I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 914: The Really Big Event

Enemy of the Tianlongren, this is not a nice, or very domineering title.

Even the danger hidden behind is more turbulent than becoming a big pirate who burns, kills and loots.

But Ace felt that this title was extremely pleasant, because when the badness of the Celestial Dragons that he had heard about in the past was displayed in front of him, it can be said that he was surprised to find out.

There is actually a creature worse than the bad rumors in the world.

Tianlong people can no longer be regarded as human beings. Comparing them with animals is an insult to animals.

Just because of their background, these guys seem to be always superior, they willfully mutilate ordinary people, and wantonly trample on their dignity.

Even those famous tyrants in history are so amiable compared with ordinary Tianlong people.

It can be said that at this point, a lot of knowledge in Ace's mind that he didn't care about before has completely become his pursuit direction in the future.

And the first one is.

take the first step!

The Tianlong people, who were constantly trampling ordinary civilians, suddenly felt that the surrounding sounds disappeared at once. Why did those pleasant and panicked shouts become quiet?

Just as this question flashed through his mind.

The next moment he felt a fiery heat that seemed to melt his bones, and unimaginable pain hit his whole body.

Under the eyes of everyone, a high-ranking Tianlongren who seemed to be able to easily order the lives of thousands of ordinary people ignited from the internal flames, was burned to death on the street, and turned into a flower that burned and exhausted. torch.

And that's just the beginning!

From this moment on, the whole of Mariejoya seemed to be lit with countless torches, and those woods were the Tianlong people who were doing evil everywhere.

As if punished by the gods, in a blink of an eye, the gigantic Mary Gioia became a stage where countless self-immolated bodies were burned.

They were screaming and panicking.

It doesn't matter whether you have strong power or not, and whether you have the protection of strong people around you.

These evil Tianlong people have become candles without exception, as if there is such a god in the dark who is using flames to cleanse this filthy world.


Do you know what you're doing?

You are blaspheming!!

The powerful aura was ups and downs in Marie Gioia, and even the existence of the general series was alarmed.

Almost all the Tianlong people in the city were attacked, and none of them survived. This kind of lethality, as well as that powerful ability, can be said to be rubbing against their faces at the headquarters of the world government.

But Ace looked up at the gate of the world government without any fear, not only showing his figure, but also directly launching the Vulcan Mode!

The figure completely compressed and engulfed by the extreme flame energy seems to be the fire god in the mythology.

He is wantonly facing the world, carrying out evil judgments.


If these guys are gods? Then what am I? A godslayer? Or a god stronger than them?!

Why can't one's birth determine everything, princes and generals, would you rather have a kind?!

After uttering a cry that was almost as loud as the one that opened up the era of pirates, the angry slogan had already crossed the entire sea, and I don't know how many people were alarmed.

Then came the angry blow from Ace.

Now that the world government is already rotten, it is necessary to simply cut off the festering carrion, so that the whole body can heal and survive!

Then let him fire the loud first shot!

Even the most awakened guardian of Marie Gioia did not expect Ace to be so daring.

Right at the gate of the World Government Headquarters, an almost devastating blow was fired at this building that symbolized the highest power in the world!

All the existences who have seen that explosive light will never forget in this lifetime, the scene of that terrifying explosion appearing at the World Government Headquarters.

It's like an erupting volcano, and it's like the light falling from the sky suddenly fell on the earth. The terrible impact directly hit more than 70% of the buildings in Marie Gioia, causing damage to the outer layer.


The entire land even set off an earthquake of up to eight magnitudes.

And after that terrifying eruption, the originally huge and majestic building in the center of Mariejoya disappeared, including the palace-like buildings behind it, which also turned into a blank space.

There is only a land like glass crystals left, which has become a frightening and inexplicable legacy that feels unstoppable.

That is, after this battle, Portgas D. Ace!

This man who was once called 'Vulcan' has several famous names.

The Destroyer of Mariejoia, the Enemy of the Draconians, the Punisher, and that most shocking title to the people of the sea.

Son of One Piece!

It can be said that Ace's combat power is fully activated. Even at the level of the extraordinary path, he still does not break away from the range of the peak dragon level, but in terms of combat power, even many mid-stage god-level existences cannot match him.

The extremely terrifying punch completely killed Blackbeard Titch, and at the same time destroyed the majesty accumulated by the World Government over the years.

Some things, once someone fired the first shot, the result is already different.

The world government's self-proclaimed unbreakable rule was already crumbling under the arrogance of the Tianlong people. It was on this foundation that Ace dealt a severe blow.

Even the driver's own flagship, Whitebeard, who was about to come to Marie Gioia to rescue his son, was speechless for a while after learning what Ace had done.

Then there was a hearty laugh.

Gulu la la!

This is my son! Good son!!

Fuck the world government, fuck the dragon people!

Along with Whitebeard's proud laugh, the entire flagship fell into a carnival. Even the Phoenix Marco, who always wanted to stop Whitebeard from drinking, did not stop his father's carnival celebration this time.

Not only because I am happy that Ace's current combat power has reached a situation that is absolutely comparable to that of Whitebeard.

I am also happy that after Whitebeard, the Whitebeard Pirates finally have an existence that can take on great responsibilities, but after being happy, this Margo couldn't help but have a kind of worry.

What Ace is about to face next is the extremely furious world government. The intensity of the hunt and the despair of being an enemy of the world may get Ace into big trouble.

Aware of Margao's worry, Whitebeard sat beside his good son and patted him on the shoulder.

Don't worry about that.

Don't forget, the world government also disclosed Ace's biological father this time.

At other times, it would cause him troubles to kill him, but at this time, it will become his best amulet.

But we have to speed up.

Even though his body has withered, White Beard's arrogance is still undiminished.

As long as you can come to the old man's boat, no one can do anything to him!

Even if all the power of the world government goes out in person, it's the same!!

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