I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 16 The principal really loves me (read again)

"How is that possible?" Mr. Ollivander wiped his eyes in disbelief.

"I think it's quite suitable." Owen raised his wand and pointed it at a teacup on the table.

The exquisite transformation magic forced it to change its characteristics.

From straight to curved.

From ceramics to plants.

Smooth, comfortable, without any frustration, it is simply tailor-made for him.

"Okay, how much does this wand cost?"

"No—" Mr. Ollivander persisted.

"Oh! Well, if you don't sell it, I will have to ask my grandpa to pick it up tomorrow."

"You." Mr. Ollivander blew his beard and glared angrily, but there was nothing he could do. He was just an honest staff maker, and he couldn't afford to offend the famous dark wizard.

After a long silence, Mr. Ollivander finally compromised.

For his own personal safety, he might as well choose to buy it—whose money is not a fight? What happened to the dark wizard. Don't dark wizards use wands? Not spending money on a wand?

Well - maybe it's free of charge.

"Fifty Galleons."


Owen thought he heard wrongly.

Fifty galleons?

Damn you, open your mouth too!

"Okay." He smoothly placed the wand on the table again, "I'd better let my grandpa get it."

"伱——These are the best materials. Elderwood is the rarest wood, and there are phoenix tail feathers."

Mr. Ollivander wanted to say something else, but Owen would give him the chance.

"No matter how rare the material is, it will not be so expensive. Harry's wand only costs seven galleons. You think I don't know that. Also, the phoenix tail feathers - Mr. Ollivander knows that he got them from free money. That’s nice to say.”

You stripped off Old Deng’s bald phoenix.

"That's at least twenty galleons. This is my hard work, the culmination of decades of research."

"Shit - you just said that your father started researching this after he was injured. How old were you at that time? It took decades of research. Besides, no one else can use this wand, right? This place is just a decoration. If you dare to sell something worthless at such a high price, I will go to the Ministry of Magic to report you for defrauding consumers!"

"Oh! By the way, it seems that the headquarters of the Daily Prophet is next door." Owen suddenly looked cunning.

"Believe it or not, when I walked out of your door, I lay on the floor and couldn't get up. If anyone asked me, I would tell you that you are a dead old man who bullied children and even cast curses on me, including the Unforgivable Curse and the Imperius Curse! By then there would be no one left. Three thousand galleons and I don’t even raise my head.”

"You -" I have never seen such a shameless little wizard. Mr. Ollivander obviously has no experience in dealing with him. He stumbled and fell on the table. For a moment, he seemed to have aged ten years, with a sullen look on his face. He said, "Tell me how much you are willing to give."

"Eight! If you want eight, if you want to send it, it will be auspicious."

With that said, Owen opened a small cloth bag that was very familiar to Mr. Ollivander, took out eight gold galleons, and placed them on the table in order.

Alas - Mr. Ollivander's breathing was a little short.

This money seems to be the money he paid Dumbledore a few days ago to purchase phoenix tail feathers!


A certain staff master couldn't take a breath and fainted.

After obtaining the Sorting Hat, the first human wizard defeated by Owen's verbal abuse was born.

After taking Mr. Ollivander's first blood, Hagrid and Owen rushed back to Hogwarts without stopping.

Mainly Hagrid was worried that this evil boy would cause trouble again.

The floo network's green light flashed again.

The two of them, one large and one small, returned to Hogsmeade.

Walking on the path to the castle, Owen felt particularly refreshed.

Ha ha!

Grandpa Grindelwald!

Grandma Dumbledore!

Two of the most powerful wizards serve me alone, what a blessing!

The whole magical world is going sideways!

Beat whoever you want, scold whomever you want.

——Harry Potter? Savior?


It's just fun to watch Harry save the world, but the one who really saves the world has to be Hermione.


As Owen's pace became increasingly wild, he hummed a popular children's song from his previous life.

——The sun is shining in the sky~

I'm going to blow up the school~

If you want to pull the string, I will run~

It was discovered before the fire was started (liao)~


The school didn’t blow up~

Professors all know~

Caught, put down~

I thought I was going to die~


The principal smiled at me~

Say I did a good job~

Touch your head and give me two dates~

Just let me go back alone (liao)~ah~~~~


"Oh my God, Professor Dumbledore, you just let that kid go?" Hagrid's eyes widened and he looked in disbelief at Owen, who was jumping out of the principal's office with a new wand in his hand.

That kid is a real dark wizard!

Future Death Eaters.

Why didn't Dumbledore impose stricter discipline?

"I know what you are worried about Hagrid." Dumbledore looked deeply, holding the wand that belonged to Grindelwald in his hand (Owen gave it (bribed) to him.) "That kid is not a bad person."

"No?" Hagrid rarely lost his temper with Dumbledore. "He wants to teach Harry the Death Curse! Isn't he a bad guy?"

"They are only in the first grade and cannot cast the killing curse." The old principal said calmly, "But the kid did say the right thing."

"What are you talking about?" Hagrid asked disdainfully.

"Not having a sword in your hand is not the same thing as having a sword and not using it."


"Hi! My dear friends, look at my new wand!"

Like a proud hero returning to his loyal Hufflepuff.

Owen raised his wand the moment he passed through the barrels and reached the common room.

"Wow! It's so beautiful."

Justin, who was studying some magical plant with Hannah, sighed sincerely.

One thing to say, this wand is just based on its appearance. It can definitely be ranked at the top of the world's magic wand list.

Coupled with its vermilion color and the bohemian temperament it brings, Owen would not change it even if he was given the Elder Wand.

"What's going on? Why did you suddenly change your wand?" His face was rosy. Hannah, who had two golden braids, asked in confusion.

In the past week, she was one of the few people who had a relatively good relationship with Owen.

The reason was that Owen had pointed out an error in her History of Magic homework.

He wants to get in touch with his future Gryffindor swordmaster wife in advance and maintain a friendly relationship with the swordmaster - absolutely no half-assed relationship.

"Oh! That's it!" Scheming Boy walked in lazily and sat down on the armrest.

Put the wand in front of the two of them.

Then, he began to vividly talk about what he had just witnessed.

Including, Snape bullied Harry at school, Dumbledore's support of him, and leaving Hogwarts to buy a wand.

Speaking of excitement, he also went out of his way to spread some common sense about wands to these two ignorant little wizards.

Today is another leisurely day. I haven’t learned much. I had a lot of fun writing about fishing in the afternoon. I almost sang it (funny). Oops! There are still one hour and twenty-two minutes until get off work, let’s continue typing! ! !

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