I have an identity every day in the city

Chapter 521, Three-Class Denmaster!

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When Zhang Tian, ​​I didn't dare to delay. The huge white print was played at Zhang Tianda. The monsters that were about to arrive at Zhang Tian were blocked back, and Zhang Tian's figure disappeared because of the impact of the big print. Original place.

Zhang Tian's figure was crazy to go to the front, and at the same time, he constantly played the golden big print. Zhang Tian's figure was like a squid, and the vines that were about to hit by him. .

Those front of the vines have disappeared in the shadow that has not arrived.

Zhang Tian continued to play big print, and behind him is also a countless vine.

Zhang Tian's Buddha's eyes did not dare to close. At this time, his spirit has a little pain, but if you think that your speed is slow, he will die, he doesn't dare to neglect.

Soon, after nearly 30 seconds, Zhang Tian's Buddha's eyes have not been opened. His eyebrow has some blood flow out.

A silk pain is from Zhang Tianbi, and Zhang Tian's mood suddenly depressed.

Zhang Tianyi held his own eyebrow, and he used the true gas to nourish.

Because there is no picture of the Buddha's eyes, Zhang Tian's speed is slow, and his surroundings are also dark, countless vines are immediately attacked, and Zhang Tian has a little low.

"Don't I use the last chance today?"

Zhang Tian was murmured, and a vine had touched his real shroud.


After he was awkward, his real shield was broken, and a vine was about to touch his back.

A cold breath surrounds behind Zhang Tian, ​​and a very powerful suppression of a very powerful press is not darent.

Zhang Tian's body was blocked in an instant, and the world stopped turning.

In the next moment, Zhang Tian's back is directly broken, and at the same time, Zhang Tian's head will be fainted.

"Hey, the host life is dangerous, so the system is independently used in life!"

The sound of the system came out, and Zhang Tian's familiar shroud appeared around Zhang Tian. At the same time, Zhang Tian was clear and clear.

The appearance of Jin Guang, the body of Zhang Tian was started to recover, and the tentacle was also played out, and the tentacle monster became flying ash.

Zhang Tian surrounded a gold shroud, Zhang Tian looked at the big hole in his belly, and he used this last chance.

"Hey! After all, still use it, but it is very good to keep a life!"

"Buddha light!"

Zhang Tiankou sighed, and then he made his skills because the cause of the shield did not have darkness around him, all of which were golden.

Under the shine of Jinguang, those monsters did not dare to take a moment, and Zhang Tian didn't have anxious. As long as he did not escape the sea, this golden shield won't disappear.

In the past, Zhang Tian can't feel the golden breath, now he is repaired, he felt some different breath on this.

"This kind of breath is similar to the atmosphere in the small world!"

Zhang Tianxin muttered, he remembered the small world that Ling Xiao just known.

That small world opened the breath of cold snow when he found the cold snow, Zhang Tian now feels almost the same.

"I don't know what the breath of Ling Xiao brother is atmospheric, this is almost the opportunity!"

Zhang Tianxin thought about it, he is also very curious about what is good at the end, but you can have a breath of the system.

After the moment, Zhang Tian wanted to have no fruit. He didn't want to have something to do. He felt some shock in the heart of the breath, and his eyebrows were slowly recovered under the shine of Jinguang.

"I didn't expect it to use it in the system, but this breath is what, I seem to be absorbed, is this really golden light!"

Zhang Tianxin is a thank you system, and he feels the breath of the golden light.

Zhang Tian didn't go forward. He sat up at the still disc, anyway, now he just studied this golden shield.

When Zhang Tian began to absorb the breath on the golden rays, a different breath surrounded his Dantian.

That kind of breath is a bit similar to the breath of the edge of Zhang Tian Dan, and Zhang Tianxin is also surprised.

"What is this golden light?"

Zhang Tian is murmured, and the golden breath he started to absorb it.

A warmth is full of body, while Zhang Tian's mind seems to be more awake, his gods can actually explore it.

"Is this Jin Gang still have the ability to help me quench the knowledge?"

When Zhang Tianxin, he went to the breath of the breath of his own infused.

After a moment, Zhang Tian's knowledge can extend a hundred meters, one kilometer after five minutes.

10,000 meters, 100,000 meters!

When Zhang Tian's gods stretched into 100,000 meters, he couldn't stretch again. Zhang Tian was very contentment, he believes that as long as you go out here, your own knowledge will be improved again.

After absorbing the day after Jinguang, he found that his own knowledge could no longer improve, and Zhang Tian immediately took out the three-level spirit.

He wants to take this alchemy, he has no longer life, and Zhang Tian must refine some of the key to the critical time of his useful medicinal herbs.

Zhang Tian hand waved, a shabby Dan furnace, countless herbs appeared around him, Zhang Tian immediately skilled her medicine into the Dan furnace.

Dan is rising, at this time, Zhang Tian's Dan fire has become a light gold under the light of the golden light.

Zhang Tian Dan's burning, the Dan furnace quickly became red, and Zhang Tian immediately lost out the number of mission into the Dan furnace.

When Zhang Tianstrokes have just dropped, the golden breath actually begins to help Zhang Tian fused, a fusion technique appeared in Zhang Tianshi.

Zhang Tianyi, what is going on, is this Jinguang also helps people to cultivate the strength of the rest of the item?

Zhang Tian thought this Jin Guang said that after he helped him advance to the third-level Dan medicine division, he had can't wait to practice Dan medicine according to the route.

Sure enough, after ten minutes, Zhang Tian's Dan furnace has issued twelve best medicinal herbs in the Dan furnace of Zhang Tian, ​​a moment.

After the refining, after the refining, the heart of the heart appeared in his mind.

Zhang Tian is more deeply cut for alchemy.

After three days later, Zhang Tian's side has no three-level spirit, and Zhang Tian's ring has a pile of three-level best medicinal herbs.

Zhang Tian mainly refines some of the treatment of Tan drugs and some cultivation of cultivation, there is no refining.

Zhang Tian slowly opened his eyes, he had completely skilled the knowledge of the three-level medicinal herbs, and he waved his hand, he took out a medicinal material with only a soul Dan.

"You can't make it, you will look at you!" Zhang Tian looked at the golden breath of the surrounding.

Zhang Tian knows that he can practice so fast is caused by this golden ray.

Zhang Tian said, his hand is lifted once again raised the flame.

Zhang Tian looked at the spirit of the grass in front of him. The strong soul of the soul was poured into his mind.

Zhang Tian, ​​the soul at this time seems to be nourished.

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