
In the next instant, Yu Sheng suddenly screamed up to the sky, a sudden scream, which shocked Chen Shanming and others, and they looked at Yu Sheng with amazement on their faces.

Because they noticed that this kind of screaming for the rest of their lives was like a wild beast.

"This sound seems to be the sound of a tiger..." Li Erniu said in shock.

"Yu Sheng, what the **** did this do? Why did you make such a noise?" Song Kaifei was also taken aback, and said in shock.

"Good fellow..." Xu Tianlong also took a breath, and they all stared at Yu Sheng, their eyes mixed with shock and solemnity.

"The blood of the Thousand-Year Overlord Dragon, the second form, the dragon roars and the tiger roars."

In the next instant, Yu Sheng gave another violent drink, and then, in Yu Sheng’s body, there was a monstrous power that gathered in an instant. That terrible power rippled from Yu Sheng’s body, and even the sand under his feet was It began to drift, and this scene seemed to be a special effects blockbuster.

Shocked very much.

Especially for the rest of his life at this moment, it is like a **** of war, invincible.

Yu Sheng looked at the fist that the guard captain was hitting. He didn't retreat in the slightest. On the contrary, he blasted towards the guard captain in the most positive posture.

It's just that when Yu Sheng banged past, this punch seemed soft and lacking the slightest strength. However, only those who really understood it would know that it was a punch of returning to innocence.

This punch does not seem to have any strength, in fact, it is just that the strength has not been vented. Therefore, many people are not aware of that power, but... once it is touched, the power will find a catharsis. Let it out completely.


In the next instant, the fists of the two people met fiercely.

There was a muffled sound, followed by a resounding sound.


In addition to the muffled sound, there was also this clear sound, which also resounded. The next moment, the palm of the guard captain's hand was twisted at a twisted angle, looking very weird, and then , Is to see that there is a thick bones, the arm of the captain of the guard was pierced in an instant, thus revealing it.

In such a scene, the expressions of all the people who watched the scene changed drastically and were inexplicably horrified.

Especially the captain of the guards was like a frightened rabbit. He hurriedly retreated. For a moment, big beads of sweat flowed down his cheeks.

The severe pain almost made him feel too painful. This made the captain of the guard almost fainted, and the captain of the guard looked at Yu Sheng with a look of fear.

"How could this be... how could this be..."

He used his own hole cards, and his hole cards were screaming. This screaming of muscles and bones can pull his strength to the maximum in an instant, which is very terrifying.

However, using this trick will cause him to have no strength to fight for three days. This is also the biggest weakness. Therefore, he will never use this trick when it is not necessary.

Today, facing Yu Sheng, he can only use this trick, hoping to defeat Yu Sheng, as long as Yu Sheng is defeated, then the remaining people will be solved, because he knows that the strongest person in it is For the rest of my life.

However, I didn't even dream of it.

For the rest of my life at this moment, it was like a wild beast. That terrifying force burst out in an instant, extremely terrifying, especially when the two of them collided, the two forces collided together, and the force they received was exactly the same. Yes, however, nothing happened for the rest of his life, but his bone was broken, and even his arm was pierced out.

In such a grim scene, the people who watched it all had scalp numbness.

Yu Sheng glanced at the captain of the guards faintly, and said coldly: "Come again..."

Since the captain of the guard has already moved to kill, there is no need to be merciful for the rest of his life. What's more, the captain of the guard has not conceded, and if the opponent concedes, he has nothing to do.

Realizing that the rest of his life was coming again, this made the captain of the guards even more shocked. The punch just hit him directly and severely wounded him. At this moment, the rest of his life came again. How can this be stopped...

Thinking of the captain of the guard here, he hurriedly retreated, trying to avoid the blow of the rest of his life, but after all he did not suffer any serious trauma for the rest of his life, and the captain of the guard, because of his own hand injury, caused his combat effectiveness to at least drop. Halfway through, the captain of the guard wanted to avoid it, almost impossible.


Yu Sheng punched the guard captain's chest. The guard captain felt his chest tighten. For a while, he felt that his breathing was a little difficult. Such a scene made the guard captain look shocked.

"Come again..."

When Yu Sheng said this sentence again, the captain of the guard also trembled. Yu Sheng planned to beat him to death...

"Give up, I give up."

Having said that, the captain of the guard hurriedly pulled the induction system on his body. For a while, yellow smoke appeared on the captain of the guard. At this moment, the captain of the guard could not stand it anymore and directly chose to admit defeat.

In the face of winning or losing and fate, the captain of the guard chose his fate, and the fate is gone. What's the point of talking about winning or losing?

Yu Sheng saw that the guard captain pulled the sensor system, which made Yu Sheng a little regretful. If the guard captain did not pull it, he would never hesitate and would directly kill the guard captain.

But unfortunately, the captain of the guard pulled the sensor system, which also means that the opponent has been This inevitably makes Yu Sheng a little regretful, and finally met such a powerful opponent, and the result is this This way ended, and for a while, this made his face a little unnatural.

However, what excites Yu Sheng the most is that at such a moment, he unexpectedly realized the second form of the blood of the Thousand-Year Tyrant Dragon, the dragon roaring and roaring.

This dragon and tiger roar is different from the mountain and the sea. The dragon and the tiger roar are stronger and more terrifying, at least double the mountain and the sea.

With such a terrifying power, if it hits a person, the person will almost certainly die.

This thousand-year skill is indeed a thousand-year skill. Compared with those hundred-year-old things, it is not a little bit stronger. For a while, this makes the rest of my life excited.

Since the captain of the guards had conceded, he was too embarrassed to continue the beating. It was not very good to continue the beating. He stopped his hand for the rest of his life, and then walked to the side. He picked up the gun. At this time, the guards But there is still one person left. He must solve this person. Thinking of this, Yu Sheng's eyes suddenly looked at a sandy **** over there.

(End of this chapter)

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