I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 39 Familiar Taste

Ever since Irving walked into the principal's office, he had been crying nonstop.

He spoke eloquently for twenty minutes.

The list of crimes against Snape is enough to satisfy the Qing Dynasty - the ten most tortured tortures in Britain have been repeated in turn, and there are still some crimes left.

With a thirsty mouth, he drank a large pot of refreshing potion, which happened to cure his cold.

Professor Dumbledore's eyes were filled with tears. He didn't know whether Owen's sad little story was too touching, or whether he was bored to death by Owen. Anyway, he looked like he was really moved.

Moved to tears.

"After talking for a long time, you must be hungry too." The professor suddenly had an idea, as if he remembered something and said: "By the way, what kind of hot pot are you talking about?"

"Oh! Professor! You must try it, I studied it specially." As he said that, he took out a piece of oil paper from his pocket, opened the oil paper and wrapped a piece of dark red oil inside.

"Come on, bring the crucible over there. Yes, it's the crucible. It's smelly enough. The aroma of mixed herbs and the smell of strange monster limbs, as well as all kinds of poisons, internal organs, and feces - 'Wow'"

As he spoke, Owen almost vomited.

"It's okay, this is the true taste of the ingredients. Come on, add water! Let's start the fire!"

Half an hour later.

"Owen, come on, pass me that peanut butter."

"Professor, you have to try this, Maodu. I heard that the Ming wizards liked these."

"Oh! Really? Then you really need to try it."

"Oh! And this, the tentacles of the big octopus in the Black Lake. I heard about Gryffindor's Animagus. It's really chewy!"

A gurgling heat filled the principal's office.

Several little elves popped up and kept delivering all kinds of food.

Professor Dumbledore drank a few more glasses of yellow beer, his face turned red, and he started to tell Owen about some of his past experiences.

The office was filled with a happy atmosphere, until a professor with his own air-conditioning suddenly entered, bringing the grandfather and grandson back to reality.

"Severus, come and have a drink!" The tipsy Professor Dumbledore waved to Professor Snape beamingly.

His appearance was completely different from that of the normal professor.

This was especially true for Snape.


Seeing Dumbledore like this, Snape was obviously a little surprised. His pupils shrank and the muscles in the corners of his face twitched, but he soon returned to normal.

Then, he saw Owen, who was huddled in the chair like a hamster.

Snape pursed his lips and wanted to speak sarcastically, but considering Owen's presence, he did not say anything in the end.


"I didn't know Mr. Sanchez was here. If I had known he was here, I wouldn't have come."

? ? ?


One sentence made Owen's scalp tingle.

Yes, that’s the flavor! A hint of arrogance.

Oh my god! She looks exactly like the long-legged, black-haired, arrogant Snake Yard lady from Zhoumu!

Owen looked down at the fake wine (pumpkin juice) he was drinking. There’s no alcohol in this either! Why are you drunk? Back to the weekly show again?

Or is Professor Snape finally seeing himself clearly and awakening the female in his heart?

But - this mouth has a weird tone that really doesn't distinguish between men and women, and Snape is like that.

"Hey, I'm just in luck." The few remaining literature (TV drama) genes in his body activated instantly, and Owen put down the trophy in his hand (it was pumpkin juice). "Why did the professor talk like that? I'm just here to reminisce about old times,"

"I didn't know you were coming, but it's preventing you from talking about something serious."

"I just don't know if others are willing to listen more."

"That's all." He jumped up from the wicker chair, "I'm tired today. I lost interest in it, so I won't go on about it. You, please take your time and talk bye-bye!"

After saying that, Owen picked up his cauldron and started to leave.

When he passed Professor Snape, the greasy, stingy professor glared at him fiercely.

Arrived at the door.

Words came from behind.

"Mr. Sanchez, that seems to be my crucible!"

"What's yours and mine." Owen glanced back, "This is an asset of the school, Professor Snape. Strictly speaking, it belongs to every Hogwarts person."

"And I'm a student at Hogwarts, so it belongs to me!"

After saying that, he turned around and disappeared behind the oak door.


Next, everything in the principal's office is Owen's guess.


Professor Snape burst into tears, feeling the huge impact on his soul caused by the unruly students.

Then Dumbledore refuted sharply, claiming that Owen was an upright child and would never do such a thing.

Afterwards, Professor Snape brought out the evidence, the hot pot base that was about to succeed but had already failed, and angrily scolded some students for teaching him how to make such a thing.

Then Professor Dumbledore blinded his eyes and refused to recognize his good boy and went astray.

Come to think of it, it will be exciting in the office.

With cheerful steps, Owen skipped back to the Hufflepuff common room.

Perhaps he was too full at noon, so he politely declined Hannah's invitation and did not go to the auditorium.

Instead, a man ran outside the castle to eat.

Owen walked farther and farther along the gravel path. Unknowingly, as if it was his body's automatic navigation, when he reacted, he found himself in front of Hagrid's hut.

"What the hell?"

From a distance, he noticed something strange in Hagrid's cabin.

It's midday, although the sun is not that bright today.

But Hagrid's hut was tightly covered. Even if the doors and windows were sealed, thick bed curtains were used to cover the windows.

I'm afraid that others won't know what bad things are going on inside.

"Could it be that they were robbed?" Owen took out his wand and walked over calmly.

"Hagrid's collection must have attracted some blind thieves. There will always be poachers in the Forbidden Forest."

"Yeah! That makes sense. The brave and honest little Hufflepuff wizard discovered the despicable thief, fought with him, and finally came home victorious." Owen continued to talk to himself: "It's a pity that the battle spread to the room. Many precious magical materials, including a blanket made of unicorn tail hair, a dozen beaver skins, three jars of Acromantula venom, and several bird and snake egg shells."

"And classmate Owen who did good things not only received extra points but also dug out a large box of gold galleons in a pit outside the castle a week later. Ha! Merlin's blessing, good people are rewarded!!! "

As Owen spoke, an unconcealable smile appeared on his lips, like a mouse falling into a rice vat.

But before that, he had to see if there was anyone inside.

With this in mind, Owen carefully moved towards the window of Hagrid's hut, and used a floating spell to slightly open the bed curtain, revealing a corner.

It’s so fun to catch fish today!

I was so excited that I cried.


Damn it, why am I still working on Sunday? (crying loudly) Wow! ! ! ! !

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