I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 178 Complicated cooking, simple seasoning

'click' 'click'

The crisp voice echoed in Gilgamesh's mouth. It was a taste of vegetables. As for the piece of meat mixed with three kinds of meat, beef, sheep and pig, it released a rich gravy soon after it was satisfied in the mouth. With saliva running rampant in his mouth.

Smooth, tender and even with an unexpected touch of crisp.

It may be hard to imagine that a piece of meat will be full of so many complex textures. Under the texture of vegetables, the meat piece formed by the overlapping of beef, sheep and pig forms a texture that is very different from the usual meat.

It's like the taste of several meat ingredients coming together.

Pork is made of pine meat, beef is made of tender tenderloin, and mutton, which is richest in fat, is made of the upper brain.

The fat distribution of these three kinds of meat is different, but they are all scattered in the lean meat, forming their own unique taste, and then they are baptized into one by Zhao Fuyu's knife skills.

The effect produced is by no means as simple as the seemingly ordinary one plus one plus one equals three.

After using three different wines to remove the fishy smell of the ingredients, the taste of the three wines and the unique aftertaste are also reflected in the meat taste, making the meat taste linger in the mouth for a long time fundamental.

However, when you think that there is only meat, the saltiness brought by the meat sauce extracts the unique sweetness of the meat.

The meat sauce stewed with six different wines is not only not greasy, but because of the addition of different fruit and flower wines such as cherry blossom wine, green plum wine, etc., the sauce has a touch of freshness. acid.

This sour taste is also very good at pulling down the rich meat flavor after reaching its peak.

People can't help their appetite come back to writhe again, and they are still full of anticipation for the next bite.

This can almost be said to be the acme of meat dishes, perfectly showing all the flavors of meat!

Just when Gilgamesh thought this was all there was, he had already chewed the vegetables with only the texture left, and there was another extremely faint smell of wheat, which made all the flavors finish on the earth.

"Where does this smell come from?!"

Without the consciousness to hide his own thoughts, Gilgamesh expressed doubts after swallowing what was in his mouth.

In his mouth, apart from the constantly reverberating aroma of meat and wine, there was also an extremely subtle aroma of wheat reverberating, which became the cornerstone for the continuous continuation of the aroma of meat.

It was a breath with a meaty smell that seemed to enter the lungs. The rich taste reminded people of countless wheat ears and rice fields, in which the cattle, sheep and pigs led their groups in the wild. running.

Not only are they running wildly, but they are building a brand new world, as if a king is leading them to start forming a brand new ecosystem.

"It's barley tea. The water I use to cook these ingredients is made from barley tea and dried wheat grains."

"The slightly starchy aroma will hang over the vegetables and meat, and the fat gravy of the meat will drip down the steamer on the vegetables as it matures."

"The aroma of the vegetables will also be attached to the meat due to the steam."

"Only by using techniques such as steaming and cooking can these three be integrated into one, so that the three different meats can also be completely integrated at the same time."

Hearing Gilgamesh's question, Zhao Fuyu was not stingy with his cooking skills.

After all, although this dish looks very complicated, in fact, there are not many ways to prepare it, and it only uses basic cooking skills.

"The art of cooking is born of civilization. If the race is not conceived by civilization, the taste cannot be discerned well; if the taste cannot be discerned, the skill of cooking is not good."

"To cook a dish that matches the king, cooking skills are the key, and the key lies in the complexity of the ingredients and the simplicity of the seasoning."

Seeing the curious expressions of the diners present, especially Gilgamesh, Zhao Fuyu's explanation went further.

In fact, when conceiving this dish, Zhao Fuyu also went through many changes. For example, at first he thought of stewing all three ingredients, and then using wine as a bridge to fuse the three.

Or all the three are broken into meat paste, and then shaped into large pieces of meat, and finally poured with a sauce made of various wine liquids, and then ignited with a flame to form a contrast between meat and wine Chengqu also shows the fiery majesty of the king.

But these thoughts were all denied by Zhao Fuyu in the end. Instead, he used the current method, complicated cooking process, and simple seasoning method to fully present the answer to the question of what constitutes a king.

Plain and hot will be an indelible part of the king's life, but the real value of the king's existence is not what they leave behind, but the aftertaste that remains in the mouth after all the ingredients are swallowed, that is, the aftertaste they left behind. What is left of the world.

This is the value of a king!

It is also the standard for distinguishing who wins and who loses in the real king.

"Cooking represents the progress that kings bring to their people, and the simplicity of seasoning symbolizes that they are cautious about what they ask of their people."

"On the contrary, through this, the taste of meat will exist for a long time, and my legacy will be left among the people."

"This is the reason for the sacrificial taste of Sheji. Three animals."

In Zhao Fuyu's eyes, what is a king?

The filth of the country is the master of the country; the bad luck of the country is the king of the world!

Those who can take responsibility and bring more civilization and progress are the real kings.

This is also the reason why Zhao Fuyu's cuisine is the taste of the three animals. Only those who are cared for by the people and truly remembered in their hearts can get the three animals and enjoy the taste of these simple but sincere sacrifices.

"With one dish, the way of the king has been explained."

"I have to say, Manager Fuyu, your cooking skills are getting better and better!"

There was applause of '啪啪啪', followed by a strange voice, and everyone turned their eyes in shock. It was a man wearing simple clothes with a pale face and snake-like pupils who came in from outside. .

It is Orochimaru who has not come to the restaurant even after opening several times!

"Hmph, another despicable mortal."

Gilgamesh didn't expect that he was eating his own food, and when he was supposed to show off, someone would steal his limelight, so he naturally expressed his dissatisfaction with a cold snort.

"New customer, it seems that the store manager's business is good."

Sensing the powerful and completely unfamiliar breath of power in Gilgamesh's body, Orochimaru smiled lightly, but did not respond to his provocation.

On the contrary, Zhao Fuyu seemed to feel a strange situation from Dashewan, as if...

Can get more points from him!

The art of cooking is born of civilization,

uncivilized race,

Then the taste is not fine;

poor taste,

Then the skill of cooking is not good.

The magic of Chinese cooking,

It also only shows the depth of evolution.

——Sun Yat-sen

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