So fast?

In the world of God of Death, Matsumoto Rangiku was still depressed, and his fine wine was taken away just like that.

It turned out that she didn't expect to start sighing, and there was a wave of fluctuation, and she didn't have time to say hello to the two people around her, so she ran out in one step.

And with her departure, the entire Death God world fell into a kind of time stagnation.

Even those as strong as Yamamoto Genryuzai Shigekuni were also unaware of these things, and even the wills sleeping in the Jingling Court could not distinguish this kind of time and space fluctuations.

'Jingle Bell'

The wind chimes sounded again, waking Ye Xiu up. Only at this moment did he completely accept what kind of environment he was in.

And soon, he was attracted by the stewed meat and cold dishes in front of him, even if it was just the appetizer made by Zhao Fuyu, the alluring aroma and appearance were the only ones he had ever seen in his life.

It has to be said that according to the conversion of the gourmet world, it is possible that those cooks in Ye Xiu's world, even the most powerful ones in history, have not reached the level of super.

So it's normal for Ye Xiu to be attracted by Zhao Fuyu's little appetizer.

Of course, this is also a good thing for him. Eat some appetizers first, at least let the body recover a lot. With such a foundation, it will not have too much impact on the next dishes that belong to him.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult for Ye Xiu just to control the changes in his body.

I don't have any similar experiences. Even if you can achieve a stable state of mind, power is not something you can use with your heart. You need a little bit of adaptation, and you need enough mental strength to be familiar with it.

For Ye Xiu, who started to taste the appetizers, after trying to enter the mystery of the culinary world, he no longer knows what the outside world is like.

From Zhao Fuyu's point of view, these diners who kept coming were the most important, and he didn't entertain Ye Xiu any more.

I didn't expect that you would be the first to come this time.

After putting down the things in his hands and washing them under the faucet, Zhao Fuyu took out a bottle of the cherry wine that he kept before.

In the multi-world restaurant, apart from the newcomer Matsumoto Rangiku last time, there are only two people who like wine the most, and the one in front of him obviously has a lot of wine varieties.

I encountered some miscellaneous cultivators making trouble.

It's so infuriating!

The ice-cold cherry wine is served, and those who have tasted many fine wines naturally know how to taste it. They take out a small wine glass and fill it up. The medicinal fragrance surrounding it calmed down the mania in his heart.

The oldest king, Gilgamesh has finally recovered his kingly bearing.


It seems that you are becoming more and more dissatisfied with the gods under the control of Anaya's consciousness.

Isn't there already a helper? Why are you so depressed?

Knowing about this golden glittering state, Zhao Fuyu asked curiously, but he didn't ask what exactly happened, but was curious about why Gilgamesh was so depressed.

This is not the case for the golden glitter who is as proud as the sun in the sky.

But after an imperceptible blush appeared on Gilgamesh's face, Zhao Fuyu suddenly understood the reason for his distress.

After patting the oldest king who was trapped in the hell of the Asura Field, Zhao Fuyu turned around and returned to the cooking table, he probably knew what dish to cook for him.

That's not a tangled emotion that everyone has.

Hearing the diners talking, Ye Xiu also raised his head from the cooking. It was a language he didn't understand at all, but he could understand the meaning.

It seems that from the very beginning, he believed in the unusualness of this place, which may also prove the unusualness of this restaurant.

'Miscellaneous repairs.'

‘Is there such a curse word? '

It seems to be more civilized than Hun Dan and Silly X

He frowned, Ye Xiu never thought that his first harvest would come so soon after coming to this magical place.

You must know that as a player who has been immersed in games since he was a child, trash talking is also a job he is good at.

But up to now, his trash talk encyclopedia has not been updated for a long time.

On the contrary, today he was able to gain something by accident. Even if it was just such a benefit, his trip here today was worthwhile.

Before Ye Xiu could speak, Gilgamesh, who seemed to have calmed down a bit, noticed that there was another diner in the restaurant today, although his breath was so weak that it was no match for the youngest child among his people.

But the oldest king still gave his grace.


It's really a weak body, let me give you some benefits.

Just when Gilgamesh was about to strike, Zhao Fuyu blocked in the middle at the right time.

The oldest king, don't forget that all exchanges are conducted on an equal footing.

You must know that your grace is a disaster for many people or the world!

After setting the rules of his own restaurant, Zhao Fuyu will naturally implement them, and it is impossible for Gilgamesh to destroy them at will.

Although this person is talking about blessings, but with the power of his world, it is not difficult to leave a mark on the blessings.

Looking for a strange world across the void is very difficult for many beings, even if there are some descriptions or familiar breaths, it is as difficult as climbing the sky.

But once there is the imprint left by oneself, it is a completely different situation.

Such a situation, although protected by a multi-category system so that every diner will not expose the coordinates of their own world, is also a bad omen.

Zhao Fuyu naturally had to deal with it.


It's just a gift of strength. The rookie's physique is too weak. A wild rabbit on the side of the road can kick him to death.

Seeing Zhao Fuyu's explicit refusal, although Gilgamesh was proud, he was not an ignorant guy, knowing that this was the bottom line set by the store manager.

Not for anything else, just for the possibility of affecting the river of fate, he can't offend Zhao Fuyu.

He quickly waved his hand, gave up neatly, and continued to return to his seat to drink the cherry wine that he had never seen before, and the taste in it that could be full of the experience of the world of mortals.

Even for a king like him, it would be of great help to experience that experience several times.

Especially the spiritual polishing, it is a brand new experience, it can even give birth to an inexplicable throbbing and improvement in his spirit base, as if it can break through the two restraining forces of Gaia and Ayana consciousness, The restrictions set for the heroic spirits have entered a deeper level.

That really belongs to the level of the gods!

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