It was a god and demon wearing black armor who was still in a coma.

He was caught off guard and received a sap, with a big swelling on his head. Seeing that the Zhunti Taoist (Lin Beifan) in front of him had a figure, he said tremblingly:"Fellow Taoist, why did you hit me?"

"Fellow Taoist misunderstood, it wasn't me who hit me, it was him who hit me!"Zhunti Taoist (Lin Beifan) pointed seriously at the god and demon next to him holding a blessing pestle.

The black-armored god and demon could see through it, and he saw a familiar god and demon standing holding a big black rod. Beside him, someone looked at him with a sneer on his face, and his expression was very unnatural.

It was this stick that hit him!

He had been hit once before, and he still remembers it now!

He was furious for a moment:"You bastard, why did you hit him?" I?"

"Not me...him……"The god and demon panicked and wanted to explain, but Master Zhunti (Lin Beifan) interrupted:"This fellow Taoist has converted to our Western religion, holds the blessed pestle, and has become the protector of my religion!"

The black-armored god and demon! Hearing this, he became even more angry:"You guy, you actually betrayed us and joined the Western Church! No wonder we lost so badly! You are a big traitor, a super traitor!"

This time he was really speechless, because he Betrayal indeed.

Not only did he betray himself, but he also led a group of people to betray him.

Taoist Zhunti (Lin Beifan) patted the god and demon on the shoulder and encouraged him:"Fellow Taoist, this brother is still a little confused and needs the Buddha's teachings to help him! I'll leave it to you as a poor Taoist, I'm optimistic about you!"

"Um!"The god and demon nodded with a grimace.

"Pooh! You dare to deny it, you traitor, I am ashamed to be in your company!"The golden-armored god and demon spat with great disdain.

The god and demon holding the pestle gritted his teeth and became cruel. He simply stopped doing nothing and everyone joined the West. Who is nobler than who?

So, holding the big pestle, Black Stick asked:"Now let me ask you, will you join the Western religion?"

"Bah, never!"

The big black stick struck him down without hesitation.


"I ask again, do you want to join Western Christianity?"

"You are dreaming!"

The big black stick swung down again.



Lin Beifan watched with pleasure and a smile on his face.

Just like this over and over again, the black-armored god and demon finally couldn't bear the humiliation and joined the Western Cult in humiliation.

The moment he joined the Western Cult, he gained freedom and received the blessed pestle. He inherited the will of the previous god and demon and forcibly converted the next god and demon to join the West.

In this way, the cycle repeats, and eventually all the gods and demons are transcended and become people of Western religions.

Seeing the rapidly growing team and the energetic Western believers, Taoist Zhunti (Lin Beifan) felt very pleased:"I am a poor Taoist, Zhunti, and I have met all of you fellow Taoists!"

"I’ve met fellow Taoist Zhunti!"The gods and demons said repeatedly, their voices loud and clear.

"I am very pleased to see you all eager to join me in the West. From now on we are a family!"Zhunti Taoist (Lin Beifan) had a smile on his face

"Yes, yes, we are a family from now on!"

"We are all Western-trained people!"

"We will attack wherever fellow Taoist Zhunti points us!"


The gods and demons spoke quickly, fearing that they would be punished by the sinister person in front of them if they spoke too late.

But I was scolding in my heart. If you hadn't forced us with a black stick, would we have joined the West?

"Pindao has a great ambition, that is, we are all brothers in the world, and we are all Taoist friends in all realms!"Zhunti Taoist (Lin Beifan) said leisurely and fascinated:"No matter where you go or where you can't go, there are Taoist friends who will greet you and send you there, calling you brothers for life, calling you Taoist friends, free and carefree! Now that I see you all, Pindao believes that this ambition will soon be realized!"

"Yeah yeah……"The gods and demons nodded repeatedly.

But I was cursing secretly in my heart, are we all brothers in the whole world, and are all Taoist friends in all realms?

Why don't you fly up to the sky and be side by side with the sun?

He actually wants to convert all the gods and demons in the world. This madman is definitely a fool!

It’s better not to mess with such people!

"I hope that after you return, you will continue to promote our Western religion and attract more Taoist friends to join our divine religion. Only in this way can the reputation of our divine religion be strengthened! Poor Taoist Zhunti, I would like to thank you all!"Zhunti Taoist (Lin Beifan) gave a slight salute

"No thanks, no thanks, we should do it!"

"Fellow Daoist Zhunti is so kind!"

"We will definitely help you do it!"


The gods and demons said quickly, and then left with Lin Beifan's agreement.

Run away as far as your thoughts go!

Definitely take a detour if you encounter him!

At the same time, the bad reputation of Zhunti Taoist also spread among this group of people.

Thousands of gods and demons besieged him, including many powerful third-level gods and demons. Even the top gods and demons fled when they saw him. In the end, he was defeated by him and was forcibly converted by him, becoming a member of the Western Sect.

The other party also put aside his bold words, saying that we are all brothers in the world, and we are Taoist friends in all realms, and we will transform all the gods and demons we see!

Such people are so dangerous, not only their strength is dangerous, but their thoughts are also dangerous!

The Meteor God Pavilion has also reached a decision, that is, it is absolutely forbidden to provoke this lunatic. If you encounter him, avoid it directly, lest the entire organization be converted by him, which would be funny.

As a result, Lin Beifan became leisurely and did not meet a god or demon for a long time.

"Do you think there is nothing I can do about it?"Lin Beifan smiled.

These thousands of gods and demons are almost bound to Lin Beifan. Lin Beifan can monitor their every move and even appear next to them at any time.

Which gods and demons can not have a few friends behind them ? Thousands of gods and demons means there are thousands of gods and demons behind them!

These have all become Lin Beifan's goals.

At this time, 4 gods and demons are joining forces to seize an opportunity.

Taoist Zhunti (Lin Beifan) appears Behind them, they shouted:"Fellow Taoists, this thing is destined to the West!"

Everyone looked back and was so scared that their souls flew away.

"It's about this lunatic. Why is he here?"

"Run quickly, I don’t want to join the West!"

"Everyone split up and run!"


Zhunti Taoist (Lin Beifan) shouted again:"Stop! Fellow Taoists, you are also destined to the West. Come to Pindao's bowl quickly and conspire with me on the supreme road!"

Therefore, this group of gods and demons not only had a chance If it is lost, even people will become people of Western religion.

After converting this group of people, Lin Beifan converted another group of people, working tirelessly and tirelessly to achieve his great ambition.

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