I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 2005: Battle with Shura

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Yu Sheng was not in a hurry to act.

The rest of my life is clear.

Shura had already set his sights on him, and if he made a rash move, Shura would definitely snipe him.


Yu Sheng didn't intend to kill Shura either. This Shura is different from other people. He is very likely to be able to snipe bullets. Now, he can completely kill other people, and it's not too late to kill this Shura in the end.

Yu Sheng clearly felt that this Shura was not simple.

Yu Sheng's expression became sharp, and then Yu Sheng moved carefully above this place.

As Yu Sheng moved, and soon, Yu Sheng came to this other place, Yu Sheng took a pistol and took a deep breath.

If there are no scientists, then he can use grenades to directly kill all these people, but...

With the existence of scientists, he can't be so reckless.

He had to take the scientist back, and it would be bad if something happened.

Yu Sheng took a deep breath, then Yu Sheng aimed at this figure again, and then, Yu Sheng pulled the trigger without hesitation.


The gunshots sounded, and a person screamed again and fell directly off the cliff.

This place is really too steep, as long as one is not careful, it is possible to fall, no exception.

The rest do not have the combat power of Shura, so it is impossible for them to stop Yu Sheng's sneak attack.


Shura watched as his subordinates were killed one by one. Even Shura was unspeakably aggrieved, and Shura was very angry.

I never dreamed that my subordinates had lost so much in this ghost place. If I had known this, they should not have come to this ghost place.

This is trouble.

Shura gritted his teeth.


But at this moment, another gunshot resounded. At this moment, Shura, with a blink of an eye, pulled the trigger in one direction almost like lightning.

Shura's speed is extremely fast.


When the bullet hits the stone.

The bullet flew out in an instant.

And Shura was gnashing his teeth for a while, and Shura was very angry.

"Damn bastard..."


Shura was furious.

It was the first time that he was so suffocated. If he knew this, he shouldn't have gone to this ghost place. It's too late to go back now.

What puzzled Shura the most was that there were smooth rock walls on it. How could this guy move quickly on the smooth rock walls?

Logically speaking, this is absolutely impossible.

However, the other party just did it, even Shura was puzzled.

The rest of his life was constantly sniping at Shura's subordinates, and it only took a while. Counting Shura, there were still four left.

The combat power of these four people is all quite good, and they are always on guard against Yu Sheng, so once Yu Sheng makes a move, they will shoot in advance without hesitation.

No matter how fast they shoot for the rest of their lives, it will give them a chance to breathe.

After all, shooting for the rest of your life is impossible to open instantly.

The four of them kept their eyes on the surroundings. At this time, one of them couldn't help but said, "Shura, no, if we continue like this, I'm afraid all of us will die here."

The man had a toothache.

They originally had more than a dozen people, and the number of them was quite large. Even if they faced an army of 500 people, they could completely destroy them.

However, they never thought that they would be planted here.

Moreover, this was done by the same person. For them, it was tantamount to a slap in the face, which was a shame.

All the people present were a little annoyed.

"Yeah, Shura, this **** is too cunning. If we continue like this, we're afraid our entire army will be wiped out."

"Shura, this guy must be killed."

Various discussions resounded with each other ups and downs.

After Shura heard it, his face was also a little ugly. Shura was very clear that it was not that simple to kill the rest of his life.

Because above this, they were blocked by stones, and they couldn't find Yu Sheng at all, but Yu Sheng could find them, which was also a challenge for them.

Unless they can climb up too.

is it possible?

The rock wall above is smooth, and none of them can climb up. In this situation, they can only wait for Yu Sheng to emerge and kill Yu Sheng.

But Yu Sheng was cunning like a fox, even he had no choice but to leave this ghost place quickly.

As long as they get to the flat ground, then they will have a way to kill the rest of their lives.

Shura thought of this and said solemnly: "Let's go quickly, the destination is not very far away from us."

"When we reach the destination, we will kill this guy."


Everyone heard the words and knew that there was no way out. Immediately, everyone gritted their teeth and left here and ran into the distance.

Their speed was also a little faster.

At this time, Shura said coldly: "I know, you are above, you should be from China."

"If you want to save your people, then let us go."

"If you dare to shoot at us, we will kill this person."

"Even if you die, you will perish with you. At that time, you will not be able to complete the task."

Shura guessed the origin of the other party in an instant, and they caught the scientist in their hands. According to their method, the other party would definitely throw a rat.

After all, the other party has a hostage in his own hands.

Moreover, Shura also understands the temperament of Chinese people very well.

Sometimes, in order to save people, it is possible to make even greater sacrifices, but they still insist on their own opinions and go to great lengths to save people.

Therefore, Shura believes that the other party will not take it lightly.


Shura underestimated Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng looked around carefully, and then Yu Sheng pulled the trigger again, but this time, Yu Sheng pulled it three times...

"Bang bang..."

Yu Sheng pulled the trigger very fast.

Two bullets instantly blocked the way of one of them, and Shura's pupils shrank suddenly.


Shura is almost a conditioned reflex, and also fired a shot.


The next second, the bullet collided.

The two bullets sparked one after another, and the bullets flew out in an instant.

Although Shura blocked the bullet, but...

Another bullet, Shura had no way to stop it.


The next second, the bullet was embedded in a person's flesh, the person screamed, his body swayed, and he almost fell off a cliff.

In such a scene, the Shura who saw this was also very angry.

"Damn bastard..."

Shura gritted his teeth for a while. If possible, Shura really wanted to kill Yu Sheng. Yu Sheng was such a hateful guy that he killed all the people who gave him in front of him.

