I Have Unlimited Magic Skills

Chapter 319: The son has a great promise, the shock of the old classmates

If it hadn't been for this fifth uncle's great support back then, Li Quan would not be what he is today.

This time Li Quan fought with the Hong family, Wushu was also very helpful. Not only to inform Li Quan, but in an extremely dangerous situation, he stopped in front of Hong Qigong and others, trying to intercede for the protagonist.

Although Wushu did not play any substantial role in front of the Hong family, for Li Quan, this affection was as important as a daughter.

"My baby, our family will earn 32,000 yuan for two to three years. You have just worked recently, so can you really afford it?" Li Tiezhu is now less and less able to see this son.

Obviously he is still the dog baby, but one thing he has done is courage and strategy, and the key is really strong, even he, as an old man, sighs inferiorly.

Li Tiezhu never knew that his son had practiced martial arts.

Had it not been for this fight with the Hong family, and his son showed his super strength, he would still be unaware of it.

Also, at the police station this time, many people in the Hong family said that Li Quan had hired a big man to support him.

The last three generations of my ancestors were poor peasants, not to mention big people, even a slightly wealthy person did not know.

The big man the son finds must be made on his own merits.

This made Li Tiezhu look at his son even more admirably.

"Dad, my son helped a pharmaceutical company develop a new drug a while ago and won a bonus."

Li Quan found a reasonable reason.

A new doctor who is still an intern can never make tens of thousands of dollars a year.

Those who know a little about it will know that not only do interns have no salary, but they have to pay some fees to the hospital.

In order to avoid making parents doubt whether the origin of the money is legal, Li Quan can only fabricate a reason that is close to the facts and reasonable.

"This, is this true?"

When Li Tiezhu heard that his son had received a bonus, he smiled.

"Good boy, I didn't expect you to read for a few years, and you really made a lot of money. My god, more than 30,000 yuan is a huge sum of money, and your mother and I have been in the field for several years."

Li Tiezhu was so excited that he didn't know where to put it.

"Old man, look at your talent. Our son is very capable. In the future, he might be able to buy a house directly in the city like He Qiang from the next village."

Li Quan's mother smiled so that her eyes narrowed.

In the minds of rural people, it is a great skill to buy a house in the city and become a real city dweller.

That's the real big promise.

Because only when you buy a house in the city can you take root.

Like that, when I went to work in the city, I opened my mouth and said how much money I made. When I went home for the New Year, my car was driving and my suit and shoes looked bright and beautiful.

But it's enviable at best.

Only the kind of wage earners who bought a house in the city, even if they just take a long-distance bus back to their hometown for the New Year, even if they are dressed in general, the villagers will immediately admire them when they see it.

"So-and-so baby, you really have the ability. I bought a house in the city, and now I am a city dweller. This time I will go back to my hometown to pick up your parents and spend the New Year in the city, right?"

The kind of adoration from the heart, as well as the envy that goes deep into the bones, gives those rural children who have bought houses in the city a very high status when they return to the village.

The status of those wage earners who drive a car home for the Chinese New Year is several levels higher.

No matter how good the car you drive, there is no house in the city, and you are still just a rural person.

It is undeniable that when people in the city go to the countryside, their status is indeed superior.

Almost every child who walks out of the countryside is affected by this kind of thinking, and when they arrive in the city, they will buy a house in the city as their ultimate goal.

"Guwaer, you will make money in the future. Don’t spend it randomly. Keep buying a house in the city and give your mother a long face. At that time, your mother and I can also live in the city for a few days. See you world."

Li Tiezhu warned his son with a look of hope.

"Okay, I will buy a house at that time, and you two can live as long as you want." There was a trace of pride on the corner of Li Quan's mouth, and his parents might not even know.

As a son, he now has the ability to buy a house in the city.

And it's not the kind that was bought in full.

The houses in the county seat, the four-bedroom and five-bedroom suites, cost one hundred sixty and seventy square meters, and only sold for five to six hundred thousand.

Li Quan now has the ability to buy a set in full.

But he has greater ambitions, and he doesn't like the houses in the small county.

He wants to buy a house of his own in the top international metropolis of Magic City. It is even possible to buy a grand villa that is even more magnificent than the former mansion of Sophie's.

"Hey, you really want me and your mother to go to live in the city for a long time. We are not used to it. I heard that there are many people in the city and they are more careful. I'm still more comfortable living in the country. Sometimes I go to the city to see you It’s okay to see our grandchildren, stay for a few days, broaden your horizons, and see the world."

Li Tiezhu heard that his son bought a house later and wanted to take the old couple to live in the city. He shook his head like a rattle.

"I also think your dad makes sense, it's better to live in the country."

Li Quan's mother had the same idea.

