I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 768 What is Xeon?

The sound of thunder is like rain, continuous.

It's as if there is a god of thunder in the sky that is constantly beating drums.

The sea was so turbulent that there were waves of waves.

A huge island in the distance also continued to tremble like an earthquake.

"Boom boom boom!" "Boom boom!" "Boom boom boom!"

The terrifying battle scene, even though it was broadcast on the screen, gave countless people on the yacht the illusion of facing it directly.

Everyone's breathing began to be rapid, but soon they began to get excited again.

Shouts and carnival sounds hovered over this sea area in a short time.

Even the birds that were attracted by the various kitchen waste and the aroma of food on the yacht were frightened and flapped their wings violently, flying away!

"Sure enough"

"The most violent duel!"

Kiyakiuin Ena opened her mouth slightly, obviously feeling nervous about the battle shown on the screen.

This feeling is even stronger than her own going to the duel.

Some people just have a special talent. When fighting, they can ignite the passion and excitement in other people's hearts, as well as that primitive wildness.

The two in the duel today are the best of them.

"Absolute muscle bump."

"It's even scarier than two shield machines colliding!"

The adjectives in Zhao Fuyu's mouth were difficult for other people present to understand, but only he himself understood what a terrifying technological creation the shield machine was.

It is even more inconceivable that human power can condense that kind of mighty power in a small body.

On the west side of Purgatory Island, near the coast, the reefs are now shattered piece by piece, countless trees have fallen, and the creatures who had no time to escape were crushed under the grass and trees, screaming shrilly.

Then it was overwhelmed by the sound of powerful muscles colliding.

'Bang bang bang! '

As the venue for the fourth round of duels, the arena in the west has a special landform, and the surrounding underground has been introduced into the active volcano on the seabed. It can be said that this place is simply a hell of lava.

Only the central area was specially solidified and used as a ring.

The high temperature reaches more than 600°, and ordinary steel will be melted in an instant here.

But for the two freaks standing here, all this is just ordinary.

Looking at his opponent, Ganaker just looked stern, without showing any emotion.

Pico, on the other hand, looked around curiously, and then he also observed this 'Mietang Zhifang', the absolute king of the Desperate Knockout Tournament!

With the poor brain capacity of primitive people, it will take a long time to fully understand today's modern society.

Until now, Pi Ke still couldn't fully understand why he came to such a strange place after sleeping.

You must know that the novel things he encountered during this period, as well as the terrifying "prey" have exceeded the sum of his previous lives.

But on the contrary, he also got a lot of energy-rich food, and got a new way of hunting!

In Pico's perception, everything is just for hunting.

Although the strongest prey he encountered before was the Tyrannosaurus rex, many martial arts masters he has seen now have surpassed the threat level of the Tyrannosaurus rex.

But for Pico, all this is just another form of hunting.

So his killing intent is more pure, so weak that it is almost undetectable!

Even under this purity, his hands are almost without any rules. Muscle movement, eye movement, and even the inadvertent contraction of the skin may be the omen of his attack, or it may just be that he confuses the enemy before hunting. Actions.

The terrifying talent allowed him to possess things that modern people would never be able to grasp when his brain size had not fully reached the level of modern people.

That is the talent that belongs only to primitive people!


The rough arm seemed to be covered with fine hair like steel wire, and the muscles in Pi Ke's arm were only tensed for a moment, just like his previous movements thousands of times.

But in the next second, his attack came in front of Ganaker crazily and viciously.

The terrible bloody rain, as if the upper and lower jaws of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, full of sharp teeth, are closing fiercely.

A wild virgin forest seems to appear faintly behind Pi Ke. He doesn't know what fisting is, but he has clearly shown the embryonic form of fisting.

The high degree of unity of spirit, energy and spirit, the complete explosive power is displayed, the blood is like a real dragon, and when it explodes, it is like a living Tyrannosaurus rex coming to the world.

With his claws closed, his footsteps leaned forward slightly, all his muscles, bones, skin and flesh exerted all his strength, and his whole body was covered in blue and red, as if he had become a bronze sculpture.

The power of extreme horror caused the ground in the middle of the lava to collapse continuously.

As if Ganaker hadn't started to parry, he had already lost his footing and was about to fall into the lava.

‘Ho ho ho ho! ~'

Obviously no wild beast can break into this competition, but even the audience in front of the screen seems to have heard the roar of the overlord from ancient times, Tyrannosaurus rex.

One claw not only exerted strength, but also manifested divine intent.

The bloody rain in the claws has already become a real smell and form.

Xiang Xingquan has reached this stage, and it is already the realm of a true master of great proficiency.

Even Ghana had collected quite a lot of information about his opponent, and he had to admire Pi Ke, a primitive man who had just awakened, who had already achieved such an achievement after he had not been exposed to martial arts for a long time.


‘No matter how powerful primitive people are, they are just beasts! '

"How can beasts defeat humans?"

"Not to mention the king!"

With a movement of his thick eyebrows, Ghana's ferocious face showed his expression for the first time. It was a kind of arrogance that was extremely proud and unsurpassed in the world.

There is no need for Erhuliu, because that kind of martial arts skills have been completely abandoned by him after being trained by the devil during this period.

All the power, all the skills, were put into his body by him.

Intangible, formless, every punch integrates the force of all martial arts schools, and every dodge integrates the body method tenet of each martial arts school.

Facing the revived claw of the tyrannosaurus rex, Kanako just responded with a down-to-earth punch.

Fist out, fist down.

It was the thunder strike, like a billowing thunder dragon erupting within a short distance.

It was as if the continuous fights before were just for warming up.

After he decided to stop playing around, the power of this punch had already surpassed the imagination of the world.

An unimaginable roar came from the venue, and an airburst directly appeared in midair.


Immediately afterwards, the huge cliff that restrained these lavas was directly pierced through. Countless lavas finally seemed to have a direction to flow, and flowed into the ocean along the pierced hole, billowing a circle of white smoke.

'Zi la la'

And at the point of the collision with Ganaker, half of Pico's forearm has completely turned into blood foam, scattered into the midair and lava.

For the first time, such a strong death crisis hit the primitive man Pico's intuition!

It also made this primitive man make a choice that caught everyone off guard!

Turn around and run away!

As if he wanted to escape far away, away from the existence that would put his life in danger.

Escape to where Ghana can't see

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