I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 847 Changes in Taste

Just when many chefs were still cooking.

A strong and extremely rich rice fragrance, the kind of fragrance that no one has ever smelled before, has come to this world!

Various kinds of rice are mixed, and the residual temperature of the casserole tightens the final moisture, and also ripens the last bit of rice heart of the rice grains.

The aroma of countless kinds of rice mixed together formed an extremely mellow rice fragrance, which immediately made many people feel an extremely warm feeling.

At this time, a golden light has been slowly conceived in the clay pot, but Zhao Fuyu didn't care about it, because it was only one-third of his staple food.

Black and white pepper powder, onion shreds, ginger shreds, green and red pepper shreds, garlic shreds, mint shreds, basil shreds, add soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt and sugar, and stir with the shredded eel.

After stirring until the shredded eel has completely absorbed the flavor of these seasonings, add a little starch and cooked oil, and stir evenly again, then you can sprinkle the shredded eel on the clay pot to cover all the rice after.

Then continue to return to the charcoal stove, do not need to bake for a long time, about three to five minutes, and then slightly moisten the edge of the pot with Huadiao wine.

It also adds a strong aroma of wine to the rice.

The flame suddenly covered the lid, and the different fire sources on the upper and lower sides also quickly matured the eel shreds inside.

It can be said that with the passage of time, the strong fragrance and umami taste are constantly being released, carrying the fragrance of Huadiao wine, crazily transpiring in the sky.

No one would have imagined that one of Zhao Fuyu's staple dishes could be so delicious.

Just after the heat was ready, under everyone's amazed eyes, Zhao Fuyu picked up the onion and ginger shreds, perilla shreds and other ingredients that hadn't been fully put in before.

Open the lid of the casserole directly, and then start stir frying!

Stir-fry the rice on the bottom and the cooked eel shreds and ingredients evenly. In the light sauce color, a delicious mellowness unique to eel is quickly released.

What's more important is the taste of those rice grains, with this delicious and mellow combination, it becomes more and more intense.

Just when all the rice, including the bottom of the pot inside, is fried evenly, the remaining ingredients are added to enhance the aroma of the staple food in the casserole again.

Zhao Fuyu took out a small bowl, which contained a thick, soy-colored sauce. It didn't need to be too much, just poured it on the rice with a spoonful.

It is also the key to the last third of this staple food. When it is put into the pot, there is a sound of Zi Zi la la reverberating.

A complex and fragrant sauce aroma that was so rich to the limit also rushed out, and wrapped it around the rice grains.

The slightly multicolored light flashed away, wrapped in the clay pot, and then a golden light burst out.

Zhao Fuyu's staple food has been declared complete!

Knowing that Zhao Fuyu's hands and feet are fast, but after the start of the fourth assessment, he has already finished his cooking in just half an hour, which is still extremely surprising.

Not to mention cooking, many people have just finished the main food and are starting to prepare the ingredients.

As a result, at this stage, Zhao Fuyu had already completed the entire cooking.

It can only be said that Zhao Fuyu's cooking speed and skills have far exceeded their comprehension.

Now that the cooking is finished, Zhao Fuyu naturally brought the cooking in front of everyone without any hesitation.

Different from the beginning, the white rice grains have been stained with a layer of soy sauce, and the rich aroma is tangy, whether it is the aroma of sauce, umami, or the aroma of those auxiliary ingredients, it seems that they cannot suppress the aroma of the rice grains.

The aroma of the cooked staple food!

The wonderful taste is constantly released, and it also gives people a strong appetite.

They need this tasty staple to fill them up.

It's as if eating so many dishes before has become a kind of past, and only the staple food can satisfy their stomachs.

Stir-fried eel with rice.

Please give it a try.

Zhao Fuyu delivered the claypot in his hand to the waiter nearby, and at this point, there is no need to describe how delicious it is.

In terms of color and aroma, this staple food can be said to have reached its peak.

If you really want to make the staple food into the main dish, in fact, Zhao Fuyu's eel rice dish is considered to be the best among them.

There is rice in the dish, and there is vegetable in the meal. The combination of the two, supplemented by the dish, highlights the fragrance of the rice, making the deliciousness of this dish directly surpass the category of many main dishes.

At least in the eyes of the nine judges, even if this dish is served as a main course, it is already qualified.

What's more, this is the staple food behind the main course, and it is a dish that complements the previous main course!

Almost all the judges recalled the previous main dish when they saw this rice dish.

It can be said that a staple food can achieve such a level, which is already beyond everyone's expectations.

And the key to this is that tablespoon of sauce.

It was specially reserved by Zhao Fuyu. The juice of the main dish 'Flame Golden Eel' was originally thick and rich in sauce, but also full of the fatty aroma of soft-shelled turtle and eel. became a supporting role.

It seemed to be a flame demon with its head bowed, and it sincerely turned into a King Kong who protected the Dharma under the rice.

The two dishes are introduced before and after, and this staple food is no longer as simple as one plus one.

However, in such occasions, you can also use this technique without worrying that the taste of your own cooking will be covered or disturbed by other people's taste.

This kind of self-confidence, I don't know whether to call it arrogance, or whether it really is you, Zhao Fuyu.

Nakiri Senzaemon easily sensed Zhao Fuyu's thoughts, and it was precisely because of this simple and straightforward cooking concept that to achieve this goal, unimaginable cooking skills were needed as confidence.

It can be said that Zhao Fuyu's staple food has completely surpassed the others by a whole level.

Completely beyond the scope of this assessment.

Although they are all evaluating the dishes of the banquet, because there are so many cooks, even if it is required to connect the past and the future, the actual test is everyone's understanding of each dish.

A little touch of the side can make several dishes blend in an unobtrusive flavor, which can be regarded as an excellent match.

As for Zhao Fuyu, the few dishes he arranged are in a real banquet, each dish also has its own interpretation, it is simply a dish arrangement and menu that can be served directly.

Based on the aroma of the eel rice dish now, Senzaemon can be sure that even with the smell of the main dish as a guide, the change in taste is amazing enough!

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