I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 324 Infinite Proliferation

The power of the vast ghosts and monsters spread towards the center of the west district like a tide.

Obviously, the streets were gradually occupied by the figures of the ghosts, but the power spreading from the streets also engulfed the countless dead bodies encountered around them.

And this is also the true source of power for the Hundred Ghosts.

Endless yin, evil, concepts, legends, and the creatures themselves swallowed by these things!

As these dead bodies were swallowed up, the power of the Hundred Ghosts gradually became stronger, as if they were beginning to return to their peak era.

Why in the Heian era, the first generation would often take the Hyakki to parade everywhere, not only to promote their existence, but to root the concept of the Hyakki in this land.

More importantly, being able to take this opportunity to collect or kill countless monsters and monsters encountered, and transform them into the source of ghosts, increase their power, and maintain the contract made with humans and gods in the past.

Today's Zhao Fuyu seems to be reshaping all these things.

Those great monsters who still remembered the situation of the Hundred Ghosts in the first generation, it seemed that the blood in their hearts began to boil again.

Constantly killing monsters has become the source of the power of the ghosts and monsters, and also the key to the progress of the ghosts.

It can be said that from this point of view, it is only natural for humans to make a contract with the Hundred Ghosts.

And with the spread of the power of ghosts and monsters, Zhao Fuyu also realized this, countless dead bodies were swallowed up, and the chaotic power that maintained the activities of these dead bodies was also reduced countless.

The dead body that had begun to evolve and transform gradually, the purple-black lines on its body faded, and it also began to return to its original state.

As for those dead bodies that were directly trampled under their feet by the ghosts and became corpses, they returned to the situation when they were mutated by the virus more thoroughly, but they no longer had the appetite to rule their bodies.

In other words, those 'corpse' have completely become vegetative.

Whether it can be rescued depends on the rescue work of the human side and the results of medical research.

Neither Zhao Fuyu nor the Hundred Ghosts would pay too much attention to it.

Of course, if you spray some of the dishes prepared by Zhao Fuyu, it may also have some effect on these dead bodies, but can they wake up.

Even Zhao Fuyu couldn't give an accurate answer.

Everything can only be guesswork.

The wave-like advance did not last long, and soon a wall of flesh that seemed to be connected by dead bodies appeared in front of the crowd of ghosts.

"Is that all?"

"Master, let me destroy them!"

When the big tengu saw such targets, his expression was indifferent.

In terms of disregard for human life, Shuten-doji, who is the most murderous, may not be as good as it.

Because in its eyes, human life is really the same as a piece of grass, life and death have always been like this, there is no difference.

Zhao Fuyu, who knew the habits of the big tengu, shook his head.

"Let's just open the way. These dead bodies are arranged in such a way, which means that the guys behind know that if they can't stop us, they will fail!"

"In that case."

"Then send them a shuddering failure."

"Take their failure as joy!"

It seems that because he completely let go of the power in his body, Zhao Fuyu's mood swings are much stronger than before.

What is revealed in the heroic words is a rational analysis of the matter.

"Wheel enters the Tao!"

With a low cry, a monster like a wheel with a big bald head in the middle appeared from the crowd of ghosts.

"Ghost master!"

After answering, Zhao Fuyu was like a general commanding the battle, ordering the vanguard to dispatch.

"Clear the way!"

After getting the order, the whole body seemed to be swollen in the round of entering the Tao, and the left and right sides of the body began to swell, and the bald head let out a strange smile.


Immediately, the entire wheel was on fire, and in a blink of an eye, the wheel became more than ten times larger, like a London Eye on fire, with the momentum of crushing everything, heading directly towards the seemingly layered building. , The dead bodies that formed the flesh wall rolled over.

Amid the sound of 'bang bang bang', a deep rut also appeared on the concrete poured ground.

Showing his white teeth and putting on a mocking smile, Zhao Fuyu followed the rut and continued to move forward.

The gathering of countless dead bodies couldn't stop them even for a minute.

Several figures watching with electronic equipment in the distance could only look at each other helplessly, and then completely gave up the next task.

It is because the prestige of the Lord of the Hundred Ghosts is too great, and they also know that even if they all pile up now, they will only become one of the crushed ones.

"Our business is over."

"After going back and reporting to the boss, you can rest for a while."

"Remember, don't cause trouble!"

The one in the lead, after carefully explaining a few words, quickly disappeared into the building, while the rest of the people also dispersed like birds and beasts.

It's just that the remarkable feature is that the pupils of these people seem to contain blood that ordinary people don't have.

"damn it!"

"My bones can't hold it anymore!"

"What the hell is this thing that can keep multiplying?"

Just when Zhao Fuyu and the Hundred Ghosts under his command began to move towards Fujimei Academy at a high speed.

In the Fujimi Academy, Saeko Busujima, who thought she could feel relieved temporarily after cutting off the head of the purple-black meat worm with a single knife, soon realized that this was joined by a super-powerful monster like an evil monk. Soul is never as simple as it seems.

Almost in a short period of time, another head regenerated from the severed wound, not to mention that the head that fell on the ground also gave birth to a short body.

If it weren't for the people who descended from the air later, they would not be able to deal with the attacks from both sides for a while, and held on to the huge cocoon that had been agitating, as if it was emitting a huge meat cocoon that attracted the deformed flesh worm demon soul.

But no matter what kind of attack, even the blazing energy and blood of a martial arts expert can only eliminate a small part of the demon soul.

For the entire huge body, it is simply a drop in the bucket.

The rest of the power, even if it is the spiritual power that is best used against this kind of monster, even if it is injured for a while, it will recover soon.

Even the fallen piece of meat has to be careful whether it will proliferate and become another new clone.

This kind of opponent is simply impossible to deal with, with thick blood and high defense, and it also has its own hot spring.

More importantly, if the damage is dealt out, the clone can also explode.

Highlights an outrageous home.

I simply don't know how the gourmet society came up with such a thing.

It seems to be a hodgepodge that combines modern technology, spells, Buddhist printing, spiritual power, yin and yang, and so on.

Even the bone girl seems to be a normal person in front of such an existence.

one more chapter later

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