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"I, Zhang Tianyi spit a nail, never yet!"

Zhang Tian went quickly, his eyes looked at the huge worries.

If you really fix your own Dantian, Zhang Tian helps they have no problems, and they are owed by others, but if you can't find it, don't blame yourself.

I am worried about Zhang Tian agreed. He nodded now that he can only choose Zhang Tian.

I saw him say: "It is said that there is a sky outside the sea in the east waters, and the sea is floating in the void, no one knows the path!"

"But it is said that as long as you get Xianbao Tianfang Cloud, you can enter the sea area, look for the legendary gods!"

He worried that he stopped his mouth. He looked at Zhang Tianyi in his death.

"Tianfang cloud?"

Zhang Tian frowned, he never heard of what the wings, what wings?

"What is the wings cloud, where is it?" Zhang Tian asked.

"Tianfang clouds are said to exist in an illusion, no one knows where this is, I don't know!"

The monster is not talking.

"I know, you can rest assured, as long as I can find the gods, I will come back to help you!"

Zhang Tian went to nod, since it didn't have a position Zhang Tian, ​​there was no way, and he quickly floated on the water.

"I hope my eyes are not wrong, I hope you can find God!"

"Thank you!"

In the mouth of worry, Zhang Tianyi has disappeared in the original place. .

Zhang Tian knew that the sky outside the sea was ok, Zhang Tian did not know what the wings clouds were, in the understanding of Zhang Tian, ​​the peaceful clouds were also a wings, how could fly on the sea.

Zhang Tian's first thing is to find the sky and other outside the sea as soon as possible. If you can't find it, it is difficult to fix it.

Zhang Tian looked at his jade, he found the east and then figure a flash hole in the sea.

Zhang Tian took a leisure time, he sat down and repaired his skills.

It is some consumed true gas just running and using an attack.

Some of the bodies around the body have hit the sky, and Zhang Tian's long gun can turn it into a wing.

After a few days, Zhang Tian slowly opened his eyes. He felt that it was incorrect, how did this monster's body of the east becomes more and more.

Moreover, these bodies have not seen the monster, Zhang Tian looked at the countless mousse bodies around him, and he frowned.

The body here is too much, almost covered with the whole sea, and the whole sea is not seen that the body of the monster is floating on the water.

"This should be the other battlefield that the monster says, but the monster battle seems to be over?"

Zhang Tian murmured, and he stepped out of the long gunfall on the body of the monster.

Zhang Tian can feel the grievances around the road. The soul of these monsters is unified, all crowded in this sea area.

"Buddha eyes!"

Zhang Tian's head was changed. At the same time, Zhang Tianbi's lotus pattern was shine in an instant, and the next day, the sky was changed, and Zhang Tian did not have a sea.

All spaces are golden, and Zhang Tian's eyes have a countless mousse soul, and those souls are very miserable, and they seem to have been greatly traumatic.

"How can I open this?"

Zhang Tian was wondering around, he was in his heart, and he did not intend to open his mind, but what is going on?

"Forget it, so many souls are first rounded!"

Zhang Tian immediately fell behind the mind, now it is not to take this, since he saw it, Zhang Tian didn't care hard.


Zhang Tianyou, a white golden Buddha slowly passed, and the spatial spatition around the next moment came out of the scream.

After a moment, I didn't have a soul in my eyes, and I was blocked around. Zhang Tian felt the pain of the eye.

"Is it too long to use? Can you use five interest hours?"

Zhang Tian mranked, and he quickly recovered his eyebrow eyes.

After Zhang Tian recovered, the next moment in the sky came back to the red breath. That breath directly entered Zhang Tian's body with Thunder and pourness.


Zhang Tianxia is conscious of hiding, but the breath is really too fast, he can't hide at all.

That breath, I didn't enter Zhang Tian's body, and a warm breath flowed in Zhang Tian Dan.

At the same time, a different breath is surrounded by Zhang Tian's mind. This kind of breath is really mysterious. Zhang Tian is exhausted and unable to shake one point.

The breath is surrounded by Zhang Tian's mind, and Zhang Tian has some comfort.

After a while, at Zhang Tian comfortably disappeared, and there was a red atmosphere in Zhang Tian Dan.

Zhang Tianjing frowned, whenever his gods fell, will be surrounded by the mysterious breath.

Zhang Tian tried a few times without no fruit, he now can't understand the breath that Zhang Tian, ​​you can feel it is not anxious.

"Hey, detect mystery, whether the host is recycled, the recycling price is 50,000 days points!"

Just when Zhang Tian did not plan to manage the system, the sound of the system was actually rang in his mind, and Zhang Tian listened to the system in the system.

His two tasks added to it, no 50,000 days points, but now, the sky is actually worth 50,000?

"All the system is forced, it seems that this breath is a bit powerful, it is necessary to not be out!"

Zhang Tian murmured, he looked at the breath in Dantian more doubts.

Although he can't feel the mystery in the middle of the breath, he can still feel the power of the breath.

"System, do you know what is this breath?"

Zhang Tian asked.

"Hey, the system has no right to know, it is recommended that the host is multi-system communication, can promote the system upgrade!"

The sound of the system came, Zhang Tiantun was speechless, I didn't know how this time I asked you.

"Forget it, I don't recycle!"

Zhang Tian put his hand, he once again went around, and there was no body of the monster in the sea, and the monster bodies were directly chemical into flying gray.

"Hey, when I made a good time, I didn't know when I could see the sky!"

Zhang Tiankou sighed, and his long gun accelerated some speed.

Because Zhang Tianfu's relationship, this approach did not have any corpses. Zhang Tianyi is gallter, and it will quickly go.

Time is very fast, after three days, Zhang Tian's figure is still moving in the sea, and Zhang Tian is helpless is contacted his array.

Just when Zhang Tianzheng intends to try his own transfer array, his long gun is actually shaking.

The surrounding water is actually began to turn red, and that the calm water is also set off.

The surroundings have gradually passed a sound of the sound of weapons.

Those voice passed into Zhang Tian ear, Zhang Tian slowly opened his eyes, at this time, Zhang Tian's face was a bit of a bitter.

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