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Immediately, everyone on the scene left here one after another... and the black and white captain's complexion was a bit unsightly, he found this place first.

But what he didn't expect was that such a thing would happen, and encountering so many difficult teams, especially the team Yu Sheng, made him a little bit jealous.

Soldier King, with so many soldiers, even if all of them are on the same board, they are not necessarily opponents of others, not to mention the few others who do not know how powerful they are in combat.


Besides, Yu Sheng and his party walked through a corridor at this time. That corridor made Yu Sheng and the others look very different, because they didn't expect that there were many spears on the walls of this corridor.

These spears are extremely sharp, and once they hit someone, they will inevitably be pierced. Fortunately, they have a good reaction ability and did not cause much damage.

On the way, the group of people passed through the barriers, passed through several agencies, and finally came to a place.

After everyone came to this place, everyone's complexion became dignified again, because this is a magnificent hall, and what is more unique is...On this wall, many villains are also portrayed. I don't know what these villains do, but the portrayals of these villains are lifelike, and more than that, they are also colored. These colors can be maintained until now without being oxidized. It can be seen that these fuels are also very precious.

After Yu Sheng's group stepped in here, their eyes looked around.

"Here...what the **** is this place?" Song Kaifei took a deep breath. He glanced around and felt a bit gloomy around him. That kind of feeling made people a little uncomfortable, as if there was something that shouldn't exist here. , This made everyone feel a little scared.

"This may be the place where the treasure is hidden." Yu Sheng looked at the scene calmly, and said in a condensed voice.

"The place where the treasure is hidden?" When the little bee heard the words, his eyes lit up, and said a little excitedly: "Doesn't this mean that we are going to make a fortune?"

Yu Sheng shook his head and chuckled: "Even if there is gold here, how much do you think you can move out?"

"Besides, even if you move out, are you sure you want to run around in the desert with this stuff on your back?"

A word from the rest of his life was like a basin of cold water, poured on top of the little bee's head, and for a while, the little bee's expression became a little unnatural.


Even if he moved out, could he still run around carrying a piece of gold? This is obviously unrealistic, unless he gives up the game for this piece of gold.

If he really gave up the game for this piece of gold, the chief would probably kill him.

For a while, the little bee's face was pulled down, slightly helpless.

"Everyone, be careful. I don't know if there are other agencies here. Take a closer look and see if there is a way out." Yu Sheng reminded.


With an order from Yu Sheng, everyone watched carefully. This time, everyone had learned well. They didn't dare to touch this place with their hands.

The rest of my life also carefully observed everything here. The layout in this hall is very peculiar. The layout here has an indescribable feeling. The room is very empty. In fact, what is lacking is the popularity, but it is added to the popularity, and I feel this The room is no different from the past.

This is the strangest part of the rest of my life.

If he expected it well, this place should be the last hall, and the treasure should be hidden in this place. This is his instruction according to the Tao of the treasure map.

Yu Sheng carefully observed everything here. After a while, he walked in front of a statue. This statue looked very peculiar, because this statue was like a statue that turned stones into gold, but the rest of his life was I don't know who this statue was carved.

It is necessary to know that turning stones into gold exists in this Chinese mythology. There are countless wonderful spells, which shows how imaginative it is.

Yu Sheng looked at the statue, and he felt that something was wrong with the statue. Everyday, most people are right-handed, and there are also left-handed, but quite a few.

However, when this statue turned stones into gold, it used the left hand. Therefore, this caused the statue to turn stones into gold, which seemed a little unnatural.

For a while, the rest of his life was a little confused.

"Is there something wrong with this statue?"

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng couldn't help but glance at the statue again. The more he looked at it, the more Yu Sheng felt that the statue was awkward. After hesitating, Yu Sheng walked towards the statue...

As Yu Sheng passed by, Yu Sheng came to the statue. He did not dare to touch it immediately, but carefully observed the statue, but soon... Yu Sheng's eyes lit Obviously, he seemed to I noticed something...

"There is a gap here..."

Yes, Yu Sheng saw that there was a gap on the right arm of this statue. This gap was extremely weak, and even needed a magnifying glass to observe, because it was too small and too small.

It is almost hard to be noticed. Even if it is noticed, it feels that there is no major problem with the statue, because as long as it is spliced, there must be a gap, but I don't know the size of the gap.

Yu Sheng immediately looked at his left arm. Yu Sheng saw that the left arm was smooth and delicate, and it didn't seem to be the slightest sign of splicing. Obviously...this left arm was made in one piece when it was made, and there was no gap at all.

When he noticed this scene, Yu Sheng looked at his legs and neck again, and as expected...except for the upper right arm, there was no gap in the rest. After seeing this scene, it made him look The rest of my life took a breath...

I see……

For a while, for the rest of his life, there was a feeling of sudden realization.

"It seems that there is a problem with this arm." Yu Sheng thought for a while and said: "I just don't know where the problem with this arm is."

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng stretched out his hand and touched the right arm. Yu Sheng’s arm fell on top of the statue, and a cold breath passed into Yu Sheng’s hand from the statue. The expression on Yu Sheng’s expression remained unchanged. Then... Yu Sheng began to twist the arm of this statue.

Yu Sheng also twisted this deliberately, because he wanted to try to see if this arm could be twisted.

Yu Sheng tried hard, but found that his arm was motionless. For a while, Yu Sheng's eyes were mixed with some doubts.

"Is this arm made like this on purpose?"

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