I have a world pawnshop

Chapter 1010 is sure to cooperate with Miss Flower

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Zhang Fan nodded: "It seems that these arewolf, the purpose is not simple!"

The flowers said: "What to do next?"

Zhang Fun thought about it later: "Li Hongyu said before, I think it carefully!

This time, we cheated the old man, so I gave him a chance to perform. If he finished, I can send him a few years of life! "

The flower moon is bright before: "This is a good thing. In this way, we have a lot of people who can know the darkness, what are the news channels in the event! The merits of the treasures of the world, and there is a place that can be implemented. "

"This matter is arranged by you, check the goals of the Ganwins within one day, and extinct it over three days."

Zhang Fan is a pawn of the world, and the flower month is directly departing. First, you will first check the movement of the wolf, and their purpose. When you rely with the son of Chu, it is also a compensation for Chu.


At this time, the Chu's family!

Chu's father is full of hot water, carefully wrapped the colorful atrial gem, wrapped in a pharmaceutical bag, and the medicine package is a variety of precious medicinal materials.

Subsequently put into the water!

Don't take a moment, Chu's father changed, because he felt that there was no movement of Dantian for a long time, and the speed of the aura became faster and faster!

And his body has become very powerful!

"Is this a aura?" The old man almost bite the tongue!

He didn't think of it, Zhang Fan took out a colorful stone, which was only in the legendary gem!

This requires the vast sea of ​​sea to condense such a stone!

The stone is completely consisting of pure aura, put it on the water, will be chemical, and it has a very high increase in cultivator cultivation.

So the old man immediately stepped into the water, run the familiar mankate, immediately activated the silence of Dantian, the aging atmosphere on the body saved!

But with this, the parasitic vine in his spine is also awakened!

The aura of swallowing the old man!

This makes the old man, and finally believes that Zhang Fan said, because he first felt something in the body because he was ambiguous.

The more he absorbed, the more you are swallowed, and if there is no aura support, he will inevitably be succeeded.

"Mr. Zhang Fan, there is no common person, and I have seen the mystery in my body!"

He did not dare to resist, carefully absorb the aura, so recovered one hour, the things were finally quiet.

He also got a part of the filling of Dantian, which is the first time for him.

Carefully walk out from the water, the older stone, the colorful stone, which is removed from the bath.

At this point, open the medicine package, the whole, aura gem has shrunk one-third!

This makes him more confirmed that this matter is the atrial gemstone recorded in the legendary book.

"So amazing thing, Zhang Fan took it out! It seems that I still read this young person, there is necessary to go to a trip, one is to visit, the second is to pay for the relationship, must not let this opportunity from around Want! "

I am thinking, he is wearing a clothes out of the door!

Wang Wei in the villa, I have been working here for twenty years, I saw the father from the door!

It is still as usual, went to clean the surface!

But just unintentionally swept a look, suddenly stunned.

"Mr. Chu?"

Chu Chi was called, and the doubt turned.

"What is the little king?"

Wang Yi came up and carefully! "You always seem to be young! What is going on? The wrinkles on my face seem to be less!"

Chu Chi is scared, and the change is actually so big?

He immediately walked to the mirror, and suddenly surprised.

The original face is very old, even for so many years, but as the age is getting bigger and bigger, there are more and more wrinkles on the face, let him have a lot of time.

But now, many wrinkles on his face have disappeared, and the whole person is young!

It is so surprised that Wang Wei will be so surprised, and it is an amazing thing to be considered to be in other people.

"Xiao Wang, this thing doesn't want to say anyone!"

The old man came to come, so he said.

Wang Yi is like a nod to understand: "You can rest assured that the old man, I will not talk to others."

Chu said, smiled at the laughter, and came to the edge of the stairs, I just wanted to pick up the cane, but I thought about giving up!

I have never had a cane before, and now it is complete!

This is all the tries that Zhang Fan gave him the stone, so he is more urgent, I want to contact Zhang Fan again!

But at this time, the deputy of the forest came in the outside!

"Mr. Chu, I sent it out, I saw Ms. Zhang Fan, I went to the suburbs alone! It seems to check which foreign things, we don't have to manage."

In the mouth, Lin has left to the son of Chu, just looked at it, and suddenly he opened his eyes.

"Lao Ge? You are ..."

Chu's father turned around and showed a similar appearance of nearly ten years ago than more than an hour.

This allows the forest to look closely, and the horror is not enough.

"Ms. Hua, actually investigate what foreigners' things? It seems that Mr. Zhang Fan is very mysterious, and it is a decent person! We should help."

Lin depressed, watching his father young ten years old, respectfully standing respect!

"Yes, Mr. Chu, I will do it."

The front and rear names have a little old, which makes Chu's nephew!

"Don't do it, don't let Mr. Zhang Fan disappointed! Ms. Hua's safety must be guaranteed, if necessary, and women cooperate together."

The deputy immediately nodded, and it was exited the hall.

I haven't been half an hour, I have already found the flower shadow.

This is a small hotel in the suburbs!

The deputy of the forest has just appeared, just saw the flowers of the flowers, sitting in the seating area, holding a cup of tea and gently drinking.

It seems that it is waiting for them.

"Miss Flower? Are you waiting for us?"

The deputy surprised by Lin!

After all, he brought someone, but he did not expose a half-point trail. It was originally desirable to occupy the wind, occupy the right to voice, or even a proud posture.

But I don't want to pretend to be ahead!

"Your reaction is not slow, I thought I thought, I needed waiting or wait for a day or two, and at that time, your role was inert."

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