fight him? '

'It's not easy to be a half-step martial saint, but it's even more difficult to be a half-step martial saint! '

Another powerful god spoke, and then several voices sounded, all recommending the existence they valued.

Fighting against the generals is naturally not easy.

Not only the bets made by Zhao Fuyu can determine the next moves of the two sides, even the participants in it will have a lot of benefits, especially the winners will be bestowed by the generals!

It doesn't matter to these powerful gods who can restore to the god level at any time, but it is not easy for the inferior gods, those things can even push them to go one step further.

This is also the reason why powerful gods began to recommend their subordinates one after another.

'Baqi, you go! '

However, the quarrel soon had a unified answer.

Accompanied by Lord Jianyu Thunder God, the powerful god who ranked among the top ten made a decision, and soon the quarrel among the gods came to an end.

Because this choice is really incomparably appropriate.

Unlike other gods, Baqi actually belongs to the God of Misfortune, and is the strongest God of Misfortune, but he was able to survive under the hands of one of the three gods, only at the price of falling from his position.

This kind of toughness is just suitable for giving humans a shot!

The bright red eyes of the man who was in the ranks of the Gods of Misfortune, but separated by all the gods moved a little.

There was no refusal, no words, only one step forward, and he was already standing on the fighting platform.

Immediately, countless heroic spirits chanted.

'General against general', 'Soldier against soldier', 'Fight, fight, fight! '

Above the entire Doujiangtai, the figures of the two were fully displayed immediately, reflected in the entire starry sky.

"Baqi no Orochi!"

Crimson eyes, and the iconic long hair scattered like a snake's head, and blue tattoos spread from the neck to the face.

These characteristics made Tsuchimikado Joharu exclaimed.

It caused an uproar in the human camp.

"Mr. Hayato, can you hold on?"

The question came from Shengu Yiqi's ear, and this master of swordsmanship who also approached the domain of the sword master with his sword intent felt the terrifying aura in Fenglinsi Hayato's body, as if a volcano was about to erupt.

And extremely excited fighting spirit! !

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