I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 28 Look, aren’t we number one now?

As the saying goes, the heroic spirit of heaven and earth remains awe-inspiring for thousands of years.

At any time, heroes are sought after.

For example:

"Wow! She-she's so handsome!"

Dots of fireworks fell on Hermione's shoulders.

In just this moment, Owen dared to say that the perfect young lady in Hogwarts already had a support group.

He himself didn't react much. Although he just felt a stern aura from Granger.

That kind of momentum only exists in top wizards like Dumbledore and Grindelwald.

But that’s only the level of my ability to achieve two goals per week. But for first-year witches like Hannah, Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil, and Padma Patil, the attraction is fatal.

Look at those little girls, with their obsessed faces, he knew that this one had been poisoned by the name of Hermione Granger.


At this moment, the war situation is about to expand further.

A ear-piercing, huge fireworks explosion exploded in the sky above the Hogwarts Great Hall.

The huge shock wave blew all the young wizards around.

Everyone stood up in confusion and looked outside the auditorium, only to see an old figure standing in front of the auditorium door.

Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore!

The old man with a white beard looked towards the auditorium with eagle-like eyes. Wherever he passed, the little wizards quickly lowered their heads.

He did not speak, but walked into the auditorium step by step. Wherever he passed, all the damaged, fallen tables, chairs, benches, dishes and wine glasses all floated up, repaired automatically, and then returned to his rightful place.

The auditorium was quiet, and the young wizards didn't even dare to make a sound.

Uneasiness gradually spread in the hall.

Silence - still silence.

In the silent silence, Dumbledore's figure became more majestic and taller.

He stared at them.

Look at those young figures.

A minute passed.

Two minutes passed.

Gradually, the crowd became anxious, and many young wizards began to whisper, trying to 'understand' why Dumbledore didn't speak.

Three minutes passed.

Finally, after the last noisy sound stopped, everyone was silent. They raised their heads and looked at the podium, looking at the principal who had never been so strange.

"Huh~" Dumbledore breathed out slowly, letting his voice burst out in silence.

"My breakfast today is a bowl of pumpkin porridge." He said calmly.

"The pumpkin was cultivated by Hagrid from Gryffindor, and its seeds were cultivated by a certain Ravenclaw wizard. The recipe was handed down by the Hufflepuff lady with whom I shared breakfast. A professor from Slytherin House."

"I thought we were a family." The old man's voice was calm and steady, and did not seem to have any lethality.

But the little wizards were facing a formidable enemy.

At this time, the deans of the four major colleges also came after hearing the news.

The first was Professor McGonagall, who walked over with a dusty look on her face, her expression extremely ugly.

Just a few hours ago, she was angry about Harry, and now this happened again

Suddenly, Teacher Meow had a headache. She should have chosen to go to Ravenclaw when she was sorted.

In this way, he is now the head of Ravenclaw.

As she said that, she turned her head and glanced at the Ravenclaw students.

Very good, all of them have scars all over their bodies, and several of them are petrified and lying alone on the ground.

"." Well, Gryffindor is actually quite good.

At least we won, right?

After witnessing Miss Granger's heroic scene, Professor McGonagall finally had some reason to feel comfortable.

Compared to Professor McGonagall, Snape's expression was extremely sad. He didn't care whether Slytherin had a conflict with Gryffindor. What he cared about was that his own house lost!

And she was easily defeated by a little witch. (Because the duels between senior students were all in the auditorium, all the professors only saw the duels between junior students outside the auditorium.)

Slytherin's face and glory have all been lost! Malfoy, in particular, looked horrified as Harry chased him through the corridors. Is this still a noble Slytherin? Is this still a wizard?

Shame on you! What a shame!

As for Professor Flitwick, the head of Ravenclaw, although his face is not very good-looking, he is much better than Snape.

However, as the head of Ravenclaw. A generation of dueling masters, and Ravenclaws are not all a bunch of nerds. Fighting should be something they are good at, but now they have not taken advantage at all, but have been injured a lot.

And he also discovered a more serious situation.

That is, Ravenclaw is more relaxed than the other two houses.

They couldn't cooperate with each other at all, which was the main reason for their failure.

And Headmaster Sprout, the last Hufflepuff, was the most relaxed among them all.

Because she never saw any Hufflepuff wizards participating in this college war.

As expected, the Hufflepuffs were all kind and friendly children who never caused trouble.

"Well done." Professor Sprout, who was wearing a thick hat and covered in mud, walked to Owen's side at the Hufflepuff table, patted him on the shoulder and praised: "Although not I know why, but I’m glad you weren’t involved in this fight.”

This short witch with flowing gray hair looked like a child who had finally grown up and looked at Owen with a sensible expression.

This made the latter a little bit embarrassed.

Justin on the side was resisting the urge to laugh, and the muscles on his face kept twitching.

Of course, he will definitely not tell Professor Sprout that the struggle in the other three houses was started by this good student in front of you.

Because he is a member of Hufflepuff. When he talks, isn't he shooting himself in the foot?

On the other side, Professor Dumbledore looked at the devastated little wizards and continued: "Slytherin and Gryffindor will be deducted sixty points. Ravenclaw will be deducted fifty points. Starting from this week, every Saturday On that day, they were all locked up in the auditorium."

"Until the end of this semester!"

"Other matters will be handled by the deans of each house. Now, disband." After saying that, Dumbledore turned around and walked off the podium, passed through the inner door, and left the auditorium.

Then, the little wizard who cleared away the dark clouds in his heart relaxed a little.

Then the little wizards from the fourth courtyard, led by the deans, also left the auditorium one by one.

The first Hogwarts House War ended with the mediation of all parties.

Judging from the results, Gryffindor won with the overall advantage of lower grades, while Ravenclaw and Slytherin were defeated.

However, this result is by no means what some people think, such as those senior students in the academy.

Many years later, some good people commented on this incident.

"This is not the end of a fight or even the beginning of a fight."

"It is just an inconspicuous annotation in a battle that has lasted for thousands of years."

I'm fishing, but there's a big brother hanging around all the time, so it's hard to code.

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