I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 568 The Sun Constructed by Spices and Ingredients

When it comes to anyone's first impression of Ace, it is by no means bold, rebellious, or even powerful.

The first thing everyone thinks of is the word "sunshine"!

This kind of sunlight is like the rising sun, a little dazzling, a little hot, but it will never make people bored.

And this kind of temperament is very similar to curry.

That kind of stimulation, that kind of special taste that makes people feel marginal, but everyone who comes into contact with it will almost be intoxicated by it, is exactly the key point of curry cuisine's attraction.

What's more, aren't spices the ingredients that most need sunlight to grow and mature?

Because of this, Zhao Fuyu naturally had no doubts about the choice of dishes to cook for Ace.

Just when Zhao Fuyu began to select ingredients that could meet the proposition of "sunshine curry" in his mind, the sound of wind chimes resounded throughout the multi-world restaurant again.

Accompanied by the sound of 'jingle bell'.

Regular customers also stepped into the restaurant one after another, and saw two new diners who came today.

Soon with the introduction of Matsumoto Rangiku, Jiu Mengzi, the group of people also began to meet for the first time in the multi-world restaurant, which also made the atmosphere a little more familiar.

Especially after discovering that Ace is a native of the wine country, as long as the few who can drink, they all come to have a drink with him.

And friendship is also the easiest to establish between pushing cups and changing cups.

As the captain of the battle team of a major force in One Piece, Ace is naturally not a character without scheming and emotional intelligence.

After a simple exchange, it was already clear where these regular customers came from and what kind of extraordinary system they had.

Some of them are incredible just after listening to them for a while, while others seem to be able to integrate with certain systems of their own world.

On the contrary, it can be regarded as giving Ace a lot of insight.

For the first time, I realized how important this multi-world restaurant is.

Tasting food here is just one aspect to increase one's own strength.

Sometimes, just some information exchanged with each other may be able to bring about an earth-shaking change in one's own world.

And this is this place, which may bring him the greatest significance. It has a greater effect than a change in strength, and it is a complete change from vision to structure.

Just when Ace began to communicate with the existences of different worlds, even the little guy Tanjiro Kamado joined the discussion enthusiastically, the entire multi-world restaurant seemed to become a lecture hall for heated debates.

Different regimes in various worlds, and the changes brought about by extraordinary powers have completely given them a variety of inspirations and ideas.

But there was also huge doubts.

Most of the questions can't be completely answered even in the communication between the existence of these different worlds.

Gilgamesh, who owns most of his own memories on the world line and has witnessed the ups and downs of countless dynasties and eras, also feels that there are many things. If you don’t consider practice, it is just empty theory.

The so-called perfect system has not been produced in various worlds at one time.

But has there ever been a truly perfect regime?

Not once.

This is the most critical point, even if there are countless worlds of communication, how to turn these things into a part that can be practiced in one's own world is a more critical part than communication and theory.

And this is what Zhao Fuyu's cooking will bring.

Exercising all strength!

Cuisine is the basis, and other things are supplementary. At the beginning, everyone couldn't understand why this place was called a restaurant, but the more they experienced it, the more they understood.

Thoughts are great and eternal, but if you want to live to promote your thoughts and let yourself live to witness the greatness, what you need is not only the aura exchanged between various worlds, but the most important thing is two words.


And in countless worlds, they have never seen an existence that is easier to obtain power than Zhao Fuyu's cooking, and strengthen their own power faster.

Including Ye Xiu, such an existence from modern society, even if it has no supernatural power system at all, can use the power of these dishes to let its essence and mind go beyond the limits of ordinary people and come to an To a completely unimaginable extent.

That's the most incredible thing about Multiverse restaurants.

Zhao Fuyu naturally listened to the arrival of diners from all walks of life and began to communicate with each other, but he didn't pay too much attention to it, instead he put all his attention on his cooking.

The so-called curry itself requires quite a lot of spices, and in order to match the effect similar to the sunshine.

The ratio needs to be more careful.

Fortunately, half of the 'Spice Inequality' redeemed from the multi-world food system showed its own energy at this time.

Based on the popular laksa base in Singapore, a special curry sauce with strong Nanyang and spice flavors is matched.

What is particularly unusual is that the general curry base uses a lot of spices that are more intense after drying, but Zhao Fuyu used a lot of fresh spices ingeniously to compose the ratio of this curry.

This kind of use is also to increase the unique taste of the sun, so that the real charm of the sun can be added to the cooking.

Lemongrass, galangal, basil leaves, red pepper, turmeric, dried shrimp, lamb, minced garlic, shallots, coriander seeds, cumin, white pepper, peppercorns Many spices, especially those that need a lot of sunlight to grow All the spices are used in this curry.

After frying with butter, onions, and tomatoes in a moist environment, after being broken by a crucial blender, and then frying and filtering again, the remaining slightly sauce-colored base ingredients are what Zhao Fuyu chose to use this time. Curry!

And it's all about maintaining the flavor of this sunny curry.

It's complicated to say, but it tastes even more complicated. There are countless compound flavors in the base material, and there are even some conflicts. But it's the changes in these flavors that give this curry a better look.

For the inclusiveness of various ingredients!

The turmeric-based curry sauce is more orange-yellow. What you need to pour in at this time is not other things, but the vegetable broth that is fried in your free time. The smell of curry is released.

Carrots, white radishes, celery, onions, potatoes, cauliflower and other vegetables are boiled in a vegan broth, which can not only thicken the curry, but also allow them to absorb a lot of sweetness from vegetables.

On the contrary, it promotes the mellow curry taste, gets a little bit of release, and even dilutes it so that it can be better matched with other ingredients.

And what Zhao Fuyu will do next is to make many people present have not expected it. You must know that even when cooking curry, no one thought that it can increase the taste in this way, adding what is unique to curry is also unique to Ace. the taste of!

The smell of fire!

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