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He is now very regretted to give Zhang Tian so much time. He can find Zhang Tian at first. He can also destroy Zhang Tian in advance, but it is late.

Zhang Tian has escaped, but he is trapped here for eternal life, his heart is not willing.

When Zhang Tian looked at the bliss black, he raised his hand and poured a Buddha light.

Buddha light puts the surrounding white, and the surroundings have nothing seems to have anything, but the surrounding aura is unsatisfactory.

"Here is a strong aura!"

The snow feels the surrounding breath, she can't help.

Zhang Tian also felt a different kind of aura around, and the aura here is still abundant than the star Yuan Dan, and even the stars and Yuan Dan have not so clear!

After Zhang Tian looked at a moment, he found that there was no different bursts.

Zhang Tian arranged several gatherings, he looked at the cold snow: "Snow, I have to practice, where to constantly understand the array and guns, my cultivation has already settled, I feel I can Breakthrough! "

Zhang Tian said that he turned his own practice. The cold snow is also nodded, and it turns out his own practice.

The aura here is indeed strong, and Zhang Tian does not know that it is completely cultivated.

Soon three years have passed, Zhang Tian's cultivation came to the peak of the god, and the surrounding the aura is still not reduced, but more, this makes Zhang Tian's heart, there are some surprises.

This is also the surface. He may be directly broken through the time, and he only has to break through the time period, and the monks here is hard to pose a threat to him.

The cold snow has also been completely entered, and her cultivation has come to the peak of the time in three years. This is already a watershed.

Only cold snow broke through, then she soared.

A few days later, Zhang Tian opened his eyes. He stabilized his own cultivation in the peak, and now he has absorbed the aura.

Although there are more aura inside, but Zhang Tian didn't understand that he could not break through the time.

At this time, the cold snow also opened his eyes. She didn't have an urgent breakthrough but said to go out.

Zhang Tian felt some of his strengths and todped his strength.

Now Zhang Tianqiao must have that the smoke is coming, he can at least match the energetic, and it is not the cultivation of these eight years.

At this time, Zhang Tian did not have an urgent station. Anyway, there are a lot here. Zhang Tian wants to take this opportunity to practice, only strengthen the knowledge, so that there is an opportunity to be self-policy.

He used to be used in Tianxian Bamboo, and now it is a good time to use.

In the cold, I saw Zhang Tian to take the bamboo marrow. She also suddenly thought of her bamboo marrow. She quickly took it out, and the two started to practice almost the same time.

I am a good thing that allows the monks to have a third eye, and the knowledge can also enhance the ability of the monks.

Zhang Tian looked at the bamboo marrow in his hand slowly drinking a drop.

The bamboo marrow enters the body, Zhang Tian only feels that there is a cool cool in his heart, and more importantly, his knowledge is constantly expanding. It is necessary to know that the expansion of God is not a small thing.

That is a matter of every monk dreams.

Zhang Tian also realized that God's blade, now Zhang Tian clearly feels the gradual improvement of his own knowledge.

"Good things, this thing can get more, maybe my knowledge can be more coming!"

Zhang Tian murmured, he feels some shock in his heart.

A drop was soon being absorbed, and Zhang Tian did not hesitate to drink a drop.

After this drop, Zhang Tian once again felt the breath, and his love has strengthened this moment.

After more than a month, Zhang Tian has no bamboo marrow in the jar, Zhang Tian still wants to drink but no.

At this time, Zhang Tian's love is almost more than double, and it is still strengthened.

Zhang Tian felt his own powerful knowledge, and he was busy using the gods to see the surroundings.

After a moment, Zhang Tian was discovered, he found a crack, and those aura spilled from which crack.

The cold snow was absorbing the third drop of bamboo marrow. Her speed was much longer than Zhang Tian.

Zhang Tian did not bother the snow, he walked to the crack zone.

Zhang Tian looked at the slight crack, and his heart was shocked.

"Is it a source of aura? Why is that small crack actually makes such a big aura!"

Zhang Tian shammed, and his hand has been extended.


Zhang Tian's palm just arrived at the crack, and the crack sent a snoring voice. The next moment, a big hole appeared in front of Zhang Tianshi.

A large-shared aura flies from which cave, at this time, Zhang Tian actually feels that his part of the child is about to break through.

"Good breath, there must be something in this, maybe there is a star Dan!"

Zhang Tianxin thought, although he was excited, but he didn't go in, Zhang Tian looked at the cold snow.

He wants to wait for the cold and snow.

Zhang Tiandi sat in the cold face slowly absorbed the aura.

Time passed again. After a month, the cold snow finally didn't have bamboo marrow, and the cold snow suddenly opened his eyes.

"Zhang Tian, ​​this bamboo marrow is so powerful, my gods actually strengthened several times"

After waking up, I laughed and said that her heart was also excited.

"This bamboo is really a good thing. You first stabilize, I found a hole over there!"

Zhang Tian said that the cold snow nodded, she quickly stabilized her own repair.

After a few days, the cold snow finally stabilized his own knowledge, she opened his eyes again, Zhang Tian saw it directly.

"Let's take you to see, there is a good thing in it, I want to have anything in it, maybe there is a good star!"

Zhang Tian said that the cold snow nodded two people and walked over.

At this time, the crack was again heal, and Zhang Tian once again put his hand.

The next moment of crack once again appeared a hole, and the cold snow looked at that hole is also a bit surprised. Such a small crack has supported such a big space aura. Some extraordinary.

"Let's go in and see!"

Zhang Tian said, the two got in, the two figures just entered a big franchise once again, and the strong aura almost formed a spiritual style!

"Zhang Tian seems to have bright light!"

However, after a few minutes, a group of light appeared in front of the two.

"Maybe it's the road, but how is this a lot of aura?"

Zhang Tian said that the two did not consciously accelerated some footsteps. If the front of this hole can go out, the two will be an escape.

The two people have a very fast, and the figure of the two people after almost a moment has come to the surroundings of the rays.

Two people see that I only see a void appeared in front of them.

This empty hole is very large, and the upper place has a white Ding Ding, and the Ding Ding is exudes a strong breath.

The Dading's inside is slowly condensed with strong aura, obviously Zhang Tian has just been released from this Ding Ding.

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