I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 214 Three Eats of Squid

Tuna octopus, a dream food, in Zhao Fuyu's opinion, is actually the most essential part, not the front part of the tuna, which the chef on board mainly focuses on, but the second half of the squid's feet, which he ignored intentionally or unintentionally.

During the competition at that time, he noticed that many people seemed to have problems with the application of fantasy ingredients.

They take fantasy ingredients so seriously that they don't want to even lightly process them.

Even Zhao Fuyu's method of boiling in white water and adding loose meat seems like he has never seen it before.

All the cooking skills of the chef seem to be ineffective when faced with dreamy ingredients.

But Zhao Fuyu can't, he treats all the ingredients the same, even if the fantasy ingredients are far more delicious than ordinary ingredients, they are still not really invulnerable.

This needs to be dealt with and perfected by him as a cook, instead of slowly adjusting by means of food resonance.

And this time he exchanged the second half of the squid foot for the tuna octopus for this purpose.

In addition to cooking something different for Kamado Tanjiro, it was also to verify his conjecture.

Is it true that the squid feet are the essence of the whole tuna octopus?

Because according to normal guesses, the tail of fish is usually the part that moves the most, and tuna, as a predator that hunts other fish in the ocean, needs a strong tail.

Even the tuna octopus, whose tail has been changed to look like a squid by gourmet cells, will not change this habit.

And once this is the case, then the part representing the squid's foot must provide a strong power equivalent to the original tuna tail.

This also causes the squid legs of tuna octopus to get more movement than normal squid, and also develop a completely different flavor than normal squid legs.

Simple frying according to the usual cooking method cannot fully bring out the deliciousness of this squid foot.

Originally, this idea of ​​himself was just a guess, but when Zhao Fuyu really started to deal with these squid feet, he knew that his guess was completely correct!

Cut off the suckers on the squid feet. These soft and elastic things are far stronger than the suckers on the normal squid feet, and more similar to the suckers on the octopus feet.

Instead, Zhao Fuyu immediately had an idea of ​​how to deal with these things.

And the squid feet with the extra suckers removed were also cut up one by one by him, including the part of the body that connects the body parts of the fish.

For this reason, Zhao Fuyu specially exchanged for the upper half of the squid part of a complete tuna octopus.

By separating these three kinds of squid, Zhao Fuyu has already set a cooking set meal for Kamado Tanjiro, a main course, a cold dish and a staple food.

Although they are all the squid part of tuna octopus, what Zhao Fuyu wants to make are three completely different flavors, and dishes that are enough to make Tanjiro cheer up again.

In fact, the upper half of the squid part of the tuna octopus is the best to deal with. Wash the internal organs and remove a layer of red film that may be on the outer layer.

These are the sources of fishy smell, as long as they are removed, there will be no fishy smell left.

Then cut a small part of it into fine pieces, add some pig suet to the rest, beat egg whites into squid puree, then mix in the finely chopped part, add white pepper, salt, green onion and ginger juice, a little bit About a teaspoon of potato starch.

Then, stir these ingredients continuously in one direction until they stick to your hands, then grab the squid paste, beat it violently, and repeat seven or eight times.

It can be clearly felt that the squid paste is becoming more and more sticky, and the weight of the squid has begun to increase, which means that the squid paste has been processed in place.

Then you can wrap the squid paste in plastic wrap and refrigerate it for later use.

Later, cucumber and other ingredients need to be added to be used as a complete filling.

And this is the stuffing of squid and seafood dumplings among the three dishes of squid.

The filling of the squid dumplings is finished, and the next step is the squid foot sucker. Zhao Fuyu's choice is actually not complicated, just make a cold salad with sauce.

Blanch the squid foot sucker, which is similar to the touch of sea ling mushroom.

There is no need to put anything special in the water, just scallions and ginger are enough. When the hot water boils, the smell of scallions and ginger has been released, and then let these squid suckers turn around in the boiling hot water.

It didn't take long at all. After the squid sucker was put down, the water that had already calmed down was churning and agitating again, and the fire could be turned off directly.

Then let the sucker soak in the water for two or three minutes, then take it out and immediately put it in ice water to chill.

At this time, the squid sucker will not only be extremely crisp, but also have a faint sweetness unique to squid, and besides the crisp taste, there will be a little bit of chewiness left.

This is similar to the characteristics of octopus, and it is also reflected in this dreamy ingredient. It also shows that after long-term exercise, the strength of squid feet is no less than that of octopuses.

And this unique taste is the ironclad proof.

Because of this, Zhao Fuyu is very confident in this squid sucker.

This special sweetness and taste is the key to this squid sucker can perfectly replace the octopus sucker.

After all, ordinary octopus suckers do not have the unique sweetness that only squid has.

When the squid sucker started to chill, Zhao Fuyu hurried to make a sauce.

The so-called Laozhi is actually just a cold sauce, but this kind of cold sauce is particular about sweet and sour, slightly spicy and slightly numbing, and the pursuit is to maximize the taste of the ingredients in the Laojuice.

It doesn't make the taste of the juice too prominent, so special attention should be paid to the choice of seasoning for the juice.

I saw Zhao Fuyu found a small iron basin, first put half a shredded purple onion, then a small handful of celery cut into sections, and a large handful of coriander cut into small sections.

Then there is a small spoonful of ginger juice, a large spoonful of minced garlic, two millet peppers finely chopped, and two two vitex green peppers finely chopped.

When all these main ingredients are in place, it's seasoning.

A small spoonful of salt and the same amount of sugar, then a spoonful of oyster sauce, a spoonful of steamed fish soy sauce, a spoonful of light soy sauce, two spoonfuls of mature vinegar, a quarter spoonful of white pepper, and six spoonfuls of cold boiled water, half Juice of 1 lemon, and a teaspoon of sesame oil.

The basic sauce is already done.

This kind of sauce, because it is to deal with seafood, so ginger juice and white pepper powder are specially added.

If it's not seafood, but if it's just meat, you can choose one of these two. If it's vegetables, you can put both of them.

After the squid sucker cools down, you can take it out directly. After controlling the water, pour it into the juice and mix well. Then put in two fresh vine peppers, pour the hot oil on the vine peppers, and then cover the lid while it is still hot. .

Integrate the aroma of rattan pepper and the fresh numbing taste into the juice and ingredients.

After about 15 to 20 minutes, the squid sucker with juice will be considered complete.

The rest is where the tuna octopus is most noticed by ordinary people.

Exactly, squid feet!

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