I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 151 The ultimate prototype

'This old boy still looks leisurely until now. '

‘If it’s not pretending, it’s because Zhao Fuyu is sure of victory’

Tokugawa Fengdian watched Luo Tianhe handle the tiger puffer mushroom, but his eyes reflected the color of contemplation.

But he couldn't think for a while, what is it that can make Nakiri Senzaemon have such great confidence.

The gourmet club allows people to perfectly activate dreamy ingredients during the period of special cooking. This is their exclusive method.

It can be said that they are the only ones in the world who have mastered this kind of technology, otherwise the parties in Dongying would not let them enter Dongying's territory with some acquiescence.

In fact, isn't it a skill that is envious of them?

Before this halberd feast, whether this skill was useful or existed was still doubtful, but when Luo Tianhe revealed his ingredients, all the forces put down their minds.

Began to actively contact representatives of food associations in the Higashi Sakura Chukyo area.

If it wasn't an exclusive method, how could the powers of Dong Ying let the hungry wolf of the food society enter Dong Ying?

However, Nakiri Senzaemon still has such confidence in Zhao Fuyu, even if he also has the support of fantasy ingredients, but the degree of cooking is different, and the taste displayed is still comparable

Just when Tokugawa Wind Power fell into deep doubts.

Luo Tianhe's method of processing the poisonous tiger puffer mushroom also caused the audience to exclaim. Many people held their breath for this and stared blankly at Luo Tianhe's hands, as if fascinated. All minds are the same.

As if carving, a bamboo knife was drawn along the purple spots on the poisonous mushroom's body, and every spot was not missed.

Almost in the knife that was accurate to the millimeter level, those purple spots were uprooted even the deep purple part.

Just like that, almost two-thirds of a whole tiger puffer mushroom was thrown away, turning into such a strange shape full of hollow wormholes.

Countless purple spots fell to the ground, and were sent into garbage bags without any regrets and sealed tightly.

I don't know how many people are regretting that this rare dreamy ingredient has ended up like this!

Only the cooks who approached Lin Chu's eyes lit up, because it was obvious that what Luo Tianhe showed here was a treatment method for this kind of highly poisonous dream food, so that this food could be eaten.

At least Luo Tianhe's current method can be used as a reference.

That is to say, at this moment, the highly poisonous dream food has become a real delicacy that can be pursued at all costs!

Remove the most toxic part, and combine the remaining trace toxins with the other four highly toxic ingredients?

Inokashira Goro, who hadn't said much, showed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the taste of this dish will be very special and amazing!

It is not that Inokashira Goro has never tasted dishes featuring highly poisonous ingredients, but this is the first time he has really come into contact with the Five Immortal Soup like now.

It seems that there are a lot of things to study there.

A gleam flashed in his eyes. As a world-class gourmet, Inokashira Goro naturally came into contact with the secrets that countries and IGOs ​​have been hiding.

I also know that fantasy ingredients are not as rare as they seem. The key is that ordinary people have not yet reached the point where they can have access to fantasy ingredients at any time, so countries keep secrets.

In fact, according to the researchers' speculation, in another hundred to two hundred years, most people's gourmet cells will further evolve due to factors such as diet and genetics.

At that time, even newborn babies can accept dream ingredients.

That was the heyday of the true gastronomic world.

One generation has the responsibility of one generation. In Inokashira Goro's view, their generation should have achieved their goal by turning fantasy ingredients from legends to expensive ingredients.

But more radical people don't see it that way. They think it will happen overnight.

‘Haste makes waste, why do some people turn a blind eye to this truth? '

Although looking forward to Luo Tianhe's cuisine, from a conceptual point of view, Inokashira Goro is obviously not a figure on the side of the food club.

Just when the president of the Gourmet Association was full of thoughts, the audience in the audience exclaimed, which also made him withdraw his attention, and saw Luo Tianhe lightly stroked twice with the bamboo knife, forming a cross Knife.

The riddled tiger fugu poisonous mushroom was divided into four.

It was at this time that everyone was surprised to find that the ingredients, which were not half aesthetic from the outside, turned into four fairy images with graceful postures, dancing like flying fragrances.

Five Immortal Soup, that's how it is.

The four poisons are the soup ingredients, and the poisonous mushrooms are the main ingredients, which actually reduces the difficulty of activating these dreamy ingredients!

Five kinds of toxins generate and restrain each other, I'm afraid it is

I'm afraid it will form the ultimate prototype!

This time Tokugawa Wind Power is really amazed. What is Luo Tianhe's identity? Naturally, he can find out clearly with his ability. Just such a person with only a little talent, after being trained by the food club, he can also master it. Such cuisine.

The technology possessed by the food club is really amazing.

The forces of Dongying's parties are afraid that only those things at the bottom of the box can be compared with them.

'So, the last time those guys contacted the old man. It's not impossible to think about it.'

Glancing at Nakiri Senzaemon from the corner of the eye, Tokugawa Wind Power's heart swayed a little rarely. It is really amazing the ability displayed by the Gourmet Club.

Even Senzaemon's eyes flashed with splendor.

Many spectators who heard Tokugawa Wind Power's judgment, as well as the onlookers also showed incredulous expressions.

'The ultimate prototype? ! '

'How can it be? Even with fantasy ingredients, it's impossible to reach such a level, right? '

I don't know how many special chefs who are on the verge of Linchu's threshold seem to have been destroyed.

After all, it is the ultimate taste that can only be mastered by Lin Chef!

Obviously, Luo Tianhe did not know how to use a tricky method to master it in advance.

It can be said that the ability of the food club has already left a deep imprint in their hearts just by this action. Who wouldn't want to go to the next level at this point?

If the food fair can let people master the prototype of the ultimate taste, maybe

Just when everyone's thoughts began to fluctuate, gradually forming a huge vortex.

A crystal brilliance unexpectedly appeared from the cooking table at Zhao Fuyu's side!

And the people who turned their eyes to Zhao Fuyu's side almost opened their mouths this time and never closed them again.

Even Nakiri Ji, who was always at ease on the other side of the screen, suddenly focused his eyes, revealing an impossible expression.

how come?!

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