I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 217 Taste non-taste

As the king of vampires in their world, it can be said that all fantasies about vampires can be found in him.

Akado, or Dracula, has all the advantages of vampires, of course it also has disadvantages.

It's as if he doesn't seem to be afraid of the sun, but in fact it's just because he can protect himself, not immune.

Just because his advantages can withstand his disadvantages does not mean that those disadvantages have disappeared.

Being able to taste food like ordinary people all the time does not mean that the food is really delicious in his mouth.

In fact, just like every vampire, all the food in his mouth is the most foul-smelling garbage, without any taste at all, only blood and fine wine can give him a slight taste experience.

This is why every vampire will quickly lose its human nature after a long time.

Because human morality and physiology have completely nothing to do with vampires.

They're just different creatures that look alike.

Apart from the sense of taste, the same is true of aroma. Vampires can smell, but apart from the sweet smell of blood that they feel from the bottom of their hearts, the other senses of smell are just simulations of nerve and soul perceptions that rely on their own memory to continuously go back and forth.

In other words, there is no difference between the so-called fragrance and smell in the eyes of vampires.

Not to mention that they feel happy because of the aroma, because in essence, the feeling of aroma is just the feeling they found from memory, and then simulated into the nerves and soul.

This is why vampires can easily fall into memories.

Because only by recalling them can you have more feelings, feelings, and even judgments of preferences, long-term simulations, and absorb other people's blood memories into the simulation.

It makes vampires with insufficient willpower easily lost by the huge amount of colorful memories.

Quite a few ancient vampires ended up laying awake in their coffins, many because their souls were completely lost in memory and then vanished.

But Akado can be sure that the alluring fragrance is definitely not from the simulation of memory, because even the automatic simulation of the emergence of memory cannot show the allure of this fragrance.

What's even more strange is that it seems that Zhao Fuyu really started to stir up a stir, and Akado really smelled the aroma.

The previous sucker of squid with sauce seems to have no taste at all.

This also caught Akado's attention.

‘This place. Exactly? '

Originally, he was very surprised at this place that gathered countless diners from all over the world and the cuisine, but now that this more unfathomable side appeared, it also made Akado deeply feel what it means to be unfathomable and powerful.

Just when Akado, the king of vampires, was puzzled by the strange fragrance of Zhao Fuyu's cooking.

In Zhao Fuyu's pot, the fire was ignited, and all the ingredients had been stained with a layer of wok gas. The strong flavor that belongs to the flame is also the unique flavor of this stir-fried dish.

Sprinkle the stirred sauce into it, and in almost an instant, the thick smoke evaporates and the water vapor bursts out.

The taste of cumin powder and pepper powder lingered directly, and covered the squid feet that had already been cut. Just fiddled with the frying spoon twice, the sauce was already wrapped on all the ingredients.

This is also the reason why Zhao Fuyu raised the temperature of the pot to such an extent. Under the action of this high temperature, the skin of the squid's feet can be quickly tightened, blocking the water from leaking out.

That is to say, after these seven or eight times of stir-frying, after the last handful of chopped perilla leaves are sprinkled directly, the pot is immediately removed from the fire.

A stir-fried squid foot full of wok flavor and lingering spicy taste has been completed.

In fact, the completion of this dish basically announced the debut of the squid and seafood trio prepared by Zhao Fuyu.

The sucker of the squid in the sauce is directly fished out for two plates, plus a large plate of squid feet, it can be regarded as enough for two people to eat together.

The rest is making dumplings.

Cut the cucumber into fine pieces, grab the excess juice with salt, then wash off the salt, heat the sesame oil until it is boiling hot, and pour it over again.

Finally, mix these cucumbers into the squid fillings that have been refrigerated before, and then take out the prepared dumpling wrappers. After putting the fillings, squeeze them with both hands, and wrap the round dumplings one by one. It can be thrown directly into the boiling hot water.

By the time the dumplings were all wrapped, a layer of white snow had floated in the boiling water, with a hint of transparent dumplings.

Point cold water twice, and wait for the water pot to boil twice, then you can fish it out.

In this way, the three dishes are all cooked with dreamy ingredients, and the dishes with completely different tastes can be regarded as complete.

Moisture like floating mist formed on the dumplings, like the scene of three waves rushing towards the face, emerging in the mist, under Akado's astonished eyes, Zhao Fuyu came to Tanjiro and Orochi with three dishes Maru's side.

"Come on, you two have a try."

"I used some special ingredients this time, and I don't know what effect it will have."

"The only thing that can be guaranteed is that the taste should not disappoint you."

Before Tanjirou Kamado could speak, Orochimaru first showed a puzzled look.

"Special ingredients?"

Nodding his head, Zhao Fuyu didn't explain too much. After all, gourmet cells are not something ordinary people can understand, and they are really different from ordinary cells.

It is more similar to a cell in the material sense and a cell integration in the spiritual sense, which is an accurate description.

"In terms of taste and efficacy, it is essentially different from ordinary ingredients."

"Maybe it will allow you to break through some barriers."

It is the first time to cook fantasy ingredients for diners from other worlds. Although it is certain that there will be no problems, the safety of diners in this restaurant must be protected.

But how effective it will be, whether the magic power of gourmet cells can produce effects on aliens who don't have gourmet cells at all, no one can say.

This is the reason why Zhao Fuyu has a little expectation.

"Taste and see."

Didn't say anything more, now the protagonists should be diners and cooks, Zhao Fuyu, the cook, quickly backed away.

After all, he still needs to get a blood dish for Akado.

That also requires a little more thought. As for what to do, he has already thought about it.

New diners can't do anything too scary, so he just prepared a simple meal.

I just don’t know if Akado, a new diner, can accept it.

"Then let's try it."

For Zhao Fuyu's craftsmanship is still very trustworthy, Da Shewan first took a fancy to the squid sucker soaked in the sauce, this method and smell gave him a feeling of familiarity.

Tanjiro Kamado, as a growing boy, has a love for carbon water deep in his bones, and the first thing he strikes at is the swollen dumplings.

Almost at the same time as the two put the food into their mouths, they couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

"This taste?! x2"

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