I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 685 Returning Diverse Diners

"Fu Yu-kun, what did you notice?"

After several people completely left the underground arena, Saeko Busujima couldn't help asking Zhao Fuyu beside her.

"That's not true, but Tokugawa Mitsuinari asked me to take action, and there is a reason for it."

Shaking his head, Zhao Fuyu saw the special rhythm in that cooking table, which was actually a kind of merit for the improvement of his cooking skills, and it was not nothing.

But for him, the key to this matter is why Mitsusei Tokugawa spends so much resources to heal these characters who have been eliminated or even lost their short-term combat power.

Just a simple love and selfless dedication can't explain the logic here.

When everyone saw Tokugawa Mitsucheng constantly paying for his hobbies, he was amazed at his love for fighting, but he ignored one thing.

He is never alone!

Behind Tokugawa Mitsusei, there is an extremely powerful Tokugawa Group.

There are not a few heads of large consortiums with their own hobbies, but how many of them are like Tokugawa Mitsuinari who are constantly promoting, or even widely known?

In fact, fame is also an excellent wealth, even more important than actual wealth.

Obviously, the current Tokugawa Hikaru has achieved this, and his face should be given to anyone in the martial arts world.

This is related to his position, and it has to be said that it has nothing to do with his constant exaggeration of his love for fighting and dedicating a lot of money and manpower.

Does he really like and love these exciting fights? There is no doubt about it.

But if he really just keeps making selfless contributions for his hobbies, then he underestimates those powerful business elites of the Tokugawa Group.

Don't forget, even if there is no "Fist Wishes Desperate Knockout Tournament", the Tokugawa Group has already made a lot of money from the many fighting competitions held in the underground arena in Kyoto Imperial Palace.

So for such a person, Zhao Fuyu will never underestimate him.

When he made the request, he had already guessed his thoughts, but to Zhao Fuyu, those thoughts were beneficial and harmless, so he pushed the boat along with the flow and called out the conditions for him to meet, which can be said to be two parties. They all got what they were satisfied with.

It's just that this kind of tacit understanding made Saeko Busujima not quite understand.

After such a long period of tempering, Saeko Busujima also came into contact with some things when he was in charge of the Hyakki, but in fact he didn't have a deep understanding of the mysteries, and most of the time he had to rely on the help of the big tengu.

"The answer is actually very simple."

"You will know who benefits the most"

Zhao Fuyu's choice is also very simple and clear, since he can't find the key clue, he should deduce it from the thread.

When anything develops to the end, it must be a redistribution of interests, and one party must occupy an overwhelming advantage, otherwise, what follows will not be calm, but waves of resistance and planning.

"This time the Desperate Knockout Tournament, looking at the Underground Arena has benefited a lot."

"And the one who will benefit the most must be the Diablo Assassin's Boxing World, but the agents of the Diablo Assassin's Boxing World have not made a move yet."

Having said that, Saeko Busushima came to her senses.

It's true that he hasn't made a move until now. If it's not hidden too deeply, then those agents are actually hidden among those who are most likely to win the championship.

In order to deal with the possible turmoil in the martial arts world, some people must have enough force to suppress it.

These Martial Daoists and fighters who were injured and had to stay in bed for a long time became a strange soldier.

"However, my cooking this time can also give them a headache for a while."

Zhao Fuyu seemed to think of something, chuckled, and let the two women lean on their shoulders, falling into a long silence and rest.

If you want someone to owe you a favor, what's the best way to do it?

Of course it is to save a life, but for that alone, for some people, this kind of favor is not difficult to repay, what is really difficult is to pave the way for their future progress.

But these two things were done for them at once.

As a result, the Tokugawa Group worked hard all day in vain, but they could only get one piece of hard work.

It's not that there is no chance to save the situation in the future, but there are not many people with real potential in the second round of fighting, especially those who will lose.

This is even more rare.

Let them want to get a little bit of cheap, but they ended up making wedding dresses for others.

But this is not a wasted opportunity.

Tokugawa Misunari calmly received the news of the change in the situation and didn't bother with these things anymore. Instead, he began to make arrangements for the next day's game and started to have a headache.

A very dark dark horse has emerged today.

If it hadn't been for Ghana to show that he has mastered the secrets of Erhuliu, I am afraid that even he would not be able to withstand the last blow and would be defeated.

From this, we can also see how terrifying the four major martial arts and the two core profound arts of the Erhuliu are.

However, these skills are also derived according to the different habits of each person.

It can be said that everyone can learn the same thing, but the tendency to use it will be different, forming their own "two tiger style" This is why this martial arts can be spread so widely, and so many people abide by its inheritance The reason for some of the rules.

Only if it is strong enough, others will believe in it.

And this time it completely proved the terrible battle of the "Two Tigers".

The only question is, among these forces that have entered the second round, which ones will be hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and which ones have no room for detection because of their strength?

These things need to make Tokugawa Mitsuari a headache.

Not to mention seeing Ghana and the others after their first battle, Miyamoto Musashi, who was already ready to move, is obviously getting more and more excited now.

Because in this era, he seems to have seen the possibility of surpassing the so-called "God of Martial Arts" in the past.

That is the field that he considers to truly belong to the ultimate in martial arts!

Because Ye Zhonghuo closed its business early, there were not many people wandering outside at this time, Zhao Fuyu and others did not get off the car all the way, and went directly into the inner courtyard.

Sending the two girls who had worked hard all day to the room to rest, Zhao Fuyu didn't stay in the courtyard for a long time. With a single thought, the whole universe seemed to change.

Just like waking up from a fantasy dream, almost at the next moment when his thoughts changed, Zhao Fuyu's eyes became the scene he was most familiar with, the scene from the multi-world restaurant.

And today, those diners who would not be present occasionally came here one by one today.

It really surprised Zhao Fuyu!

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