I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 2069: drop the root of the disease

But after searching, there are no clues, and there seems to be no large-scale military operations here.

Therefore, some people believe that this is due to the military operations of some small organizations or individuals, so there is no clue, so no relevant information can be found.

However, as soon as this proposal came out, there were people who opposed it. It was too questionable. After all, it was a large base, which was similar to some bases distributed by Yinming. It was controlled by Yinming. Is the organization incompetent?

Some people have associations, there are always guesses, and they also wonder if they have encountered the internal organization of the Yin Division to clean up.

But then this conjecture was rejected, because the Yin Si organization had no reason to do so, after all, they have shrunk greatly now.

No new areas will be opened, and only business contacts in some areas and some urban areas will be maintained to ensure survival.

And everyone knows that the nemesis of the Yin Si organization is a man named Yu Sheng.

A man capable of fighting them single-handedly, and has drawn three distributions.

Now the distribution of Yin Ming Si is estimated to be from Yu Sheng's hand. After some people have repeatedly deduced, this conclusion is brought out for discussion.

For a time, most people believed that it was the method of the rest of their lives. Only he could have this ability to block an organization with a few strengths.

At this time, Yu Sheng is soaking in the hot spring, which is a place for leisure.

The city **** was watching his body behind him.

Yu Sheng is healing at the moment, and he wants to get rid of the Yin and Nether breath and toxins in his body.

The dagger of Yin Mingsi was so powerful that it could directly penetrate his flesh and blood, causing damage, and the aura of death and poison on the knife was even more difficult to understand.

It's like being in big trouble, and if you don't detox, you could have an impact on your body later.

This city **** suggested to go to the hospital. If the hospital can't cure it, then go to Dr. D. He believes that Dr. D can cure it.

For the kindness of the city god, Yu Sheng just smiled and did not respond positively.

How could he have not considered these thoughts of this city god, it was just inconvenient.

If he went into the hospital, his whereabouts would be exposed.

The Yin Si organization is in the dark, and they are in the light. If there is a little trouble, they will definitely notify the inside of the Yin Si organization and send a special person to deal with him.

What's more, in his current state, if he is discovered, there is no spare energy to fight at all.

Rather than risk exposure, find a place to heal yourself.

And the idea of ​​finding Dr. D is unrealistic, because Dr. D is not a doctor, he is only engaged in the field of scientific research, and the most direct way may be to install mechanical parts for the rest of his life.

When Yu Sheng thought of this, he immediately refused to go to Dr. D for treatment, and chose this hot spring.

With a sum of money, this city **** bought out the business of this place for a few days.

Now it means that they are reserved, and no one can come in to disturb them.

"Hey, I originally wanted to maintain it for a few days, but they didn't want to, for fear of affecting future business."

After listening to Yu Sheng, he nodded, knowing the intention of the city god, indicating that he should not be entangled in this matter.

"After all, it is necessary to continue to operate here, and it is impossible to give private long-term packages. They are only doing this to protect their own interests."

Yu Sheng continued, "A few days are actually enough. I also plan to detox in these days."

Yu Sheng found some medical books, and then watched them here. The city **** turned the pages for him, and he was taking a bath.

The normal detoxification seems to be impossible, after all, the means performed by Yin Ming Si will not be so simple.

For the rest of his life, he even gave up therapy with drugs.

"In ancient times, there was a feather scraping bone. I don't know if I can use it now."

For the rest of my life, I felt that the toxin was spreading on the vertical plate of the body, and it soon reached the chest cavity. At that time, it would be powerless to return to the sky.

What he experienced during this process was painful, and he felt as if something was torn apart inside his body, including his own soul consciousness.

Even when he was dreaming, he could see ghost soldiers and some evil spirits wandering in his mind, and it would definitely make people tired after a long time.

That is to say, the foundation of the rest of his life is good, and his physical quality is different from ordinary people. If it is an ordinary person, it is estimated that this time is already approaching.

Even if it is not to die, then it will inevitably be tortured into a mental illness, and will leave a psychological imprint in the future and become a crazy person.

It was only at this moment that Yu Sheng realized that this so-called Yin Ming Si was really killing people and didn't want to give the other party a life.

