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"I gradually felt pressure! It seems that the fairy trick is just relying on the strength of the flesh, but it is more than ordinary people, it is more than a thousand meters! If there is no rude support, it is estimated that in such a deep water Even the most basic beardroom will not open! "

Zhang Fan has exposed some interested expressions.

As the more water in the deep water, the surrounding water pressure is also more horrible.

Even if he, only this body is not affected!

And I arrived at the water, but it seems to reach a critical point. If he is not touched by the treasure of the world, it is estimated that he will be injured.

Fortunately, the heavens and the earth are in touch with him, even if he is not responsible, it is also a few treasures in the world!

Therefore, it is just a heart-minded thing. It can be used by things in the world. It is also an awkward embarrassment that avoids the heavens of Tianxian.

In such a deep waters, the things you can see are minimal, and he has a means of watching, so everything around it is clear.

Today, he is on a piece of boulder on a deep ditch, and the power of the gods feels around, the surrounding changes of the spider silk, can't escape his eyes.

Occasionally there will be something, suddenly passing around.

Only Zhang Fan has long hidden in order to eliminate the strange creatures in the water, so those a big fish, only the big fish, only to make Zhang Fan as a stone, sway, sway, It is a feeling that lives in another world.

"This place is very special, and it is difficult to make up the aura, there is a lot of stock here, and I seem to see the gully, the rays of the array are flowing."

Zhang Fan is very curious, this world, casually jumping out a person who knows how to find the tombs, it is already called the master of the master, there is no trace of orthodox cultivators, the only one can be called the immortal , It is also the two or three of the big cat, the strongest only the Taoist people in Lushan, live hundreds of years old, and have not broken the fairy world.

However, in this deep sea, there was a diagnosis, which is unexpected.

So he opened his footsteps, floating into the direction, gradually, and felt very rich aura.

Close to some, I found that this method is very rough. I don't know how many years have experienced, I have already broken into some traces.

But still have some basic functions, that is, absorbing the aura, but not saved, spread in the surroundings, and the revival of the reciprocating reciprocation will create such a special place.

Just, I have seen the three boundaries, all kinds of big demon, vomiting, absorb the aura cultivation, some aura hidden, can be said to be ignored.

So Zhang Fan is somewhat disappointment, so that it is very good to have a very powerful big fairy like this place.

So Zhang Fan turned around a few laps, and found that there was no thing that he wanted to find, but he shook his head, it returned to the water.

When he was on the shore, he held a few fat fish in the sea, let the old white take the grill from the car, Zhang Fan and others are busy, preparing today's dinner.

Li Hongyu and the flower shadow, changing clothes after dinner, go to the seaside to play, have a good time.

Lao White is also aware of getting out, moving all the beer stored in the refrigerator, drinking big drink, so bad.

It is Zhang Fan. For these things, it is not interested in it. After you eat enough, sit in a chair, with tea, while frowning this sea.

"Today, the water exploration, I haven't seen any weirds left traces, is it wrong with me, the purpose of these foreign, is not this sea area, but other places?"

The light is thinking that it is not a clue, so Zhang Fan uses the most lazy and effective way, that is, if those people can't stand, jump out of the darkness, after all, three days with agreed, he doesn't Anxious.

The next day, Li Hongyu did not know where to contact the fisherman, spent a small money, everyone boarded the ship, turned out to catch the sea!

Fortunately, this ship is still not small, the sailors on the boat are very venor, and a few people have appreciated the scenery, and they will start this day.

Out to the sea, the sun is gorgeous, everyone's mood is very good, Zhang Fan is intended to go to the water to find out, and the sailors on the boat have been discounted, and Zhang Fan has changed a tight dress. Bus in the water.

The few people on the boat are stupid, because Zhang Fan looks thin and weak, there is no strong muscle!

After such a tailor, according to the fishermen, it is worth a few times. It is estimated that after a small party, everyone will pay a labor, fishing this person from the water, even at night, it is estimated Accident.

So a fisherman guy is going to come forward: "I said that you have a few, why not stop? This is not a diving area, if he is in the water, we can Can't take it off. "

The flower moon is gently smiled. Li Hongyu is proud to say: "Don't worry, Mr. Zhang Fan, can never do anything that is not sure."

Then Li Hongyu is in a gambling, pulling the old white and the flower mats, I want to guess Zhang Fan will be on the shore!

The fishermen is also fun, saying a number.

"No more than a minute, it is estimated that this gentleman can't support it, I quickly prepare the rope."

Hearing here, the flower moon shadow smiled: "I guess for at least half an hour!"

The old white face is relaxed: "Mr. Zhang Fan is still waiting for a few hours in the water yesterday. There is no reason to be less, I am more than an hour."

Li Hongyu shrugged: "I only two hours, after all, the waters were mostly in the water, but I didn't expect it at a glance."

The fisherman's boy is next to it, watching the flower shadow and other people bet, the expression on the face is exceptional.

"What are you talking about? Isn't this a joke?"

He also waved the other people, and the ship boss was attracted to the movement of this, and he would ask for it!

I learned Zhang Fan, I just jumped into the water, and I have already changed more than 50 seconds before and after.

"He didn't have a diving equipment? Is this not a mess? What should I do if I do it?"

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