More than half of the forces in the field threw olive branches at Baili Sword.

Among them, the Dan people are not included.

after all.

Except for Tang Fei, the Dan people did not really qualify for them.


If one hundred thousand miles of swords refused their invitation from the Dan clan like Tang Fei, then this would be a big loss.

Of course, the most important reason is that Baili Jianyi is not a pharmacist.

It does not qualify as a pharmacist.

and so.

The Dan people naturally have no reason to speak.

Without the Dan ’s “interference”, Baili Jianyi naturally did not need to engage in a so-called “drawing ceremony” to avoid certain problems.

He pondered for a while and then chose Lingxiaoge as his springboard for the future.

in fact.

Among the twelve major forces, the Lingxiao Pavilion is not ranked, and its overall strength is relatively weak.

Especially young people.

However, this has become the most important reason for the choice of Baili Sword.

Because the young group in the court is relatively weak, he must be reused when he enters the Lingxiao Pavilion.

Thus vigorously cultivated.

Under this vigorous cultivation, with his talents, his strength must be greatly improved.

If they went to other forces, then there would be no such treatment and support.

As soon as the selection of the Baili Sword was over, Su Qingrou's turn came quickly.

After the latter was restored, it was no longer exhausted.

Therefore, at this time, she naturally has the energy to choose the forces she likes.

After comparison and reflection, she finally chose the first Yefu that invited her.

At the same time, Ye Die's Ye Dieqiu and her were once tied.

The other party could throw an olive branch at her irrespective of the former suspicion. I have to say that it moved her.

Tang Fei, Baili Jianyi, and Su Qingrou, who entered the top ten, picked their own forces respectively.

As the top three, the forces that invited them were more than half.

But the sword repair in the back is not so hot and prosperous.

Even if they entered the top thirty Jianxiu, at most only two forces sent invitations.

As for the top 30, most sword repairs have not been favored by the forces.

Only a few sword repairs with special features or outstanding performances have attracted the attention of a certain force.

The draft ceremony lasted for an hour and ended.

In the end, a total of sixty sword repairs were able to join the major forces.

Although the number of sixty swords seems to be quite a lot, if you know that the number of participants has reached tens of thousands, I am afraid I will not think so.

The probability of this being selected is already very low.

This shows.

How difficult it is to join in a certain great force.

And if you want to be invited by multiple forces at the same time, it is even more difficult.

For all such sword repairs, none of them is a dragon among men, or a phoenix among men!


"Well, today's dynasty conference and draft ceremony are officially over!"

"Those who have not been selected or rejected do not need to be discouraged. After three years, the next dynasty conference will be started again."

"At that time, you will still have a chance."

"So, take advantage of this period of cultivation, the future will always be in the hands of your young people."

Qin Xuanlei's loud voice then rang again.

While all the sword repairers sighed, they couldn't help but clenched their fists, secretly vowing in their hearts.

"Next time, next time I must enter the top 30!"

"Next time I will join Luo Han Ge!"

"I can do it, and I will make a comeback next time!"


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