Spiritually and physically wilted, and finally dying, what a sin it would be for a normal person, he didn't even dare to think about it.

Feeling the thoughts of the rest of her life, Marina also walked in and put down the purchased fruit.

Yu Sheng frowned and glanced at each other.

"What are you doing here, this is the men's bathhouse."

The hot spring area has a share, the rest of my life does not want Marina to be so abrupt and misunderstood.

Marina smiled lightly, "The entire Hot Spring Valley has been wrapped up by you, so what's the point? There's only one person taking a bath."

Looking at the other party's bulging muscles and graceful lines, Marina couldn't help blushing, but there was a natural smile on the corner of her mouth.

"I didn't expect the head of Yu Sheng's body to be so strong. I must be able to detoxify it smoothly this time."

I have to say that Marina's mouth is very sweet, and even if she wants to say more about her for the rest of her life, she is still patient.

After all, Marina is also out of concern.

The city **** on the side saw this scene at this time, and could not help frowning and looking at Marina.

"I'm also a team member, why don't I get the attention I deserve?"

This city **** seems to be complaining and questioning like a child.

Marina rolled his eyes at him and said, "If you are also injured, I will also buy you delicious food."

Then he looked at Yu Sheng again, "If it really doesn't work, I'll ask some private doctors. I'll contact some skilled doctors to see if there's anything I can do."

Marina was also worried about Yu Sheng, thinking about him everywhere, Yu Sheng nodded, knowing the other party's good intentions.

But sometimes, some things are like this, and he is far beyond your expectations.

"Ordinary doctors can't cure this, nor can ordinary medicines."

Yu Sheng said indifferently, "Except for the people in the Yin Si organization, if the outside world wants to find someone who can cure it, I'm afraid it will be difficult."

He has seen this through a long time ago, so for the rest of his life, he doesn't want Marina to copy her heart and waste time.

He understands his own affairs, and only special techniques and people with special status who specialize in this field can cure it.

The combination of high levels of secrecy and the need to find the right person to treat can be difficult.

Judging from the current situation, the only people he can mobilize are himself or some trusted people around him, so as to reduce the risk of exposure and prevent people from knowing that the rest of his life is healing.

"Hey, what can I do about this, the Yin Si organization can't count on it." This City God said analytically.

Of course Yu Sheng understood this, but he was actually thinking of cultivating those people who had the same secret technique as the Yin Si organization.

Try using their treatment methods, in fact, the rest of your life is not too sure to find that kind of people, or that some people don't exist at all.

Just when a few people were worried, Hei Man walked in.

I saw Heiman's eyes were bright, and then he was holding a few squawking animals in his hands, which looked like frogs.

But a closer look reveals that this is a rare toad.

This City God was a little puzzled and asked, "Did you bring these things in for us to eat?"

He is still good at roasted toads. He used to eat them when he was in the wild. At that time, he was too hungry and had no time to taste them, so he was a little uneasy. Now there is an opportunity in front of him.

Just like this time, he had to re-examine and grill these toad ingredients with the passion he had not experienced last time.

Yu Sheng was also curious, but he was not as neurotic as Ben Chenghuang, he just glanced at it slightly, and then looked at Hei Man.

"Barbarian, are you hunting these things for game, and use them to make up my body."

He didn't think much about it for the rest of his life. He felt that Hei Man was just like that. He was enthusiastic. Even if he couldn't help, he would help him in other places. The best proof was in front of him.

However, Hei Man shook his head.

"My toad is for your rescue. They can **** the poison of Heisha in your body."

After Hei Man finished speaking, he motioned Yu Sheng to make room for him so that he could help detoxify.

Everyone is a little skeptical that the black barbarians can detoxify.

Because this looks a bit dull and honest, does he really know such a partial approach?

If you know that this is not good, the rest of your life may be explained to you.

This City God said with some anxiety, "You are sure that you can save the rest of your life."

Marina also showed a surprised expression, looking at Hei Man, "If you can really do it, then I can agree to date you."

Hei Man was speechless and asked, "What is a relationship?"

