"There are actually three protagonists this time?"

Lin Beifan came to a bustling street and stared at a dilapidated house in front of him.

This house was really dilapidated. The tiles on it were broken and the windows had a big hole. It felt like the wind could blow in casually and the rain could blow in. You can punch in at will.

There are three little guys living inside. They are wearing adults' old clothes and are full of patches. Their faces are gray and dirty, and they look like they haven't been washed for a long time. And they are also very thin. They look malnourished.

These three little guys are the three protagonists Lin Beifan is looking for. They are called Zhao Feiliu, Zhao Feiyun, and Zhao Feihua.

They are three brothers and sisters, two brothers and one sister. They are not very old, one is 10 years old. One is 8 years old, and the sister is even younger, only 4 years old.

At this time, the three of them are drooling around a small fire. There is a pot of porridge cooking on the small fire, but there is not much rice in the pot. It's less than a bowl in total, and it's even less when spread evenly among three little guys. And the water isn't very clean either.

"Brother, are you ready? I really want to eat it.……"My sister was already cooing while holding her shriveled belly.

"Sister, just be ready, just wait!"The eldest brother said dotingly, taking a small spoon to scoop away the dirty foam, leaving only clean water and porridge. The other brother was busy adding firewood, with sincere joy on his face:"Fortunately, this This time I met a kind person who gave us a handful of rice, otherwise we would be hungry today!"

"Uh-huh……"The younger sister nodded. Although she was thin, her eyes were big and bright, full of hope.

Lin Beifan shook his head. This was probably the worst protagonist he had ever encountered.

Even though A-chan was born a beggar, at least he still had a group of old beggars to take care of him, and he lived a smooth life.

The parents of these three protagonists died when they were very young, and it was the eldest brother who took his two younger siblings through it all. Later, the younger brother became sensible and helped take care of his younger sister, and life became easier.

Lin Beifan pushed the door open and went in.

The three little guys immediately became alert. The eldest brother stood in front of the younger brothers and sisters, holding a stick in his hand, and said in a stern voice:"You...who are you? What do you want to do?""

"right! What do you... want to do? I'm not afraid of you!"The younger brother picked up a brick and said threateningly.

The younger sister hid at the back and looked at it with some fear.

In addition to fear, there was also a trace of curiosity.

Because she felt that the person in front of her was too strange. He seemed to have a high-profile background at first sight. Extraordinary, more noble than many noble people she has seen dressed in noble clothes, and seems to be incompatible with this world.

Moreover, no matter how hard she tries, she still can't see that face clearly. Do you think it's strange?

"How about I adopt you and you work for me? Lin Beifan got straight to the point, and even conjured up a lot of delicious food, saying:"As long as you do a good job for me, these things will be yours, and there will be more in the future!""

The three protagonists looked at the dazzling array of delicious food, smelled the rich fragrance, and swallowed secretly.

However, although they were eager, they did not agree immediately.

The two younger ones looked at the eldest brother, Wait for him to make up his mind

"Sir, are you a practitioner?"Brother is well-informed, and when he saw Lin Beifan's methods, he made it clear

"That's right!"Lin Beifan nodded.

"Sir, what do you want us to do for you? To be honest, you are a superior cultivator, and we are just three little beggars. We can't help you at all, so please come back!"Brother became more cautious.

Lin Beifan smiled hoarsely. Lin Beifan didn't need them to do anything. He just wanted to find a reason to accept them.

"Of course you can't do anything now, but if you also become practitioners and have strong strength, you will naturally be able to help me! Lin Beifan said with a smile.

"Become a practitioner?"The hearts of the three little protagonists were pounding.

This is something they never dared to imagine in their dreams!

The temptation of this sentence is too great!

Becoming a cultivator means that they can get rid of their current poverty situation and no longer have to live in poverty every day. We are all suffering from cold and hunger. We don’t have to go out to beg every day and can live with dignity!

In fact, in this fantasy world, basically everyone desires to become a cultivator.

But there are always only a few cultivators, and the opportunities are very small. It's rare.

So, the eldest brother nodded to his younger brother and sister, then knelt down upright:"Greetings, sir!

The other two little guys followed suit:"Greetings, sir!""

"Get up!"Lin Beifan pulled the hand out of thin air, and the three little guys were lifted up.

Such magical power made them more determined to practice.

At this time, the stomachs of the three of them all rummaged, and the sound was particularly loud. And in front of Lin Beifan, the three little guys felt very embarrassed.

"You are hungry now. Take these things and eat them. When you are full, come with me! And these clothes, you can change into them yourself! Lin Beifan said, and after conjuring a pile of clothes, he left the small hut.

"Thank you sir!"Three voices came from behind, very loud.

After an hour, they finally had enough to eat and drink, washed up specially, put on clean clothes and came out

"Sir, we are ready!"The three little guys said in unison

"good!"Lin Beifan snapped his fingers, and took the three little guys through the clouds and mist, and came to a deep valley filled with birds singing and fragrant flowers.

The three little guys watched all this silently and felt very magical. Is this the method of cultivators? It

's really magical. , I will definitely be able to do it myself in the future!

"From today on, I will teach you how to practice and conduct strict training on you! Only when you complete the task will you have something to eat! If you fail to complete the mission, you will continue to starve and freeze! have you understood? Lin Beifan said loudly

"Got it!"The three little guys responded.

Then, Lin Beifan really started brutal training, pushing them to their physical limits every day.

If they can't hold on, they will have to starve and freeze. They will continue training tomorrow.

Although the training It was difficult, but the three little guys gritted their teeth and persisted.

Because compared to the previous hardships, life is much happier now. At least they have good food to eat, good clothes to wear, and the opportunity to become practitioners. They really don’t want to go back to the past. day.

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