"Well, that's okay. Then I will demolish the old house in the country and build it into a villa, so your two elders can live more comfortably." Li Quan respected his parents' opinions.

The old house in the family is still the most dilapidated earth embryo house, and the houses of Li Quan's family and Uncle Yang, a five-guarantee household, are the most dilapidated in the whole village.

Those with a little money have already demolished their old houses and built brick houses.

Li Quan brought back hundreds of thousands this time.

It’s not bad to find someone to demolish the house and build a new-style villa.

Didn't Hong Tuhu's family look down on his family? Didn’t he scold him for being poor?

Li Quan is about to build a big villa to honor his parents and earn this face.

In the future, parents will be able to live more comfortably, and the villagers will no longer look down on his home.

"Dad, I'll go to the town to get some money, and first return the money my uncle lent to our family." Li Quan greeted his parents and hurried to the town to get the money.

His home is not too close to the town, nor too far away.

Five miles away, a round trip was enough for him to walk for a while.

Because the family is extremely poor, they have been tightening their belts, so they don’t even have a motorcycle. In the yard there is only a very old pedal-type tricycle.

Li Quan looked at the impoverished home, feeling sad.

The country folks face the loess and back to the sky, so they can only earn a meager income by planting a few acres of land.

In order to provide for him to study, his parents have been living frugally over the years.

Fortunately, Li Quan is now able to make a lot of money, and his parents can finally live a good life.


After more than twenty minutes, Li Quan finally arrived in town.

The countryside is not like the city, you can see ICBC and China Construction Bank branches everywhere.

There are only two branches, the Credit Union and the Postal Savings Bank.

Li Quan's card is a CCB card.

I don't know if I can get the money.

Only when he arrived in town did he discover that the credit union had changed its name.

Changed to a rural commercial bank.

This is interesting.

The times are advancing, and I didn't expect that the banks that were superior in the past will have to keep up with the times and face increasingly fierce competition.

In general, this is a good thing.

Li Quan walked into the credit union and found that several people were queuing for business.

Some withdraw money, some save money, and some receive pensions.

A tall young man standing in the front line dressed up like a little boss, dressed more decently than the person next to him.

Perceiving a line behind him, the young man looked back vigilantly.

This year, everyone's vigilance is very high, thanks to those clever thieves and swindlers with endless tricks.

It is they who have raised the people's awareness of anti-theft and fraud prevention.

"Huh, Li Quan!"

After seeing the people in line behind him, the tall young man was very surprised.

"Zhang Daniu!" Li Quan was also quite surprised to see the face of this young man.

This young man is his elementary and junior high school classmate.

From the first grade, the two are in the same class.

It was the same class until the third grade.

Li Quan grew thin when he was a child and was often bullied. Zhang Daniu is his good buddy, and he always helps Li Quan to get things done.

Zhang Daniu has been taller than children of the same age since he was young, so children of the same age are afraid of him.

Many people even joke secretly that Zhang Daniu is Li Quan's bodyguard.

Later, the two graduated from junior high school, and Li Quan was admitted to the county's No. 1 high school with excellent grades. Zhang Daniu dropped out of school because of mediocre grades and started to enter society.

When the two met, they evoked memories of childhood.

"Daniu, it has been gone for many years. Seeing you are now dressed like a boss, this is a fortune."

Li Quan said with a smile.

"Hey, making a big fortune is not counted as a small fortune. In the past few years, many people in the country went to work in the city, made money, and went home to build a house. I only finished junior high school and didn’t go to the city. Part-time workers are doing the most tiring work with the lowest wages. I think, this is not the way out.

Seeing many country folks start to build new houses, I think there are business opportunities inside.

So I worshipped several architect fathers in the city and learned from them the technology and experience of building houses.

The year before last, I had almost learned, so I ran back to my hometown to get people and started to take work.

It was difficult at first, and no one was willing to give me a job. Because they don't believe in my construction skills, they feel that my mouth is hairless and unreliable.

Later, my uncle's house was about to build a house, and I begged for the work to be done to me with a faceless expression. Not only is the price cheaper than others, I also guarantee the quality.

After the house is built, it is countless times more beautiful than the old-fashioned house built by masons in the countryside, and the key supporting facilities are much more scientific than them. No one in the country’s bedroom built a bathroom, so I repaired a bathroom for my uncle’s master bedroom.

At that time, someone scolded me for fooling around and called me not understanding.

After it was completed, hehe, my uncle praised everybody on the first day he lived in. It is so convenient to have a bathroom in the bedroom. No longer have to run to the hut behind the house to pee in the dark at night.

After that, I became a hit, and slowly more people asked me to build houses.

Now I have my own team and some equipment not available in the countryside. For example, a concrete stirrer, one can handle several strong labors..."

Zhang Daniu is still as talkative as when he was a child.

