I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 21 Mr. Sanchez, I leave the crucible to you. (Various requests)

"I didn't expect you to know so much about my story, Mr. Sanchez." A gloomy voice sounded strangely behind Owen.

He didn't even turn his head, and said "stained" in his mouth.


Triggering the debuff that if you speak ill of someone behind their back, you will be caught in person by that person.

He turned around reluctantly, and sure enough, he looked up and saw Snape's gloomy face.

"Ten points from Hufflepuff!"

"You deserve this, Mr. Sanchez."

Professor Bat's eyes are cold and empty, making you think of two dark tunnels.

No one could look at Snape with such eyes, at least not the little wizards, including Slytherin.

"Some people always like to sensationalize and gain fame for themselves." His slow, unique deep accent was not loud, but it allowed everyone in the classroom to hear what he said clearly.

"However, there is no shortcut to the beauty of this slow-simmering cauldron, emitting white smoke and bursting with fragrance. Even if he is deeply loved by a certain professor."

"Really? Mr. Sanchez."

"Ah! Me?" Owen pointed at himself.

Why! That’s not right!

Shouldn't this tone and lines refer to something exclusive to Harry?


I'm Harry's stand-in!

"I think, Professor, if you are right, then you are right!"

"Shut up!" Snape shouted angrily with a sullen face.

Obviously, he doesn't understand what nonsense literature is.

He regarded what he just said as a provocation!

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will put you in detention, Mr. Sanchez. Or fail the final exam? Repeat the grade? You can choose one."

Come, come, the ultimate magic weapon for students.

Let you fail the exam!

"Then Professor, isn't it just nonsense?" Owen said sincerely, staring at Snape with his round gray eyes.

"For example, I have a question."

"Hmph! It better be related to potions." Snape didn't stop him. After all, he was still a professor at Hogwarts. He only allowed Gryffindor to stop students from asking questions.

"Excuse me, Professor." Owen quickly picked up a blank piece of parchment and a quill from the table, and transformed into a tabloid reporter: "Why don't you like washing your hair?" (And underwear~)

"Is this related to the fact that shampoo in the wizarding world was invented by the Potter family?"

"Would you accept it if it were a Muggle product?"

"How about trying Adolf? It's miraculous in treating hair loss!"

? ? ?

Harry on the side was suddenly startled. Shampoo from the wizarding world?

Was it invented by their family?

"Mr. Sanchez, you have hearing problems at a young age. Maybe you should go to the hospital ward above and have a look." Snape said sharply.

"What I just said seems to be related to potions." His face gradually darkened, his face was dark, and his cold and stern temperament could be felt even by a blind man.

Owen shook his head, "Professor, first of all, I think instant softener is a potion product, and you are the professor of potions. How come it has nothing to do with potions?"

"Haha." Snape looked on coldly, and then made his standard speech: "Five points from Hufflepuff, and you will be detained for this lesson. Clean all the cauldrons, and you are not allowed to use wands. You are not allowed to eat until you finish. .”

Snape stood on the podium, looking down at Owen. Then he said slowly: "Also, I'm curious about where you learned about my story."

"Don't tell me Dumbledore told you."

The calm tone contained a bottomless danger signal.

Owen was sure that Snape might turn on him if his answer didn't satisfy him.

Maybe Legilimency, or—the Imperius Curse?

Anyway, he is proficient in those two magics.

However, it's really hard for Owen to answer this question.

He couldn't say that most of the details were told to him by an Azkaban acquaintance from the first episode.

Besides, that version of the acquaintance - she was weird, always giving Owen a sense of humor, and she and James had some heart-shaking little stories.

And the reason for her imprisonment was not atonement, because she really killed Peter Pettigrew.

The yandere-turned-black Sirius is no better than Owen, the evil leader.

In a sense, she is indeed a good person, fighting Voldemort throughout her life.

But not much is good.

Because after turning black, she blamed Dumbledore for all the crimes.

Became a famous anti-Deng fighter!

But this didn't bother Owen that much, after all: "That whole Hogwarts professor doesn't know your story?"

He stared at his round eyes, and the corner of his mouth raised a teasing smile in his heart.

You're almost becoming the resident villain of the Hogwarts romance column.

If those professors don’t speak out, will they remain silent in their hearts?


Hearing the sound, Snape was slightly startled, and immediately realized that as the youngest dean in the history of Slytherin,

The other professors were basically his teachers when he was a student.

His secrets were no secrets at all in the eyes of those professors.

After figuring out the whole thing.

Snape's face suddenly turned ugly, his lips moved slightly, but he said nothing. Turning his head, he walked towards the crowd like a gust of wind.

Then he spoke coldly.

Instruct the little wizards to prepare the magic materials needed for this lesson.

Prepare dried nettles, crush snake fangs, pick porcupine quills and more.

Owen only felt amused as he watched him spit out the names of those magic materials in an orderly manner.

He wants to beat me!

He must really want to beat me!


But I'm still just a child!

Beat me, won't your conscience be disturbed?


Ahem - but having said that, once you enter Snape's professional field, you can clearly feel that he is indeed very good. Even excellence.

In one class, many of the methods for handling magic materials he mentioned were slightly different from those in the textbook.

For example: The textbook was about chopping up snake fangs, but Snape had them crush them.

Don't underestimate this change.

You must know that any magic formula has been condensed by countless wizards and hundreds of trials and errors over hundreds of years. Every step and every herb is what they think is the best combination.

This is just like Muggle chemistry experiments. There must be a tragedy you don't know behind those complicated rules and regulations.

Change it even a little bit, and the consequences could be disastrous.

Frying a frying pan is a trivial matter, but I am afraid that the finished product will be exactly the same as the original one, but it will contain highly toxic substances.

This is why Hermione in sixth grade persuaded Harry to put back Snape's old potions book.

She was a ruthless person who had brewed Polyjuice Potion in the second grade.

There is only one reason for success: all steps are exactly according to the textbook (in the restricted area).

And now, Harry suddenly found an old book from nowhere, which shamelessly revised several steps in the textbook.

Does this reassure her?

What if this was the senior's prank?

What if this was a trap left by the dark wizard?

What if an unknown disaster will happen?

No one knows.

Therefore, Hermione would rather go through trouble than try operations that she considered dangerous.

Only Gryffindor's famous fool, Harry, would believe in an inexplicable book.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhinginginginginginging! Why don't you let me fish? Isn’t it just reasonable labor in exchange for remuneration if you don’t fish? How can I make money! It’s uncomfortable! It’s uncomfortable!

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