The city **** also said, "It means to date you."

Hei Man couldn't tell the situation for a while, because he was an ancient martial artist, and he couldn't tell the date either.

Then he walked quietly to Yu Sheng's side and began to heal him.

Hei Man looks very honest, and he is not bad-looking. He has the taste of ancient generals.

This taste is what attracts people.

Marina didn't think about it when she saw that the black man couldn't enter the oil and salt.

This city **** could have been used as a backup, but Marina disliked him for having too much experience, and she would be the one who was not responsible for suffering that day.

The City God didn't say much about this, saying that he will meet people's hearts after a long time, and then he will know whether he is a good person or not.

For the rest of their lives, no matter what their relationship is, in short, don't make trouble.

Watching Hei Man put the toad on his back, Yu Sheng felt the toad moving.

The pulp on their bodies also swelled up, as if they were about to burst.

Heiman then gently stroked their backs to relax the toads.

Only when you relax can you take good care of the rest of your life.

"These are ice toads. They were found in the extreme yin land. It took me two days and two nights just for these."

After Hei Man finished speaking, he pierced Yu Sheng's back with a silver needle.

Yu Sheng felt a sharp weapon entering his body, and then black qi emerged.

At this time, the ice toad eagerly moved forward after seeing it, and then blocked the mouth of these places where the breath came out, and was swallowing something there.

Those are the thick black blood that flows out for the rest of his life, and it is highly poisonous.

These poisons can directly cause some plants to wither, and they also have corrosive properties on stones.

What he didn't expect was that these ice toads rubbed against him and absorbed it all.

It's like encountering something delicious, it's like a feast for them.

For the rest of my life, I felt that the body was balanced and much better.

More than a dozen ice toads sucked their stomachs, making their stomachs bulge like a ball, and finally stopped.

The black blood in Yu Sheng's body was sucked out a lot, and he was also weakened a lot.

Because there is no black blood in his body, there is not much normal blood.

This time, even the Qilin bloodline and other bloodlines were not able to keep him, and they were directly wiped out by the black evil energy and became an ordinary bloodline.

Now that the toxin is almost absorbed, a little bloodline power begins to recover.

Yu Sheng was weak and at the same time seemed to have a breath of air in his chest, his hematopoietic system was recovering.

"Is that all right?"

This City God asked with some joy.

Hei Man shook his head, "This method can cure the symptoms but not the root cause, and the number of ice cicadas is limited, and one can only eat so much black blood."

After eating and drinking, Heiman let go of these ice toads and let them go.

The rest of his life was much better, but Heiman sealed some of his meridians with a formation.

"During this period of time, don't move in the hot spring. After three days, the meridians will break through the silver needle, and the poison of Yin evil will continue to spread. At that time, the situation may return to its original state."

Yu Sheng nodded, knowing what to do, he would wait patiently here.

Hei Man already had a solution, so he decided to find the tomb of Gu Yitian.

This is also an ancient tomb, the tomb of a physician. He has a touch of gold, and it shouldn't be difficult to sneak in and get the medical ceremony left behind.

After making up his mind, he began to discuss with the city god.

This City God was taken aback for a moment, "This is going to be a native master."

He had only seen this kind of plot on TV, and he never thought that reality had arranged for him so bloody.

After Marina on the side found out, she expressed her willingness to be the first to participate.

Hei Man shook his head, "You're gone, no one will take care of you for the rest of your life, I don't worry about it."

Ben Chenghuang originally wanted to refuse, but when he saw the rest of his life in pain, he agreed.

Yu Sheng said, "Don't be brave, even if I can't find the medical book, I have my own way."

The city **** nodded and said, "We will come back safely."

Hei Man then said goodbye for the rest of his life, and disappeared here with the city god, to find the tomb of Gu Yitian.

Marina was left alone to take care of the rest of her life, and she seemed a little reserved at this time.

At the beginning of the rest of his life, he regarded the other party as his master, and the other party could do whatever he wanted.

But Yu Sheng has never treated him badly or abused him as a friend, so now he has a good impression of Yu Sheng.

This makes him feel that there is a special charm in the rest of his life.

(End of this chapter)

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