The closer to dusk, the more threats are coming, especially in today's situation, water and electricity are completely cut off.

Making too much noise will attract the attention of those dead bodies.

Even if the diesel engine is found, it cannot be used, let alone the light source.

If these dead bodies are also very sensitive to light, the chaos that will be caused is beyond imagination.

But at present, it seems that these dead bodies are mainly sensitive to sound, and most people have realized this after calming down.

"Our communication here is down."

"However, as long as there is no chaos in the entire Kyoto Imperial Capital, then at most one day, all parts of the Western District will be stable."

"If I guess correctly, rescue is already on the way."

Wipe the blade clean in your hand, keeping the knife is also a homework of kendo, and Saeko Busujima is also very skilled in mastering it.

But what she's worried about now is something else.

The number of dead bodies is not quite right.

"Heat source gathering?"

"Can you tell how many there are?"

High above the sky, the investigation has already begun.

In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that the signal tower needed to be close to the ground, in order to prevent the powerful people arranged by the Food Club from continuing to destroy, the communication in the central area of ​​the West District could have been restored long ago.

But just in case, Dongying didn't want to reveal what they were going to do before the stronghold was established.

For the time being, those unmanned aircraft that can float in the central area with the signal tower have not been issued.

However, the high-altitude and high-power scanning heat source infrared planes have already begun to dispatch, and it is also for the further cleaning of the western area for image and information collation.

Through trial and error in the early stage, we have debugged the characteristics that can clearly distinguish the body temperature of dead bodies and normal people.

Soon at the special event processing headquarters in the west district, there was a constantly changing heat source accumulation map.

Groups of crimson heat sources marked as dead bodies, as well as heat sources of ordinary people marked orange, soon began to appear in the eyes of everyone.

"In such a short time."

"The West District Center has fallen to such a point?!"

Some people exclaimed. You must know that the current image location is the very center of the Western District of Kyoto, and it is also the place that other people pay the most attention to and has the largest flow of people.

There are a lot of people and commercial buildings, buildings, beauty salons, restaurants, video games and other facilities are available.

It can be said that in the center of Kyoto Imperial Palace and the West District is a very popular place, you can know how many crimson groups are crowded together in front of their eyes.

Because of the flow of people, once a few points explode, the spread will increase exponentially.

Coupled with the fact that there is no separate portal to separate, the spread of this virus is simply terrifying.

Except for a few orange dots, it seems that there are not many people and they are on the upper floors, the first floor and the second and third floors of the building are almost all occupied by crimson dead body heat sources.

"Arrange rescue as soon as possible. We must liberate Fujimei Academy and become our backup base."

"Otherwise the disaster relief work cannot be carried out!"

Not every politician regards ordinary people as human beings, but once the officials and Yuanyue have contributed, even these politicians have to do their best.

Show all what you have learned, just to prepare for the race against time to save lives.

"The airborne troops are not safe now, and we have to wait for the commandos over there to be in place and have reference objects on the ground before we can make quick preparations."

"Shooting rashly will only give the hidden enemy a chance."

Ever since the support convoy was cut off by the attack, it has become the consensus of all parties in Dongying that the food club still has people operating secretly in the west area.

Even if no one is active in the West District, they must have a way to remotely control the movements of the dead bodies.

Therefore, it is the safest and most efficient plan to obtain a stronghold that can rest and defend, and then expand outward, coupled with the peripheral troops that advance inward.

Also because of this, many extraordinary powerhouses have already entered the ranks of the commandos, not to become one of them, but to help them open the gap in the dead body in stages, so that they can have more physical strength to deal with the attacks that have been covered by layers of crimson. The color light source dyes the core position.

It is also the location where Fujimei Academy is located!

Because the several colleges occupy a large area, when planning, these colleges were considered to be close to each other.

The distance between them is less than two streets.

Most of the residents in the street are also teachers and students of these two schools or vendors who do small business outside the college.

As a result, they did not expect that the concentrated population due to this became the biggest trouble for them to return to the safe zone at this time.

The fast-spreading dead bodies, after gathering and biting at the beginning, soon became hyenas scattered around, searching for the remaining humans.

Especially the sensitivity to sound made those students whose minds collapsed quickly become prey, even before they could be transformed into dead bodies, they were already carve up by the crowd of dead bodies as flesh and blood.

After all, instead of being killed immediately or being exposed to the virus on a large scale, the transformation of the human body must take time.

Even if this process is very rapid, it cannot compare with the thirst for human flesh of so many hungry and thirsty corpses.

But there is also a problem, a large number of dead bodies are now piled up near the escape door, which makes the dead bodies in the center of the school become scarce.

It also gave Saeko Busujima the opportunity to go out and search for some necessities of life.

Not to mention other things, some shelters, items used in the toilet, drinking water, food and other resources necessary for survival, it is not enough to fully expect the arrival of rescue.

At least they have to consider how to survive in this crisis-ridden campus.

Those who only make one-handed preparations are either particularly stupid, or they never thought of having a second choice.

The latter is more secretive.

Unlike the troubles on the human side, the existence of the Hundred Ghosts itself is an inhuman concept.

Even if it is close at hand, the dead body will not regard it as a human being at all.

The existence with gourmet cells is the target of their attack.

But the Hundred Ghosts are only attached to the extraordinary system established by the gourmet cells, and they themselves do not have such a thing.

The offering of delicious food can help them with the heart and energy contained in it.

This is also the reason why the bone girl finally arrived at Fujimei Academy before dusk, but the situation here is much worse than she expected.

It also made this general of the ghosts have to open the way.

Fortunately, dead bodies don't have any concept of groups at present. Even if the same kind are killed, as long as no traces of human activities are noticed, the dead bodies around them will just pretend that nothing happened.

This allowed the bone girl to open a bloody road full of dead bodies and limbs without wasting much strength, and walked into the Fujimei Academy.

And as soon as it entered here, it noticed the strangeness of this academy

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