I, Hogwarts Second Week

Chapter 4 I like idiots who give money (please follow up)

"You are a threat." Hermione behind Owen said angrily.

She swore she had never been so angry before.

Even when the naughty neighbor kid wiped his nose with her treasured textbook, she was never as angry as she was today.

"When I get to Hogwarts, I will definitely tell the professors what happened on the train."

"It's up to you." Owen spread his hands indifferently, and then took out two pieces of candy from his pocket.

One piece was given to Harry and the other to Ron.

"Let's make friends!"


Harry stared blankly at the fruit candy Owen handed over.

Hey - it seems he bought it.

"Harry, Harry Potter." Harry said bravely after taking the candy.

It seemed to be sweet and bitter in his mouth. In short, he had mixed feelings at this moment.

It turns out that the wizarding world is not all good people.

There are bad boys like Dudley.

At this moment, a certain belief was implanted in Harry's heart.

"Ron Weasley."

"My name is Owen, Owen Sanchez." Owen looked at the two of them with a smile, "Eat my candy, and we will be friends from now on. If you have anything to do in school, come to Slytherin—yes."

Do you want to enter Slytherin?

Owen was slightly startled.

If it were a normal Harry Potter story.

Slytherin is never a good choice.

His second plan was to take the direction of the white-robed wizard.

"Ahem, we're all in first grade anyway, we'll see each other more often in the future." Owen, whose thoughts were drifting away, casually said haha.

Immediately, he planned to leave.

After walking past and standing in front of the compartment door, he looked at Hermione who was dressed as a doorkeeper. The corners of Owen's mouth raised slightly.

Well - don't tell me, the angry-eyed King Kong has the potential to be a door god.

He joked again: "Don't forget my family, Miss Granger, I am very poor."

"Of course, you are welcome to continue betting. I like young people who voluntarily send money." Owen's old-fashioned tone almost detonated the explosive barrel named Hermione. Her little face turned a little dark after suppressing her blush.

If she hadn't clearly known that she couldn't beat him, she might have pounced on him and bit him.

After all, that was Hermione.

The first grade dared to burn the professor's robe.

Second graders stole potion ingredients from their professor to brew polyjuice potion. (Oh! Poor Professor Snape)

Third grade violation of time-turner use.

Fourth grade glass bottle captures Rita alive.

Fifth grade organizes the paramilitary unit Dumbledore's Army.

Laugh - I really think the little witch is a kind person

Owen had no doubt that the growing Hermione would cause trouble for him in the future.

After all, in the first episode, the black Hermione was his nemesis.

It is even said that it was because of Hermione that the Dark Lord's final defeat was caused and the entire Death Eater organization was destroyed.

Because it was she who had successfully allowed Harry to escape his pursuit several times.

Even Owen himself - oh, by the way, how did he die?


Like - maybe - probably - probably - the bloody Gryffindor Juggernaut.

Neville, you idiot, used the Crushing Curse to sneak attack.

For a moment, Owen felt evil in his heart, and he was so angry that he couldn't help but speed up his steps. Just go back.

He gave all the snacks to Neville.

After all, he is also a dark boss who has stopped Death Eaters.

The principle of making few enemies and making many friends is still clear.

Regardless of whether he wants to engage in his unfinished business in the future, it is always right to improve the relationship between Harry and Nawi, and maybe he can draw them into trouble in the future.


Thinking about the scene of jointly participating in this grand event makes me feel emotional.

Outside the window, Hogwarts was driving quickly through fields filled with cattle and sheep.

The scent of pastures, forests, and sweet flowers came in through the cracks in the window. There seems to be a smell of magic in the air.

However, Neville in the same compartment was not so happy.

He was holding a lot of snacks worriedly, with his head lowered and his little faces squeezed together, looking extremely uncomfortable.

Especially when his eyes turned to Owen from time to time, fear flashed across his face like a cat seeing a mouse.

This torture lasted until the sky gradually darkened. The dark purple clouds in the distance covered the last golden glow, and the train finally ended when it slowed down slowly.

Hogsmeade Station is a dark, small and extremely crude platform.

Owen could guess with his toes that the Ministry of Magic was definitely responsible for repairing this broken place.

If it were a school, they would never wrong their students.

"First grade! First graders come over here!"

Hagrid's familiar shout reached his ears, which made Owen feel inexplicably relieved as he pushed his way out of the crowd.

Hmm. The genuine Hagrid is a man.

Not a boy mom.

After squeezing through the crowded platform, Owen easily found Hagrid's location.

Then there's the tradition of Hogwarts.

Take a boat across the Black Lake to Hogwarts Castle.

It is said that the four giants who founded the school rowed across the Black Lake - why not use magic?

Ravenclaw personally selected the location and Hogwarts was established.

Every year, new students must follow tradition and experience rowing across the Black Lake. Is this considered a historical education at Hogwarts?

Unfortunately, except for Hermione, probably no one among these new students knows the significance of the ferry.

This makes me feel lonely!

Hagrid led them stumbling along a steep and narrow path, while the senior students took the opposite broad road.

After walking for dozens of steps, the scenery at the end of the narrow path unfolded, a black lake, and a tall, towering castle on the hillside on the other side.

"No more than four people per boat!" Hagrid said loudly, pointing to a group of small boats moored on the shore.

Immediately, Harry and Ron got on the boat, and Owen, under Hermione's surveillance eyes, happily took the same boat with them.

The boat carried them through the ivy curtain that covered the cliff face to the secluded open entrance.

Hagrid, who was holding a pine oil lamp, greeted and led them along a dark tunnel that seemed to go underground to the castle, and finally arrived at a place similar to an underground dock, and then climbed up to a ground of gravel and small pebbles. .

As they climbed higher, they finally came to a dew-stained lawn.

In the distance, the gate leading to Hogwarts is in front of you.

It was a huge oak door. On the door and on the walls on both sides were carved the stories of the four founders of the school.

As we all know, the portraits in Hogwarts are all moving. Although the techniques for making murals and portraits are completely different from the magic required, the murals in front of you can indeed move, but they are not very flexible.

"Is everyone here?" Hagrid yelled.

But no one agreed to the little wizard beside him.

The little guys' pale faces were filled with coldness, and they still had the energy to deal with this gentleman who looked quite 'untouchable'.

"Okay!" Hagrid smiled awkwardly, then raised his fist and knocked on the castle door three times.

This is a traditional British rule.

The British Parliament opens and the Queen arrives at the Houses of Parliament and takes her seat. The door will close.

Members of Parliament and the Prime Minister led by the Black Staff Guards need to knock on the door three times before entering.

The Black Rod is the monarch's representative in the House of Lords.

This custom of closing the door and then knocking on the door symbolizes the existence of the House of Commons independent of the British Crown. (The power of debate does not allow for interference from the British royal family)

As for why Hogwarts has this rule, may it mean that new students need to knock on the door of the hall of knowledge?

Well - when Owen travels back to reality, he will definitely write and ask Rowling.

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