I have a super terminal

Chapter 417 Farewell and Parting

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at this time,

It can only be described like that.

Fang Neng looked at the eleven civilization gods behind him, chuckled without saying a word, he was going to seek a way to resurrect Kayoti, and would not come back until he found it.

There was a person standing beside him.

Zuoqiu Bai Meng.

She couldn't say goodbye to him, she couldn't allow it, because he wanted to leave with him.

Without saying much, there was no sadness on Fang Neng's face.

It's like a simple separation, and will see you again.

The same is true, we will definitely meet again, absolutely!

Because only then can the agreement be made.

Anything agreed upon is an established thing for him.After the resurrection of Kayoti, he will definitely come back.

Thinking of this, only then can hold Zuo Qiu Bai Meng.

Zuoqiu Baimeng glanced at him, and didn't say anything, his expression was a little cold.

She didn't know what kind of expression to make at this time!

Only when the main world was able to look at it could he withdraw his gaze, his heart seemed to be gradually invaded and corroded, his gaze trembled a little, he didn't want to, he wanted to keep it.

But it's impossible. This is something that must be done.

It is only necessary to do it, this is the choice of his will.

He can't interfere.

It is impossible to interfere, he can only stand in place.

Whether he is happy or sad, whatever expression he shows now is his freedom.

However, he didn't want to see him farewell with an expression that would bother him.

No, this is not a difference, this is just an ordinary farewell.

The main world denied his uneasiness in his heart.

A smile appeared on his face.

Yes, yes, this is not a permanent separation, but a temporary separation.

I will definitely see you again...

At the time of goodbye... it must exist.The main world could look straight towards Fang Neng's back, without a trace of haze.

At least, at the end, there must be no gloom to see him off.

And Fang Neng seemed to feel the sight of Fang Neng from the main world, turned his head and smiled at him, then nodded gently.

Only when he saw that he nodded, the Lord World was slightly startled, and he didn't understand why he nodded.

Immediately, he realized that he could affirm what he was thinking and agree with him!


Vaguely, Fang Neng's voice seemed to flash past Fang Neng's ears in the main world, passing by.

The main world was stunned for a moment, and then, in a daze, for a moment, the figures of Zuo Qiu Bai Meng and Bai Meng disappeared like phantom bubbles.

The Lord World was able to watch the two of them disappear, with a shock, and the unspeakable mood in his heart finally broke out, and a light sigh broke out of his mouth:

"In the end... I didn't completely become a close friend with you."

The past has become a barrier, and he also knows that he cannot forgive himself.

If it is Fang Neng's reason, he is not so inferior and despicable.It is not that simple to become a close friend.20 Novel Network www.20xs.org

Not to mention, it's still with oneself.

Just because it is oneself, it is very similar. Similar people understand each other and take care of each other. It is difficult to become pure intimacy.

In the end, Fang Neng left, and he did not say what was buried in his heart-he wanted to be a friend.

He admired himself in another world very much, accomplished something he absolutely could not accomplish, achieved something beyond his imagination, strong determination, and even defeated him.

He can only wait until now, waiting to be able to return again.

He doesn't want to be separated forever, he still owes it once.

If he doesn't return it, he won't even be able to sleep.

Although he no longer needs sleep.

Thinking of the entrustment that can only be given to him, there are a lot of things that need to be handled by him in the world.

The main world only made a smile at the corner of his mouth, looked at the ten people behind him, and said:

"Let's go, the next step is our aftermath."


The main world can only look at the void and use power to fix the city. This city will be their stronghold in the future, as a stronghold of civilized institutions.

Although, there are only eleven people (the god of civilization) in the stronghold.

But it's innocuous, and they don't need too many members for their organization.

Only when the main world could look in the direction of the world, the power was activated, and it surpassed the layers of void in an instant and reached the periphery of the world.

The world has changed, although it is not visible from the outside.

But the future of the world has become an unknown that even he cannot understand.

The main world can withdraw its gaze from the future of the world.

He looked at the ten people behind him, nodded to them, signaled that they could start, and the ten civilization gods surrounded the world in a circle.

A huge beam of light rose from behind them, together with the void, a magnificent indescribable force intervened in the world, and in the world, this moment, less than a ten thousandth of a second, paused.

No one noticed it.

The ten beams of light are connected to the world, so that everything in the world will be controlled by the god of civilization, except for the highest system.

Only in the main world, the first god of civilization looked at the ten beams of light and his expression sank, and then it was his turn, he floated directly above the world!

Taking a deep breath, incomparable power gushes out from the body of the main world, blending into the world, his body shattered, and he turned into the purest appearance.

No body.

Like an omniscient and omnipotent god.

He is integrated into the world.A beam of light that was larger than the ten just now appeared above the world, joined with the world, and became a part of the world.

The world that the god of civilization lives in is not the real world, but can directly affect the high level of the world, that is, the domain above the world.

Here you can directly interfere with the world.

The world can be easily destroyed, and the world can also be restored. It can only affect the current world, the known world.

After they can change the future of the world, they can no longer do all the time to observe the world. Time runs through the world and has a deeper impact than anything else.

At this point, the god of civilization is simply incomparable.

The god of civilization can distort time, but if it does, the countless parallel worlds in the future will correct time again.

Countless parallel worlds are positioned between the known and the unknown. The parallel world and time are together. If you want to change the past, you must have the power to override the parallel world and modify the future.

It can be said that all the unknown possibilities can be integrated into the future of the world, and from a certain perspective, the world has evolved!

The personality of the world has not changed, but it has created a possibility between the unknown and the established!

Interference in the world can only be the present, neither the known past nor the unknown future can interfere.

No, you can still change the time.

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