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Those monsters have a strong body and power, which is unified than those monks, and even even the city owners and colleges will not stand the hit of the senior monsters.

"Don't be discouraged, my red valley will fight to the last moment, everyone should believe light!"

"Now that the West Sea Monster can capture us half a continent for seven days, we start to arrange, we will arrange the border to prevent the monsters, fight for our friends!"

The city owner said softly, and the mutual worship nodded them and turned and left the hall.

Some monks fled to other continents after leaving the temple. They didn't want to die in vain, but some monks did not leave, they were preparing to fight to the last moment.

These do not leave the monks do not have sufficient strength, they go to other traits, they will not pay so many people, and other continents will not go far, although they have not been able to go.

After everyone left, the eyes of Lu Yi look at the woman next to it, and the woman with a veil on the face.

"Snow, you will go to the middle with the teacher today, the Lingzhou is going, you don't forget your mission!"

Sright, the cold and snow nodded "It is the master, I will work hard, but the master don't go to us?"

The cold snow is confused, and now the monster strength is so strong, and the strength of the fall is not able to compete.

"I can't go for the teacher, the roots of the teacher are here, it is dead, and it is still a flower!"

The fall is slowly shaking, his college is here, her students are here, and even the hard work of her thousand years is here, how can she leave.

However, the cold snow is different. She has come to the college for a few years, and the feelings of the college are not so deep. The cold snow will replace the Locarnology to enter the gods.

"Okay, let's go!"

He said, and there was a woman in the cold and snow, she took the cold and snow.

The cold snow is not against it, she follows the woman.

"I hope you can fulfill the promise, as a sacred girl into the goddess!"

After the cold and snow, he was mysterious.

In these days, Zhang Tian has arranged countless array of array, but even though this, there is still countless array of array in his mind.

Zhang Tian's heart is now fully immersed in the prognostic array.

After a month, I had a smooth understanding in Zhang Tian's heart, but my heart is still dark, and Zhang Tian has some C can't understand this.

Just when Zhang Tian is ready to unlock the next array, a golden light falls, the giant Buddha's light makes Zhang Tian's heart looks clear.

Zhang Tian stopped the action of unlocking the array.

These days, Zhang Tian has already unlocked thousands of array, and Zhang Tian can also arrange the unspeakable thousands of array.

These array is very powerful, if the three-level grati came to Zhang Tian definitely unfained.

After the mind was clear, Zhang Tian stopped, he gradually understood.

He originally wanted to find a heart, but he broke a few months ago. After Zhang Tianming, he found a ray in his mind, it was a heart!

"I finally found it, but how many cars have been included in this array?"

Zhang Tianxin is a little negligible, but he is not thinking more after finding the heart.

Zhang Tian did not destroy the heart, he said in a rhyme, and he only disappeared in the original place.

Zhang Tian also didn't know what this is, he is only inadvertently attracted by this array of breath.

To say that there is something in this day, there is not much hope, he has learned a lot in this array.

The light of the transmitted light is very bright, Zhang Tian has only closed his eyes, but after a hint, the bright light around Zhang Tian has a lot.

Zhang Tian slowly opened his eyes, he looked at the peripheral heart to be jumped a few.

"Is there a legendary sky?"

Zhang Tian is murmured, and his eyes are excited. He is ready to leave, but now it is really a chanting from the sky.

Zhang Tian's eyes looked in front. Sure enough, there was a huge sea in the void, and the following black Zhang Tian didn't see it.

There are some white mists in the sea around, while those who are in the misty, even faintly see some green shadows.

Zhang Tian stood on the water and looked at the sea in front, his heart could not be calm for a long time.

Seeing that this opportunity is in front of you, Zhang Tian cannot give up.

Zhang Tian shadow was going to the sky, but he flew more than 50 meters, was shocked by a waves.

Zhang Tian also understood what the squid said what he said.

This kind of gas waves do not have Tianyun Shenyi can't rush. This horrible air wave is just a difficult to support the ability of the monk.

"Tian Yun Shen!"

Zhang Tian took a little behind him or took out his own Tianyun God, and he would know that Tian Yun Shenyi as long as he shaken his true gas.

Zhang Tian was afraid that he was in danger, and he couldn't resist it.

But now I don't go, it is not a way. Zhang Tian has only decided to fight.

Platinum wings poured behind Zhang Tian, ​​the wings were bigger than Zhang Tian, ​​but this wing can be large with the opinions of Zhang Tian.


Zhang Tian did not hesitate. After his wings were slightly shaken, the whole person had disappeared in the original place.

Zhang Tian's figure was rushed into the sky, and the figure was directly rushed to the air barrier.

When the next moment is like a broken barrier, Zhang Tian rushed to the past. At the same time, a smoke was coming, and Zhang Tianshi's figure has fallen on the sea.

Zhang Tian stood up and quickly took out the spirit of Lingshi.

At the same time, Zhang Tian also quickly swallowed a lot of medicinal herbs, Zhang Tian recovered his own Dantian, and he looked behind him.

After only seeing the shadow of the sky and the sea, Zhang Tian's body is actually a wall, while Zhang Tian's feet stepped on the sea and can't fall.

"Is there a small world?"

Zhang Tian murmured, he looked at the front.

I saw a few tall trees floating on the azure sea in front of the azure sea, and those trees were like a long.

Countless sputter grows on the sea, and you can see some small grass on the tree below the tree.

"Water tree, water flowers!"

Zhang Tian is murmured, and his eyes are surprised. Although this situation is usually normal, Zhang Tian is still seeing.

Zhang Tian looked at the moment and returned his own innocence. He walked over. Zhang Tian just took a step, a large stock was passed.

The Tantian, which is followed by Zhang Tian actually has some vibration.

That breath is like a summer ice nourish nourishment.

Zhang Tianyi actually was somewhat intoxicated, and Zhang Tianyi shook his head, he took the distinctive thoughts in his mind and quickly accelerated.

Zhang Tianqian must certainly say that there is a god water, and it is very likely that there is a little excited in Zhang Tianxin.

Zhang Tian's speed is getting faster and faster, when Zhang Tian walks, Zhang Tianmei is a follow-up step, followed by countless tree roots, hitting him just standing.

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