I have a zoo

Chapter 145

You can search "I have a zoo to search for novels (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!After cleaning, Miss Jian Jia brought a somewhat abnormal expression of Chen Yang to the "scene of the crime."

"Huh? Where's the wooden chair in the house?"

Girl Jianjia blinked her eyes and looked around the wooden house with smart eyes for a week, but she did not find the wooden chair she had made with great effort.

Naturally, she didn't know that the wooden chair had become a memory of Chen Yang sitting down.

"Uh, girl Jiajia, your wooden chair was accidentally broken by me."

Chen Yang scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, it's okay, my craftsmanship is not good, and the wooden chair made is not strong."

Miss Jianjia didn't blame Chen Yang. She frowned slightly and continued: "The light in the room is too dark. Let's go out and cook."

"it is good."

Facing the weak and weak girl Jian Jia, Chen Yang always dared not look directly at her bright eyes. After hearing the suggestion of the girl Jian Jia, he naturally accepted it without thinking.

Behind the wooden house, there is still another cave.

Judging from the charcoal remaining in the stone pit, this place should be the wild kitchen of Miss Jian Jia.

"By the way, don't you know what your name is?"

While talking, Miss Jian Jia didn't know where to get a colorful shell, which was filled with clear water. Obviously, this was the pot that Miss Jian Jia used to cook.

"Chen Yang!"

Chen Yang stepped forward to help. He piled up a simple stove with a few stones at his feet, and placed colorful shells on it.

The pot has been set up, and all that is left is to prepare the fire.

In the world of fish swimming, there are definitely no such things as lighters and matches, so the most primitive method should be used to start a fire.

As if she knew what Chen Yang was thinking in her heart, Miss Jian Jia took out two fiery red stones like magic again.

"Chen Yang, this is a peculiar type of stone on the island, and it will emit sparks after a slight collision."

Chen Yang knew it, and laid some fine fluff inside the coconut shell in the stone stove to make a fire-starting material.


The two rocks in Miss Jianjia's hands slightly collided, and a ball of sparks landed in the stone stove.

"Hurry up and breathe."

Seeing that Chen Yang did not move, Miss Jian Jia urged.

On the island, lighting a fire is not easy.

I remember that when she first turned into a human body, she struck the two stones in her hand for several hours before she started the first fire in her life.

The main difference between humans and animals is that humans can make and use tools.

Miss Jianjia watched the fire that rose up with her own hands all night.

She, from a colorful shell, completely transformed into a human form, this is her wish for many years, finally completed in the Palace of the Deep, so she cherishes it very much.

From some of the messages left over, she constantly learns the relevant knowledge of the human world, from language, to demeanor, and then to some behaviors in life. Now she can be counted as a human being.


Looking at the dying Mars, Chen Yang leaned over, pouting and blowing.

Under his continuous efforts, the single spark turned into a red flame.

Fire successful!

When the colorful shells were roasted with flames, Miss Jianjia rushed back and forth, putting the cleaned milky white mushrooms into the shells, and when the water in the shells boiled completely, she added some light blue powder.Nuwa Book Library www.newbookku.com

"Okay, Chen Yang, you can drink!"

In a moment, a crooked wooden table appeared in front of Chen Yang. On the wooden table, among a large shell, there was a mushroom soup carefully cooked by Miss Jiajia.

Beside the shells, there are two huge coconuts. A hole has been cut out, revealing the coconut juice filled inside.

A meal in the fish world began like this.

Opposite Chen Yang, Miss Jian Jia looked slightly nervous, her bright eyes stared at Chen Yang's face, wanting to see from Chen Yang's expression whether the soup she cooked was delicious.

Without any hesitation, Chen Yang poured a milky white soup with light blue spots floating on a shell in front of him into his stomach.


Chen Yang's giant whale sucked water, and the thick soup of shells disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Chen Yang, how is it, does it suit your taste?"

Seeing Chen Yang finished drinking, Miss Jianjia's expression became more tense, and even her voice trembled slightly.

"Uh, I drank too fast, can I drink another shell."

Chen Yang carefully aftertaste, except for the strong fragrance in his mouth, he didn't even remember the taste of the thick soup just now.

Miss Jianjia pursed her lips lightly, and a chuckle appeared on her face. She did not speak, but all she wanted to say was expressed in her bright eyes.

The shell in front of Chen Yang was once again full of thick soup. He drank very slowly this time, carefully investigating the taste of the thick soup.

The mouth is fragrant, smooth like milk, and when it reaches the stomach, a faint warm current rises.


Chen Yang gave his own evaluation.

Chen Yang has not tasted this taste in the real world. It is rich but not greasy, and has a delicate fragrance but smooth. If it can be replicated in the real world, it will definitely become a delicacy that the people vie for.

Unfortunately, this can only be Chen Yang's wishful thinking.

The quality of the food is largely due to the quality of the ingredients. The soup I drink must be caused by the milky white mushrooms. It is impossible to replicate it in the real world. .

Upon hearing Chen Yang's evaluation, Miss Jianjia also smiled again and again.

After transforming into a human form, Chen Yang was the first human being she had ever seen, and she was able to be praised by real humans, which was also very gratifying to her.

"Girl Jianjia, I came to you for one thing."

After eating and drinking enough, Chen Yang hesitated for a moment, and then said what was buried in his heart.

"Chen Yang, do you want to avoid water drops?"

Girl Jianjia smiled brightly and directly said what Chen Yang was thinking.

Chen Yang was a little bit stunned. He was a little embarrassed and explained: "Miss Jianjia, I know that the water drop is your precious thing, but when I came to the world of fish this time, there is also a very important thing to avoid the water drop. I just borrowed it and went to the deep sea palace on the bottom of the sea. I learned from the crab poet that only your refuge from the water can enter the deep sea palace."

"Hehe, Chen Yang, don't be nervous. The water drop is not here. You didn't come at the right time. It was snatched by someone else the other day?"

Girl Jiajia's tone was very relaxed, as if being robbed to avoid water drops, it was a very common thing for her.


Chen Yang showed an incredible look.

"Well, on the edge of the cliff on the other side of the island, there is a big black snake. It also wants to go to the Palace of the Deep Sea, so it snatches the water bead from me."

Girl Jianjia simply told what happened.

"Black snake?"

Chen Yang frowned, bad thoughts surged in his heart.

What if the black snake is too strong and he can't beat it?

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