At this moment, Shura, in his chest, ignited a ball of anger, burning with anger, and even wished to kill the other party.

"Oh shit."

The people around were also shouting and scolding. They were all extremely aggrieved. They had fought many battles, but they had never fought so much.

They are all experienced masters, but now, they have become what they are now, which is because they are full of anger.

"Damn things."

"Kill him, we're going to kill him."

"Yes, even if I die today, I have to kill this guy first."

"Provoked us again and again, this revenge must be avenged."

Now, there are only the three of them left. The three of them are eager to kill the rest of their lives. If they can, they can even die with the rest of their lives.

At this time, the rest of my life was a little relieved.

Yu Sheng took a look.

"There are still four left. One of them was shot and has lost his combat effectiveness. That is to say, there are still three left. We must think of a way to kill all three guys."

"However, the scientists are in their hands, and these abominable guys actually used it to threaten me."

"Do you really think it's a threat?"

Yu Sheng sneered.

"However, the front is almost over. If it is over, the other party can free up his hands and deal with me."

"So, the best way for me now is to quickly reach the other side, form a siege with Lei Zhan and Long Xiaoyun, and kill the enemy directly."

"In other words, the enemy can be released..."

When Yu Sheng thought of this, Yu Sheng's brows were suddenly furrowed, and Yu Sheng's face was indescribably solemn.

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Yu Sheng felt that if the enemy was released, this Shura would be quite tricky, and he could not guarantee that he could take Shura directly.

As for the rest of the people, they are not fuel-efficient lamps, and they don't know whether Lei Zhan and Long Xiaoyun are the opponents of the rest.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng's brain is also running fast.

At the end, Yu Sheng murmured, "No matter what."

"The most important thing now is to get out of here immediately."

"I'll find a sniper spot in front of me first. If the enemy emerges, I can kill one of them first, and the rest can be discussed later."

"Yes, just do it."

For a moment, Yu Sheng thought of a way, the next second, Yu Sheng ran towards the front very quickly, and Yu Sheng's speed was extremely fast...

Soon, Yu Sheng arrived at the end, and then looked at Shura and the others, still walking a little bit on this road, but they were on the alert while walking.


They were all terrified of being killed for the rest of their lives.

There are very few people left, and if they continue, they will be wiped out.

So they would rather risk their own lives and gamble with the rest of their lives.


The rest of his life did not appear.

The sudden situation caused Shura to frown.

Their tense minds became heavier now.

"What about people?"

"Why did it disappear?"

At this moment, Shura's hands looked solemn and couldn't help but whisper.

"I don't know." Another subordinate also said solemnly: "I think he must be hiding around, waiting for an opportunity to kill us."

"Now we are only a dozen meters away from our destination. I think he shouldn't be there anymore."

As these words came out, everyone nodded slightly.

Everyone can feel it. If Yu Sheng continues to sneak attack on them, once they leave this ghost place, then they can snipe Yu Sheng.

The rest of their lives is on top, which is tantamount to becoming a living target, so they have full confidence that they can kill the rest of their lives...

But now, there is no sound from Yu Sheng's side. Obviously, Yu Sheng has probably left above, hid somewhere, and is sniping at them.

At this time, Shura said condensedly: "Be careful, I feel that this kid should be around."

"Especially when you reach the flat ground ahead, remember to avoid."


Immediately, several people walked towards the front one after another, and several people were still cautious, their eyes kept looking around.

Si Si killing intent also erupted from them.

Once there is something strange around them, they will kill each other without hesitation.

At this time, for the rest of my life, I also found a sniper spot, and this sniper spot can just see where Shura and the others were when they came.

As long as he grasps this position, he can completely kill an enemy again.

Thinking of this, Yu Sheng carefully ambushes here.


At this time, Yu Sheng's eyes flashed, and then, he looked forward.

Sure enough, there are several figures in front of them, dodging and dodging, looking at their appearance, it seems that they have no intention of appearing...

Yu Sheng's eyes became a little sharper.

"Have you found it?"

The rest of my life has felt it.

The other party must have discovered themselves, otherwise, they would not hesitate so much, thinking of this, Yu Sheng's face showed a little smile.

"If that's the case...then that's the only way to do it..."

As Yu Sheng thought of this, in the next second, Yu Sheng aimed the muzzle at a position, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of Yu Sheng's mouth at this time.

Immediately after...

Yu Sheng pulled the trigger.

"Arc Shot..."

The moment Yu Sheng pulled the trigger, a bullet burst out.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he came to the side of the stone.

And at this moment, Shura is still hesitating with his subordinates here, they are thinking, how can they avoid the bullets of the rest of their lives.


But at this moment, the bullet collided with the stone, and the stone chips flew.

Because the bullet collided with the stone, which resulted in swirling stone chips, and the strength was also very, very powerful.


The next second, the stone chips were embedded in one of them.


The man screamed.

"Opportunity, hurry up..."

When Shura heard this voice, he immediately looked overjoyed and hurriedly said loudly.


The next second ~www.readwn.com~ several figures jumped over.

As several figures jumped down, Shura also set his eyes in the distance at this time. Shura knew that there must be a sniper over there.


Immediately afterwards, Shura pulled the trigger in the direction of Yu Sheng without hesitation...


In the next second, the bullet collided with the stone, and the stone chips flew, but there was nothing to do for the rest of his life. Shura's blow, in itself, was for fire suppression.

Chapter 2005 and the Battle of Shura

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