When I met, the gate was opened and I couldn't stop at all.

He told Li Quan his life experience over the past few years.

"Old classmate, how about you? At the beginning you were the best student in our class. A few years ago, I heard that you were admitted to a prestigious university in Magic City. Are you still studying or working?"

Zhang Daniu finished talking about his own experience and asked about Li Quan's current situation.

"I have graduated from university and I am currently working as a doctor in a hospital in Magic City." Li Quan couldn't help sighing, who said that less studying means nothing?

Society is the best university.

As long as you are willing to study, use your brain, and endure hardship, you can still stand out.

Zhang Daniu is the best example.

When he was in elementary school and junior high school, Zhang Daniu always counted down his exams.

Now people's career has been done in a decent way.

It is estimated that more than many college students with low eyesight and low hands will mix better.

"It's great to be a doctor. This is a tall profession. Did you know? The most respected profession in society is not being an official, but being a teacher, a doctor, a policeman, or a soldier."

Zhang Daniu did not look down on Li Quan because of the ‘simple’ clothes he was wearing.

On the contrary, the attitude is very enthusiastic.

For some friends, it is difficult to have deep friendship when meeting every day. Some friends who haven't seen each other for ten years are still the same.

Zhang Daniu belongs to the latter kind.

"Hehe, I am not as tall as you said. I am only a regular doctor. It is estimated that I won't be able to get a practicing doctor's certificate next year. I can only officially start practicing medicine."

Li Quan talked with his old classmates very frankly.

"I don't know anything about this certificate or that diploma. But I think you are really amazing. You are the most promising person in our class. You can definitely become a famous doctor or expert in the future."

Zhang Daniu is very optimistic about Li Quan.

What you say is all true, not flattery.

"By the way, I think it's almost noon now. We haven't seen each other for seven or eight years. How about having a meal together?" Zhang Tieniu invited with a smile.

"I won't be able to eat, I will have to go home soon. I will leave tomorrow."

Li Quan was a little embarrassed.

His time is really tight.

"People are iron, and rice is steel. I feel hungry if I don't eat a meal. No matter how urgent things are in your house, you have to eat. After you finish eating, I will take you home."

Zhang Tieniu acted as the master for Li Quan.

"okay then!"

Li Quan also values ​​friendship very much.

Think about it, no matter how tight time is, there will be no difference in time for a meal.

It’s good to get together with Zhang Tieniu and get in touch.

"It's my turn to do business!" Zhang Daniu directly took out several bundles of hundred yuan bills from the bag. "Repay the loan."

If Li Quan had seen so many hundred yuan bills before, he would have been particularly shocked.

Now it looks calm.

The money Zhang Daniu took out was three big bundles and one small bundle.

Visual inspection should be a little over 30,000.

After the girl at the bank counter took the money in, she swiped Zhang Daniu's card and took a look.

"The loan should be repaid 34,86 yuan this month."

"The money I gave you totaled 34 thousand and one, just a little bit." Zhang Daniu said with a smile.

The bank staff used the money detector to count again, and it was correct.

"We will charge you thirty-four thousand and one hundred yuan, and you will get a change of fourteen yuan. Your repayment date next month is the eighth."

"Okay thank you!"

After Zhang Daniu paid off the loan, the package was empty.

"Li Quan, do you withdraw money or save money? I'll wait for you." Zhang Daniu walked back.

Li Quan handed in the bank card.

"Please help me with 50,000 yuan." Li Quan said to the female staff member of the bank.

"Sir, I'm sorry, you are a China Construction Bank card. You can only withdraw money from UnionPay ATMs. In addition, the maximum cash withdrawal limit for ATMs is 20,000 per day."

The bank girl is dressed in formal attire, beautifully dressed, very cold.

When I first saw that Li Quan was ordinary, her attitude was high and cold. When she heard that Li Quan wanted to withdraw 50,000 yuan, she immediately became more polite.

In the city, taking fifty thousand yuan at a time is nothing.

In a small place like the countryside, with a one-time withdrawal of 50,000 yuan, you are already eligible to become a VIP customer of the bank.

"I'm in a hurry to spend money, can I help think of other ways?" Li Quan was a little depressed.

I knew I should transfer the money to the credit union bank card in advance.

"Sir, I'm sorry, I can't help you with this. If you need money urgently, you can withdraw money at the county's construction bank branch."

The bank girl shook her head apologetically.

Zhang Daniu, who was standing behind and waiting for Li Quan, was surprised when he heard that Li Quan wanted to withdraw 50,000 yuan in cash.

Although he didn't say anything just now, judging from Li Quan's clothes, Li Quan's salary must be particularly low.

Unexpectedly, Li Quan would take 50,000 yuan to open his mouth. It seems that this old classmate is much richer than he thought.

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