I have a restaurant in East Sakura

Chapter 936: Under the God of Cooking, the only one in the ages

Times have changed, and the world has changed. For today's main world, the King of Food is no longer an extremely rare existence.

At least with the increasing number of Half-Step Kings, the King of Food has become a byword, rather than a real immortal figure. He only knows how to stand in the jade palace and not enter the mortal world.

Because of this change, the achievements of gourmet kings have become less and less in modern times.

There are more and more half-step gourmet kings, but there are still only so many top-notch gourmet ingredients and dishes that most people in the world can enjoy.

The growth of the population eating emerging high-end cuisine is limited, so if the number of food kings wants to increase, it will be difficult to meet the achievable conditions.

This is the limit for the emergence of the King of Food, and the reason why luck is necessary!

Luck increases because a gourmet king has given more people the possibility to enjoy higher-end cuisine, passively increasing their gourmet cell tolerance level.

Under such circumstances, the population of high-end diners will continue to increase, and only for cooks can they truly achieve continuous progress.

After all, there are not enough diners to try it. No one knows whether their cuisine is popular or whether it has affected the taste buds of diners due to habit.

Only with more different diners can these real high-end chefs know the quality of their cuisine.

This creates a dynamic balance between diners and cooks.

In addition, even with the rapid development of science and technology, the world has never been stable and peaceful. Although the total population has been steadily increasing, there are more and more half-step kings.

As a result, both parties have been in a state of dynamic equilibrium, and the birth of a new food king has been repeatedly delayed.

It has been nearly thirty years since the last Food King was born, and no new Food King has appeared.

Seiichiro Yukihira was originally the most promising one. Nakiri Senzaemon personally judged that he would definitely break through and become the King of Food within ten years, also because he received the assistance from IGO.

The part of luck that Seiichiro was missing was helped by external forces.

As long as the opportunity comes, Seiichiro Yukihira will be able to leap into the realm of food king.

But at this time, a new king of gourmet food appeared in Kyoto. Not to mention the astrologer who had been watching the fortune, the director of Shoulinji Temple and Nakiri Senzaemon, who felt it almost at the same time, also showed astonishment. look.

After all, the character who released his aura and completed the last bit of transformation did not hide the characteristics of his aura.

This boy

“It’s actually already successful?!”

Not to mention that the Food Demon King was ignorant, what he saw in front of him was too unbelievable.

Even if we push forward more than five hundred years, in an era when chefs are surging, what a 20-year-old gourmet king represents can make people tremble in their hearts.

You must know that even Chef Liu, who seems very outrageous now, only entered the field of gourmet king after nearly ten years of experience after entering Long Chef.

After that, he encountered the first impact of the advent of gourmet cells, and he jumped up amidst many hardships and stepped into the realm of the God of Cooking.

Although Liu Kitchen God was not yet thirty years old when he became the Heavenly King, he was already the only one in ancient and modern times.

Not to mention that time, before the monster Zhao Fuyu appeared, it was the only position in ancient and modern times until recently.

As a result, today, Zhao Fuyu finally broke this restriction again, and stepped into the field of gourmet king at the age of twenty.

And it was achieved through the path of ancient chef!

It is indeed a monster variable!

The abbot of Shilin Temple looked at the floating purple smoke with a hint of surprise in his expression.

Because purple is the most precious thing, even if the King of Food breaks through, it is extremely rare for purple energy to come from the east. As far as he knows, among the cooking gods in Zhongzhou, not everyone has such a vision.

This is the only glory that can only be achieved by the God of Cooking.

In the middle of the night fire, Zhao Fuyu released his power unscrupulously and announced that the last bit of transformation was completed. His hair seemed to be dyed with a layer of purple light.

The terrifying pressure was released from his body and swept across the entire courtyard!

That is the real improvement in the nature of life after the transformation of gourmet cells. It can be said that from this moment on, the limit of lifespan has nothing to do with Zhao Fuyu. What is more important is the kind of time that stays forever and is controlled by him. It felt like his life had essentially jumped again.

It completely separated him from ordinary humans.

The majesty and perfect demeanor that are naturally formed emerge from the living body, and are not the result of being given some power or being in a high position for a long time.

Because it comes from nature, it is increasingly irresistible. Even the Half-Step Heavenly King can only bow his head and surrender under such pressure!

After an ordinary Gourmet King breaks through, the transformation of his Gourmet Cells can suppress the god-level experts of the same level. What's more, Zhao Fuyu transformed into a Gourmet King by following the path of an ancient chef. No matter how difficult it was in the early stage, there will be benefits after the breakthrough. How many.

It can be said that the degree of transformation of his gourmet cells today may not be comparable to those who have been gourmet kings for hundreds of years.

The powerful aura almost suppressed Jiang Leshui, leaving Luo Qingyun and Lin Zhiling breathless.

They never thought that they had chosen a time that they thought was the best.

However, what they encountered was not the shallow water dragon they had imagined, but a real dragon that had completely risen into the sky and roared proudly for nine days.

Even if there might still be the Dragon Slayer, it would definitely not be them.

Because the real dragon and them are no longer on the same level.

Lin Zhiling, who had always shown the best attitude, now had a blush caused by sluggishness and agitation on his beautiful face.

He muttered to himself, as if being stimulated, and kept repeating it.

How is it possible, how is it possible, how is it possible

It seems that he still can't believe that everything in front of him is real.

They have been pursuing the realm of the King of Food for many years, but the result is not as good as a boy who is a fraction of their age, just showing the appearance of the King of Food directly in front of their eyes.

Despite Lin Zhiling's nickname of The Blackmail Beast, in fact, the person who tells the most lies is also the easiest to be defeated by the truth.

Isn't being accustomed to lies also escaping the truth of reality?

Unless she can cultivate herself under false pretenses, but if she can really achieve this, there is no need for her to become a giant in the dark cooking world.

When the other two giants of the dark world looked at Zhao Fuyu, who looked like a lofty god, their eyes also flashed with disbelief and deep jealousy!

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