This massive roundup ended in an anticlimactic manner.

The demon kings paid a huge price and finally saved their lives at the hands of Lin Beifan, and fled back in embarrassment. They swore that they would never provoke Liu Shen again.

This is a strong man who is as perverted as Shenfeng. Whoever provokes him will be in trouble!

At the same time, this battle also spread throughout the demon and human races, causing a great shock in the world.

The half-demon Tangshan injured the Golden Lion Demon King and fled to Shicun, where he was protected by Liu Shen. All the demon kings united to force Liu Shen to hand over the half-demon Tangshan. As a result, Liu Shen did not compromise and easily defeated the Golden Lion Demon King. In turn, he forced all the demon kings to hand over the"protection money". Escaped with a life.

The Demon King fled, Tangshan was safe, and Liu Shen showed off his power!

It can be seen from this incident that the Willow God of the Great Wilderness Forest already possesses a strength comparable to that of a god!

This incident caused panic among many people, because there have been too many powerful people recently.

The king of the bird clan—Shenfeng!

An Lan, the immortal king of the Guangming Cult!

The mysterious genius who holds the sacred power of the undead!

And now Liu Shen!

Each of these people does not seem to be holy, but they all have holy-level strength!

It's like four mountains pressing on everyone's heads, making people breathless!

"This troubled world is so chaotic! The ancient saint sons of the major prodigies have not yet grown up, but there have already been four top experts. I wonder if there will be a fifth or even a sixth?"A great supernatural power user sighed, and ordered his disciples to be careful in their words and actions, keep a low profile, and try not to provoke strangers.

Because you don't know if this person will come out and be another perverted strong man.

Because Liu Shen The demons were so frightened that the demons did not dare to attack, and the stone village returned to peace.

The half-demon Tangshan also stayed here for the time being, and recovered from his injuries before leaving. The outside world also became quite peaceful because of Liu Shen, just like The deep and boundless sea looks very calm, but there are turbulent undercurrents, and the waves may be violent at any time. With nothing going on outside, Lin Beifan focused his attention on the construction of the Reincarnation Hall.

Although it has only been three years since he was there, due to the different speed of time, , 10 years have actually passed in the Palace of Reincarnation. After 10 years of development, the Palace of Reincarnation has opened hundreds of worlds, and has introduced thousands of protagonists into the Palace of Reincarnation, becoming reincarnators, and going to various worlds to experience and perform tasks..

Many protagonists from the small world have grown up, such as the group of reincarnations led by Lin Beifan, the genius fortune teller Lu Buyi, the super doctor Qin Luo, the god of war Xiao Chen, etc. After going through more than a dozen missions, they have basically become Grow into a strong man in the sky-controlling realm. The strongest, the God of War, Xiao Chen, has reached the peak of the sky-controlling realm.

They are the top-ranked reincarnations in the Samsara Palace.

They have formed a reincarnation team, named the God of War, to execute the mission together. Task. Due to their long-term cooperation and tacit understanding, their task completion rate has always been 100%, which is very outstanding.

However, the rapid development of the Samsara Palace is the result of Lin Beifan's investment regardless of cost over the past three years.

At least, the cost The value points that went out reached trillions. If it weren't for the power of faith of the Guangming Cult that could be exchanged for value points to support the construction of the Reincarnation Hall, otherwise Lin Beifan would be heartbroken.

"Most of the reincarnations have grown up, and it's time for me to restore my health. I can issue some more dangerous treasure-hunting missions, and then I will capture the treasures and give them discounts in exchange for points."

This is Lin Beifan's long-awaited plan. We can't let him do it in vain, can we?"

"In addition, a reincarnation mall can be opened to allow reincarnators to exchange treasures for points. Private transactions are prohibited, all transactions can only be done through Samsara Mall, otherwise you will be severely fined! In this way, I am the biggest middleman in the world!"

Lin Beifan chuckled. Opening the Samsara Mall is the most profitable thing.

And he can only trade through him, monopolizing the market, buying low and selling high, ensuring a profit.

He can already imagine the anger of the Samsara people. face

"In addition, you can open the Zhongqian World after a while, and this is the time to make a fortune! Lin

Beifan was walking and thinking in the Hall of Reincarnation when he was spotted by the sharp-eyed genius fortune teller Lu Buyi. He immediately ran over and said with a smile:"Master Guide, long time no see!""

"haven't seen you for a long time! Are you preparing to go on a mission? Lin Beifan asked with a smile.

"certainly!"They nodded repeatedly

"I wish you success! Lin Beifan waved his hand and sent blessings

"Master Guide, we are selecting reincarnation tasks and would like to ask for your opinion!"The genius fortune teller Lu Buyi said with a smile.

The tasks in the Reincarnation Hall are divided into two types: mandatory and optional.

Most of them are mandatory tasks. Every reincarnation must be forced to accept the tasks after a period of time. There is no room for bargaining. Completely If you fail, you may die.

The other is self-selection, in which the individual reincarnator or the reincarnation team takes over the task. The difficulty of this kind of task is not that high, there are rewards for completing it, and there is no penalty for failing to complete it.

What they are performing now is exactly the same. It's an optional task

"Don't ask me, I am a guide for newcomers. I am only responsible for bringing newcomers to the Palace of Reincarnation to become reincarnations, and guiding them to perform tasks! You are all old people, you don’t need me to teach you! Lin Beifan waved his hand

"Still want it! We still can't forget the tasks we performed when we first became reincarnators. Either I encounter zombies or zombies, I just encounter ghosts and monsters, none of them are normal! We were all pink and tender newcomers at that time, how could you do this?"Big star Lu Fan said with"strange sounds and tunes"

"But it is precisely because the leader is ruthless that we can grow up quickly!"The God of War Xiao Chen said with a smile

"Yes, thank you for your guidance!"

Several other reincarnations nodded repeatedly.

In fact, there is another reason they did not say, that is, they found that Lin Beifan, the guide, was very different from the other guides. He seemed more powerful, so they fawned over him whenever they could. , it never hurts

"Well, since you asked the question sincerely, I will tell you mercifully!"Lin Beifan looked serious, and then selected one of the many tasks to give to them.

"Enter the world of kung fu, defeat the Fire Cloud Evil God, eliminate the Ax Gang, eradicate the Pig Cage Village, and become the best master in the world?"The five people looked at this task and looked at each other.

"Lord Guide, I have seen this movie. As far as I know, the upper limit of strength in this world is not high. The strongest person, later known as Ah Xing, can reach the realm of air control at most. The task is not difficult for us!"Bai Hai asked

"You will know this by then! Lin Beifan chuckled and said nothing.

Although they felt it was a waste to take on this task, they still took it and couldn't offend Lin Beifan's face.

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