I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 474 Heart of Nirvana!

The moment the curry entered the mouth, Fan Ma Renya woke up from the vision of the mysterious kitchen environment.

But soon another scene of even more astonishing visions erupted in his mind.

Accompanied by the stimulating taste on the tip of his tongue, he seemed to have entered an unprecedented prison, and his limbs were blocked by hard controls.

Immediately afterwards, a scorching heat erupted on the tip of the tongue, and the pungent mixture of fiery spices and peppers spread between his lips and teeth, blending the endless aroma into his body, raising his body temperature.

Soon his body seemed to be soaked by rain.

Even the clothes burst open as if they had been damaged by something.

'hot! '

A thought reverberated in Fan Ma Ren Ya's head, followed by countless strong fragrances, the deliciousness unique to snakes and fish, spreading out in an instant.

The delicate and gentle umami smoothes out the strong spicy taste. The meat of the five-step snake and the tiger puffer fish are firm and delicate, but both have the same fresh and elegant taste, and the unimaginable taste jumps on the tip of the tongue.

It's obviously just umami, but it seems that there is something extra in the umami, which doubles the original ordinary taste into a new shape.

Then there is the taste of tiger puffer mushrooms. The soft and tender mushroom meat is obviously different from tiger puffer, but the delicious taste is very similar.

Every strand of mushroom released several times more deliciousness than ordinary tiger pufferfish, but the stimulating feeling did not diminish.

It was as if it had hit the nerves all over the body.

It was unbearable to twitch and tremble.

Then the taste like a monstrous wave hit his nerves, and the rich and delicious taste mixed with the taste of the previous ingredients exploded again explosively.

It turned out to be the taste of curry spices and the stewed sauce, which was gradually released after the spicy taste in the mouth was stimulated.

It is absorbed by the rice again, and when chewing continuously, a second wave of taste is formed.

It is simply incredible that an ordinary cooking recipe forms two huge waves of taste.

But the real incredible is yet to come.

After the taste, the hot taste experience soon fell into Fan Ma Ren Ya's stomach, and the strong stomach acid began to break down the ingredients inside.

A burning sensation swept over his whole body.

The trapped limbs could not move, and it felt as if the whole body was sent into a high-temperature steel-making furnace, surrounded by flames that could kill people at any time, and even the blood began to boil when the high temperature hit.

Breathing out the hot steam, the skin, muscles, and fascia all began to show red marks after being burned by high temperature.

And his performance outside was like having an extra stove in Fan Ma Renya's body, not to mention the sweat stains left on the cushion, even Shirahama Kenichi who was close to him only felt waves of heat coming.

Just when the temperature was getting higher and higher, and it even reached Kenichi Shirahama's feeling that it was outrageous, and his hair began to be baked and curled.

An icy chill also began to grow from Fan Ma Renya's stomach.

The biting cold spread quickly.

There is no sense of comfort brought by the cooling, or this feeling disappears too quickly, just for a moment.

Even that comfortable feeling didn't remain, Fan Ma Renya began to tremble all over, a trembling that was extremely cold!

You must know that he has not experienced hot and cold exercises, and even tried martial arts training on harsh ice and snow mountains to forge a powerful body.

However, this terrifying coldness emanating from his body, as if his bones were frozen to brittle, and his blood began to crystallize, was completely different.

If it was just exercise before, then it feels like you are constantly hovering on the edge of life and death.

But just when the chill was about to wipe out his consciousness, the extremely intense heat wave began to spread again.

The cyclical state made Fan Ma Blade Ya seem to have entered the purgatory of endless torture.

And the source of this power was the curry that he kept pouring into his mouth, which he never forgot to stop even though he was in an infinite freeze.

'Hell. Seamless Curry'! !


Is this really food?!

Kenichi Shirahama exclaimed, but in the next second, Zhao Fuyu sent rice mixed with curry into his mouth.

Immediately, he also began to be forced into the purgatory of infinite reincarnation.

Even if it's just a small spoonful, for a tiger like him, it's already an extremely cruel hell.

But this kind of torture, to Fan Ma Ren Ya, seemed to have no sign of stopping, and it was constantly reincarnated and repeated.

Ice and fire overlapped in his body.

It was soon visible to the naked eye that cracks had begun to appear on his outer skin.

However, Zhao Fuyu has never felt the power to be bred inside besides destruction, the majestic spirit that can break through all obstacles and difficulties, and can go straight to all goals, and the heart of Nirvana that will never give up!

'It is at this time that his experience is not enough'

‘Still need to wait? '

In fact, even if it is toxins that have been mutually generated and restrained, it does not mean that there is no danger.

This series of dishes researched with the concept of dark cuisine will certainly become a dream opportunity for fighters, and it will also exist similar to the general concept of Super Shenshui.

Either live or die!

Of course, Zhao Fuyu's cooking would not be as serious as death, but after going through a torment without being able to sharpen his mind, what he would face would be tormented by the willpower contained in the cooking and lose his heart.

This kind of lost spirit is a severe blow to any existence that aspires to a higher and extraordinary realm.

If he could not rely on his own will to get rid of the torment of the endless purgatory, and even regarded it as a kind of tempering and a kind of fun, then Zhao Fuyu needed to interrupt the eater in time.

Otherwise, they will only become losers after being tortured by purgatory, numb ones!

Mr. Fuyu

Saeko Busushima, who saw the current state of Fan Ma Renya, called softly.

But Zhao Fuyu hadn't made a move yet, he believed in the blood of Fan Ma's clan, and even more believed that Fan Ma Ren Ya would not be such an easily defeated man.

And when the pot of curry was coming to an end, Fan Ma Renya's skin was like porcelain that would shatter at the touch of a touch. Although there were no cracks, it was already covered with scars.

But Zhao Fuyu saw another force being bred.

A newborn, weak, but tenacious power that even purgatory can't erase, bloomed in Fan Ma Ren Ya's heart.

That is exactly what can only be truly realized after going through the inexhaustible

Heart of Nirvana!

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