These ten huge fairy formations interlaced their canine teeth, forming a wolf-toothed killing gesture, communicating with a secret time and space, enough to trap any master under the heavens inside.

"Killing the formation, adhering to the power of the universe and the evil." Chen Beixuan said lightly.

Upon receiving the reminder from Master, Fang Han was shocked, and felt that Taiyuan Immortal Venerable had not lost the design of one of the ancient nine great immortals.

"This is still a time and space for storing pill." Chen Beixuan looked over the killing array and found that there were a lot of powerful pill floating in this space and time. At least for the Immortal Continent, the effect of these pill was simply against the sky.

Even these medicines are more than the medicines in the key of the wild gods, and most of the medicines in the key of the wild gods are elixir, but here is a time and space for storing medicines, so there are not only the elixir, but also various spirits. Dan, the types and levels are very complete.

"Don't hurry up!" Chen Beixuan said lightly.

Fang Han's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he was grateful for Master's generosity.

These pills are mainly spirit pills, and their ranks are far from comparable to elixir pills, but they are better than complete varieties, which are suitable for Fang Han's needs in the virtual fairy realm at this time.

We must know that although the elixir is good, Fang Han can't bring out all its effects. On the contrary, these elixir will bring him even more benefits.

Fang Han opened his mouth and sucked countless pills in time and space into his mouth.

Sage Relics, Nirvana Pills, Yang Pills, Dragon God Pills, Jade Liquid Great Huan Pills...These pills all turned into raindrops and fell into his mouth one by one.

At this moment, the ten fairy-level magic arrays were in motion, and the Qi of the Universe and Heavenly Evil became more and more intense, turning into sharp and unrivaled energy to shoot towards Fang Han.

Chen Beixuan's eyes were quick and his hands shattered this murderous aura with one palm, and at the same time he released thousands of divine consciousness, directly tampering with the core of the immortal formation, stopping it from running.

Although Fang Han was absorbing the pill, he was surprised to see Master's method.

Thousands of elixirs turned into turbulent pill rain, and thousands of elixirs flew into his mouth.

Fang Han swallowed all the pills in this space at once.

"Next one." Chen Beixuan did not intend to stay at all, leading Fang Han to another space quietly.

As soon as I entered this space, I heard countless drums resounding across the world, shaking the world. In this starry sky, there are countless war drums suspended, at least tens of thousands of faces.

Each war drum is a high-grade Taoist instrument, the size of which is as small as a hill, and it naturally vibrates. Tens of thousands of battle drums revolved around three star-sized battle drums, roaring together and resonating.

The strong sound waves are enough to instantly smash the low-level masters of the longevity secret into nothingness.

"Chonghua Tiangu Grand Array!" Chen Beixuan said lightly, "A total of 15,000 Chonghua Tian Drums, and the three Chonghua Tian Drums in the middle can be called superb Taoist tools, and they work together to form a big formation."

"It's really shocking." Fang Han sighed with emotion. Such a huge array was really shocking.

"Collect it, and integrate your eight Buddha statues into Mu Drum, and it will surely add another strength!" Chen Beixuan said lightly.

Hearing this, Fang Han acted mercilessly.

He rushed directly into the Tiangu Array, the sound waves of the Tiangu Array were suddenly chaotic, and countless angry voices resounded.

The spirits of the Chonghua Tiangu made these angry sounds. Every Chonghua Tiangu has a spirit. There are a total of fifteen thousand and three Chonghua Tiangu spirits, all of which are angry, like a magic weapon that is killing you. Army.

"Use Dapudu technique!" Chen Beixuan reminded.

Fang Han was taken aback for a moment, he hadn't comprehended such great Dao techniques, but he soon discovered that countless rune writing techniques about Dapudu Shu were popping up in his mind.

Master directly teaches Dapudu technique to himself by voice? What is this method? Fang Han was shocked.

When he was shocked, Fang Han stood up, and his body was full of Buddha's light, which is the profound meaning of Dapushu.

"Flawless body! Invincible wherever you go! Buddhism is boundless, everything turns into a dragon!"

In the sky, a respectful Huatian Drum was turned into a degree. With a long roar, countless sound waves turned into a dragon shape, flew into the eight Buddhist temples, and entered the Mu Drum body.

With the integration of the Chonghua Tiangu Great Formation, the strength of the eight Buddha statues has greatly increased, and sound waves are transmitted, like the roar of the eight dragons, shocking the Quartet.

"Refining the Chonghua Tiangu Array is equivalent to refining a **** of heaven. Your current strength is enough to fight against thirteen gods." Chen Beixuan's gaze swept away from Fang Han as he understood his strength and cultivation. For example, Fang Han had a clear and detailed understanding of himself.

"Thank you Master!" Fang Han bowed and thanked him. Master gave him everything he had.

"Next one." Chen Beixuan reminded again, it seems that he really wants to implement the goal before entering the major portals of Taiyuan Immortal Palace, and collect all the magic weapons in the portal space.

Fang Han was happy, looking forward to what the next space would be.

The light flashed, and the two appeared in another space. There were countless powerful corpses of Primordial Divine Beasts in this space. These things Fang Han wanted to refining couldn't be done in a short time.

Therefore, Chen Beixuan directly included all of it in the Key of the Desolate God.

The two went to the next space again. In this space, there was a mountain of spar, with everything from void spar, magic crystal jade, and fetish stone.

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