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"The person behind the system is really good!" Zhang Tian murmured, and his figure has fallen.

The cold snow is also busy, and there is some doubts in her eyes.

I want to know what is going to be in front of the monk, what is it today? It is actually exposed before the rest of the monks?

"Well, let's go back, go back and tell you!" Zhang Tian also saw the doubts of cold snow, he smiled.

The cold snow also knew it seriously. She nodded two people walked again.

"Wait a look!"

After the two men came out of the day, a man's voice came over, Zhang Tian heard that he frowned.

"Is there anything?" Zhang Tian looked at the man in front of the white sword, he asked softly.

"Seniors, let's wait, I have something to discuss!" After seeing Zhang Tianzhen, he quickly said.

"Is there anything? I still have something to do!" Zhang Tian said that he did not impress this person, it seems that there is no intersection.

"Can the seniors go to my Swords to sit in the Swords? Small is to discuss with the Taoist friends!" Feng Bicker said, his eyes are very sincere.

When Zhang Tian, ​​he looked at the cold snow. The cold snow is more than him. You should know some of this person.

After all, he said, my Jianzong, its forces should be not small, Zhang Tian is now guilty of two sects, Zhang Tian is too lazy to run.

"This person is the strongest first sword of Jianzong, commonly known as the sword, name is a wind bell!"

In the cold, I saw Zhang Tian, ​​and she looked softly, Zhang Tian heard a little bit.

"Well, I know, since Jian Zong Taoist invited me sincerely, then let's take a look!" Zhang Tian nodded, he has already sinned, and now you can't sin. Third.

If it is true, then he is estimated that God is not coming.

"Then thank you for your predecessors, your predecessors please come with me!"

The wind bell flew in front of Zhang Tian in his surprised eyes.

Zhang Tian also slowly followed him.

And the monks who have just speaking, it is a little idea. This is a magic, and there are two people. It is necessary to wear two majormen. I will definitely not let them go.

"If you take me to your Jianzong, the rest of the two can be misunderstood, the Taoist friends are not afraid?" Zhang Tian looked at the men in front of the sword. "

This person now invites him, this is not sincerely invited, or it is not to be retired.

However, Zhang Tian did not feel that he was hurting himself, and it was unlikely from language and expression.

"Haha prime friends, you must not understand our Jianzong, our Jianzong has always been related to the rest of the two paramenors, but the road is not afraid of them, the Taoist friends are coming to me!"

The wind chime said that Zhang Tian did not say much, he looked at the cold snow.

"Snow, you have experienced what have been experienced in these years, your cultural god is about to be late!" Zhang Tian asked the cold and distressed.

"There is nothing, just in practice, but Zhang Tian is you, your repair is so fast, are you not the Yuan Ying period?"

"Is your foundation have been fixed?"

The cold snow shook his head, and then she looked at Zhang Tian's doubts.

You must know that Zhang Tiansi is a Yuan Ying period when it is separated. But now, his strength has been divided into the future.

"I just fix the Tantian, and then repaired to break through the mid-term, my husband gave you a good thing!" Zhang Tian said, and he remembered countless medicinal herbs in the ring.

This is to eat cold and eat, maybe you can advance to the Mahayae, if you advance, it is not fixed to the cold snow.

"Well, thank you husband!" The cold and happiness hugged Zhang Tian.

At this time, the wind chime before, and he had a cold sweat. He didn't believe it just said.

This person actually in the middle of the god? And a mid-term monk actually kill the monks in the late stage, how powerful?

"No, I have to inform the main owner as soon as possible, this monk must stay in Zongmen!" The wind bell muttered, he thought of Zhang Tian's strength.

That strength dares to ask which one of the maritime monks can be .

However, after a moment, Zhang Tian has both a few people have fallen under a big sword of a hundred meters, and there is a palace in the sword.

Zhang Tian is very smooth to enter the temple.

This is a sword and buft, and those swords are inserted on the ground and the wall looks like a sword.

"Dao Youfu is trembled, please don't suggest, please come with me, I have the same spirit tea enclosure here!" The wind bell said, he took Zhang Tian into a living room.

"Taoist friends is not a sword, this sword is a lot" "Zhang Tian looked at the countless long sword on the wall, he said softly.

"Haha prime prizes, if you like the sword who likes this, you will take it just right!"

The wind is generous, Zhang Tian has not taken the sword here, the sword level here is too low to see it.

After a while, a few people sat in front of a seat, and the wind chime was watching Zhang Tian's light.

"I didn't buy Zi Zi. I didn't buy two major doors. I couldn't say that the people will know!"

"Daoyou is willing to join us, as long as the Taoist joins our Zongmen, those Zongmen do not dare to do their friends, how do you see how you look?"

The wind is lightly said that there is some hope in his eyes.

Zhang Tian is a bit wondering, a sinner, actually there are people who have to enter his zone?

However, Zhang Tian denied that he promised, then it was touched in this zone. If there is anything about this zone, it is too much trouble.

Zhang Tian refused in the first time, how good it is free, there is no need to send a fence.

"Dao You, I am not able to enter the Taoist Gate, I am used to do it habits, don't like constraints!"

Zhang Tian put his hand and said, he did not like this kind of zone.

"This, you are thinking about it, as long as you enter our Zongmen, you can't deal with you, and if you have joined our demon Dan, you can redeem!"

"You must not go to the two squares to exchange points now, you will not think about it!"

The wind chime said again. He is a bit helpless. If Zhang Tian agrees, maybe they can rolling the rest of the other.

It is necessary to know that Zhang Tian is an practitioner, a four-stage mage, has a strong power, is these conditions, it is enough to make anyone.

Zhang Tian hesitated, if he disagreed, his points were really a problem, and his demonan is also a problem.

After the moment, Zhang Tian took a moment, he looked at the wind: "This, I promise to help you once, but your conditions can't fall!"

Zhang Tian said that the wind is hesitating. If Zhang Tian joined their Zongmen, it is not one, but now I have changed a helpless opportunity, which is simply leaving.

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